Chapter 1💙

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•WELCOMEEEEEE to the part 2 of sexy love!!!
•Y'all I'm so excited for y'all to see what's in stored.
•I don't grammar check this one either so excuse mistakes.

9 years later...

"King stop.." I said sitting on the couch watching a movie. "Come on the kids upstairs chilling they ain't gone hear." He said as he continued trying to put his hands in her pants. She had on some yoga pants. "No King." She giggled going back to watching the show. "We haven't done anything in like awhile. Come on and I need you like now." He said squeezing her boob. "Okay. We can do it later I promise.." she said smiling hard. "Don't be lying to me. I got to go get Tray today anyway." He diss getting up going to the kitchen to get some water. "Oh yeah today is his release day. I wonder if Airi knows." I said it nervously because it would be the first time she's seen him since he's been locked up.

"Yeah and I know he gone want to go see his kids as sons as he gets out. Corey prime and gilly supposed to be going with me." He said looking at his phone. "Kaiser come here." He said typing away. "Oh dang it's the twins birthday today their going to be 16 all of them is getting so big." I said looking at a picture on Instagram with all of our older kids together. "Yes sir?" Kaiser said. "You wanna ride to go get yo uncle with me?" He asked him. Whenever king went to visit Kaiser would go with them. And he began to get really close with his uncle and he was like best friends with TJ. "Nah. I have to go take my driving test today with TJ. That way we both get our license on his birthday." He said picking up a paper with his temps picture on it. "Okay then yougin." King said dapping him up. "Wait who car you using?" I asked because he always practiced in mine so I thought it would be fair if he practiced in Kings car. "I'm driving dads truck." He said on his phone.

Years ago King used to go back and forth between me and this female and she didn't tell him about his daughter. She finally did and King pulled his plugs and won custody. Only time I had of her is when she calls Kaila. "Kaila. Come on so we can take your brother to get his license and you take yo temps." I said grabbing the keys to King truck.


"Why in the hell did your kids not wash dishes last night?" I said getting kissed our kids were 16,15 and 14 years old. They were old enough to do chores so we have them chores. I got two Boys and a girl. CJ was 16 Caleb was 15 and Kira was 14. "I don't know ask them." She said going back to speaking Spanish on the phone with her mom. "I think Caleb had them. Caleb!!!" I said yelling up the stairs. "Yea!" He called back. "Nigga come see what the fuck I want!!" He always rested me and and Carmen. But CJ has his days when he think he slick. Always trying to sneak a female up in here I might let him get away with it twice but his momma be on it. "Sorry. Why's wrong?" He asked brushing his waves. "You ain't wash then damn dishes ain't even put them in the dish washer?" I asked getting irritated. "My bad I thought it was Kira day." He said gong towards the kitchen and putting the dishes in the dish washer. "Ight I'm gone." CK diss heading down the stairs grabbing his keys. "Where you going little boy?" Carmen asked CJ. "Nowhere just over auntie A house." He said trying to say it fast. "Ariel not at home if that's who you looking for?" I said looking at my phone and watching Caleb at the same time. "Omg I haven't liked her since I was like 12 can y'all let that go"he said laughing. "Yea okay. Don't get yo feelings hurt. I don't know if she like you or not." I said looking up at him waiting for a little ass hole response. "She doesn't and that's cool I been over her." with that he left.

Mature audiences only... warning


"Mhmmm fuck right  there.." I was a little loud. "Baby be quiet the kids come here you." He tried  getting out. "Fuck... bae stop closing them walls." He groaned. I laid him down so I could get in too and ride him. "Uhhh. Feel so good." I said twisting my hips in circular motions. We then came at the same time, But I made sure I got up before he did.  I got up and got into the shower with him. We got out and went downstairs to see the kids chilling on the couch. "Happy birthday day babies." I said pulling them into a hug while they were on the couch. "Nope it okay your not choking us." Ariel said. "Happy birthday y'all." Marcus said to them. Me and Marcus been dating for about three years. "Thanks Marcus." TJ said sapping him up. "Thanks" Ariel said going back to her phone. She always gave Marcus cold shoulder I guess I understand because she was always a daddies little girl and she stubborn just like him. "Here y'all go." He said handing them keys. "Babe no. I thought we ag-" I started to say but he cut me off with a kiss. "Their 16 plus they take their test today. "Thanks Marcus but I can wait till my mom wants me to have one." she said holding the keys out. "Oh baby it's fine just take the car." I said cuddled up kissing Marcus. She rolled her eyes but ignored it because she's acting moody in her birthday the usual. "You picked your birthday outfit yet?" Alyssa asked one  of the kids. "Yea we both did. I can't wait till my party." She said trying to shake TJ back and fourth . "Goneee." He said laughing at her. "Hey kids well be back me and Marcus have to check up on things and make sure everything is cool for the party." I said grabbing the keys.


"Thank god." I said looking towards the door and sat back down. " bro it's been forever would you just stop being so mean towards him." TJ said shaking his head at me. "Why? He's not my daddy. My daddy in jail. For something he didn't do. I'm not about be out here like mom playing house." I said getting mad. "Omg for the hundredth time Ariel he isn't your dad but he makes momma happy so please be cool." He begged. "Man I can respect his presents but I don't have to be nice to him. I don't want this car. I do want him buying me stuff so he could do whatever he want to momma. Don't forget who our dad is TJ." I said going back to my phone. "Marcus isn't that bad. He's here everyday he should just move in." Alyssa said turning on the tv. "If he's in I'm out. Period." I said watching TJ go open the door because someone knocked. "Wassup. Nigga." TJ said dapping CJ and Kaiser up. They came in and sat down. "Ain't shit ready to go get the license nigga." He said looking around.  "Hold up we cussing were my wife at? And that other nigga." Kaiser asked. "Oh they gone we good." TJ said pulling out weed. "If momma find out y'all smoking in the house she would kill all of us." Alyssa said heading upstairs. "Sup Ariel." CJ waved. "Hey. CJ." She said texting in her phone. "Tell me when y'all finished so we can leave." I said going upstairs.


"Damnnn ." TJ said and they started laughing. "Just stop because she keep friend zoning you." Kaiser said rolling up. "Shut up. All I said was hi." I said looking away from these two goofy balls. Of course I still liked Ariel I just didn't want admit it to myself because she slays try to call me bro or just friend zone me . "If you like my sister say something because I think she getting back with that one nigga." TJ said helping roll up. "That Mason nigga? That nigga got a sex disease." I said sitting up. "You lying" TJ said stopping and looking up. "I hope she wasn't having sexual with him Kaiser said looking at TJ. "Ariel!!!" TJ called her down. "What's wrong ?@ she asked siting next to CJ. "Are you a virgin?" TJ just got right to the point. "Ughhhh stop you sound like mommmm." She said covering her face. "Omg it just ya." Calmed down" Kaiser said all the boys were laughing. " I just feel like theirs a boundary on where we tell beach other things. I don't want him to know." She said tilting her head towards me.

"Him?" Kaiser and Tj said in unison. I smirked because I thought it was cute she was scared to say it which means maybe she do like me.
"Omg yes.." she said with her head back. "Oh you must be a virgin. That's good baby sister ain't nothing wrong with you being a virgin." TJ said handing me a blunt. "Nah I'm good bro." He shrugged his shoulders and took a pull. "Well yea I am why?" She asked looking at us. "Well Mason got a std." issd outtimg my arm around her and pulling her in liek we were cuddling. Surprisingly she didn't pull away from me like usual. "How you know about that?" She asked looking up at me. You can tell she was nervous. Because our faces were close. "What the fuck you mean? So you knew?" I asked getting pissed at her. "What he's getting treated." She said looking at TJ. "Hell nah Ariel." TJ said trying to hide the blunts.  "Boy did you just say hell." Big A said coming in growing up called her Big A. Or auntie A. All of us started laughing. "I did not. Mother." He said smiling at her. "You look high."Marcus said. I was listening but want paying attention because Ariel kept recording me. "Why don't wanna take a  video you don't want yo hoes to see you on my snap?" She whispers to me. "Nah. Your just a stalker." I said and we both were laughing. "Awww" big A said seeing us cuddle. "And bet not  be high. Look your daddy was released today and he's on his way so get ready."

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