Chapter 11💙

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•don't kill me for the time jump..

6 months later...

I was at the store looking for some real red strawberries. "Excuse me?" Some woman said smiling at me. "Hello. Can I help you?" I asked her. "Uhm no your daughter goes to school with mine. I was wondering if we could have a talk my daughter tells me she's being bullied by yours." She spas pushing her cart to the side like she was about to through hands. "Excuse me? My daughter moved high schools right after she gave birth. And sure no pregnant girl is going to bully somebody." I said ready for her to make a dumb ass move.

"Yeah okay. I have stuff on you so don't push it Mrs.Bills." She it's walking away. If we weren't in a grocery store I would tear her ass up but I was going to continue to be classy. Me and my husband don't take threats lightly. Alyssa,Tyson, and tray came walking towards me with a case of beer. "Ma can I get some snacks?" Alyssa asked. "Use your allowance money." I told her picking up fruit. "Me and Tyson are going to the car while y'all finish up." Tray said kissing my cheek and leaving. "Momma I spent my allowance on clothes and shoes."she said putting her phone back in her Steve Madden purse. "Fine baby. You know we're focused on the baby and your sister and brother and jada with helping  them prepare for college we don't check up on you and Tyson. What's been going on with school?" I asked pushing the cart into the bread aisle. "Schools good I am still maintaining my A's. But there is something new." She said fiddling around. "And That is?" I asked very curious. "Well it's this boy named jaiden I like." She responded. "Okay. Does jaiden your play a sport or anything?" I asked. "Well he plays football and basketball. Do you think that 13 is an appropriate age to
Date?" She asked lowly. "Well you do everything we tell you to do you have food grades. As long as it doesn't effect your grades I'm down with it. But you know what your dad is going to say. He's going to say your good young max that you need to step up on your chores. So I would start off letting you guys hang every now and then as friends and having your dad meet him." I was giving Alyssa the run down because jada and her were his baby girls and he doesn't want them growing up to fast. He's already lost a lot of time with Ariel.


"Valerie I just cleaned this dean car out down spill shit." I said pulling out of Wendy's. "Boy clam the hell down. It's not that damn serious. When you gone tell your sister we official?" She dissed putting a fry in her mouth. "I don't have to tell her shit. Plus she busy with the baby. That's yo best friend." I said  looking at her. "I already told her that I had feelings for you but it's your job as a good brother to let her know what's going on because you made this official not me. Not that I didn't want this because I do." She said pulling out my sandwich handing it to me.

" Baby I think your just scared of her approval. I don't care what anybody says about us being together because I'm going to be with you no matter what." I said eating. "Well that's if you can stop going pussy crazy." She spas getting on her phone. "What that mean?" I said smirking at her. "Because TJ you want to be in this relationship but you can't stop messing with other females I don't get it. You still texting other females." She spas getting loud I did nothing but laugh. "I'm serous TJ and you keep thinking this shot is a game. If I was about to get piped by another enigma you would be pissed." She said pulling out  more food. "But that shot ain't funny I'll fuck you up." I said pulling into my house drive way. "Why we going to your house thought we was going to mine?" She questioned licking her fingers.

I got out the car and went around to open her door. She got out with the food. We went to the door and I unlocked it. "Anybody home!!" I yelled as me and Valerie sat on the couch. "Just us bro." Jv soda coming downstairs holding Jada hand. We heard the baby screaming and crying. "How's it going up there ?" Valerie asked CJ. "Well she stressing and I guess the baby can tell. You know how impatient Ariel is." CJ said giving jada and juice box as she ran off. "Yeah she is. I would go help her but I don't want to get cussed out." I said turning on the tv.

Ariel 💙~

"Shhshhh." I said patting the baby back as I rocked him. "Come on baby mommy just wants to eat please.." I said continuing to rock him as he finally fell to sleep. Once he was deep asleep I laid him in the crib. I heard voices downstairs so I gathered myself and went downs stairs. "Hey.." I spas sitting on the couch. "He sleep?" CJ asked me. I feel like sometimes I don't give CJ room to be a father I'm a control freak and I can admit that. There is some weirdness between me and CJ because we are on a  break and co- parents at this moment because I am stressed and taking it out on him. No one really knows what's going on but they can tell somethings wrong. Only time Ch is here is when he's helping take care of Aiden. "So you wanna hangout tonight?" Valerie asked playing with my hair.

"I don't know I'm to tired." I said as everybody was listening. "We can hair stay here watch a live then." She. Said trying to make me feel better. "Sure. I'm just so tired I feel like in bed have time to breathe I barley have time to do homework. I just need sleep." I said feeling sorry for Myself. "Girl you need something else is what you need." She as her and TJ laughed CJ did nothing but shake his head. "I hate you. For one my parents aren't going to babysit. Where the hell else am I supposed to go?" I asked irritated. "Helloooo CJ is sitting in downtown of you." She said pointing towards him. "Exactly... if I have to take him that's cool." He said being nonchalant. I think I pushed CJ so far that he doesn't even try to win me back anymore. I'm so spoiled that I can't take that. I'm talking about getting piped by someone else And it's like he's not even effected. "Thanks. You don't want to do anything tonight?" I asked trying to send a signal. "Nah. I'm good Is the diaper bag in your room or no?" He asked standing up. "Yeah your leaving now?" I asked walking upstairs behind him. " yeah I got to make a few stops before I go home." He said packing up Aidens stuff. "Well be safe. Are you mad at me or frustrated with anything?" I asked touching his hand. "Ariel stop. Just stop. Why you keep doing this shit? You push me away telling me you want and need space I give it to you and you want attention. I'm not a damn attention nigga I'm not going to give you what you want when you want it all the dean time." He said pulling away from me. - tear dropped from my face I'm still a little emotional. "I know CJ but I'm sorry. I can't help it. I hurt I'm stressed I'm irritated. You have I just had a baby." I was about to go on until he interrupted me. "YOU HAD MY BABY. I'm stressed to this new to both of us I've been through shit too Ariel. And you know this. Your just so fucking spoiled." He does picking up the diaper bag. He carefully put Aiden in the car seat buckling him up and putting a cover over the car seat. He went down the stars with me following.

Later that night...

Me and Valerie was at this house party one of our old friends. Right now me and her aren't speaking because I was drinking and she was preventing me from doing that but I felt that I needed it. "I'm about to leave let's go." Valerie said finally speaking to me. "I'm not ready to go. I can get a Uber home or I'll have someone else drive me home we know everybody here." I said dancing on the couch we were on. "You sure? Bitch you look pretty messed up." She said rubbing my back. "I'm good go ahead." I said hugging her. She got up and left. "Is that the famous Ariel?" This guy named Jayden. Me and Jayden were two peas in a pod until CJ and Tj both told him to stay away from me. And when I found out that they did that because Jayden confessed that he liked me. "Is that Jayden" we both were loud. I got up and gave him and hug. "Heyyy  I heard somebody got a baby now?" He said as we sat down. "Yeah. I do mother by day teenager by night." I said as we both laughed. "Thats crazy that could've been my kid." He said responding. "Boy you get on my nerves." I said moving my hair out my face. "You wanna go
talk?" He asked trying to grab my hand. I didn't know how to answer it. Was Valerie right did I need to let go. I didn't say anything I just got pulling him off the couch. He ended up leading me into a bedroom. I say I'm the bed and closed the door and locked it. "You know Aril we didn't think it be that easy." He said as he got closer I was about to ask what the hell he was talking about until two
Guys came out of nowhere in the bathroom. "Stay the fuck away from me." I said standing up. "Lay the fuck down." Jayden Said throwing me back on the bed.

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