Chapter 23💙

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I might irritate you by going back and forth with the present and a couple days before court but just be patient there a reason.


"For the case of Ariel Bills against Cynthia white in Ariel being accused of first degree murder of Carrell white the jury has decided April 30,2020 that Ariel Bills is not guilty." A white lady said that was apart of the jury. To be honest I was ready for me to be locked up. I didn't think that I had an chance. I looked back at my whole family including my grandma,grandpa,CJ,Mrs.Carmen her husband, and CJ's siblings. They all gave me a side smile. I think everyone else was preparing their selves for me to go to jail too. "Oh my gosh baby we gone get some food and be out of here."my mom said

"Please Mrs.Bills and Mrs.White lets not have another court date in here and get along and grieve well." He said looking at both of us we shook hands gave each other half smiles and went on with our day. I walked out the court room with my lawyers and family. Athena told me congratulations and that she'll call me. "So, what now?" CJ said with his hands in his pockets. "What do you mean?" I asked trying to act slow. "With us... you gone keep playing with that old nigga and again?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "Look CJ I love you and I love our son but right now I need to focus on me and get me together." I did rubbing his shoulder.

"What I do now? You know that what happened isn't what you thought it was so why keep holding back from something we both are suffering from?" He said irritated. "I have to go get Aiden and get ready for work. Can we talk later?" I asked crossing my arms. "Yeah." He gave me a kiss on my forehead and walked out the building. I watched him walk to his car. He unlocked the doors but stared at me for 6 seconds and got in and drove away.

Back to present at the hospital


Still waiting for an update on Tray. I saw my child finally come in. "Alyssa where have you've been I've been worried, sick," I said pulling her into a tight hug. I didn't care that she couldn't breathe her father is fighting for his life. "Oh, yaa mom cares for almost five minutes." She said sarcastically. "Alyssa I don't have time for the attitude your dad is in there almost dying," I said getting pissed. She sat down shaking her head like I was the one in the wrong. I saw a doctor come out of the double doors. "Tray Bills family?" He spoke searching around the room before we all hopped up and came to him. "Mrs.Bills may we speak to you please?" He and another doctor pulled me to the side. "I'm so sorry to tell you that we couldn't save Mr.Bills." The doctor kept going

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