Chapter 12💙

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Me and Tray were in the bed watching tv with Aiden at the bottom of the bed in a palette sleeping. "Hey baby have you noticed Ariel acting real weird lately?" Tray asked as I changed the channel. "Yeah more quiet than usual. You think she's just trying to get over CJ?" I asked looking toward him. Tray sees CJ a lot more than other people in the house. "Nah. CJ brought it up to me. He spas ever since they had a conversation she's been acting shaky." He said texting on his phone. "I don't know. Would you like to have family meeting and ask what's going on with them or one on one?" I asked poking towards him. "Call her in here." He said turning the tv off.

I texted Ariel and 5 minutes later a knock came on our bedroom door. "Come in!!" Tray yelled. She came in walking weird looking uncomfortable. "What's going on babygirl. You've been acting weird and actually being patient with Aiden." Tray spas trying to make a joke I guess. "Nothing.." she did low and dry. "Baby are you sure? Your walking a little weird. Dozing off not really yourself." I said scooting closer to the baby patting his back because it looked like he was about to wake up.  "It's time for him to eat can I go?" She asked changing the subject. "Go ahead." Tray said. Tray was soft for the girls but was always tough Olmert Tyson and TJ. I was tough on all the kids.


I picked up Aiden he squirmed and whines but he didn't cry. I went downstairs to see my brother,Kaiser, and CJ. They all turned their heads looking at me. As I put Aiden down on his cars eat so I can make his bottle. As I did that they whispered to each other. "Hey.. Ariel can we talk?" CJ spas getting up. He calms into the kitchen and was trying to help me make the bottle. He put the bottle in the micro wave. It was 9 o'clock and I wanted Aiden to go to sleep so a warm bottle with a bit of cereal will do it. "I want you to know that I love you still and last weekend I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just frustrated because I felt like you were playing with my feelings. I wanted to be with you the feelings doesn't feel Mutual." He said. " I understand." I spoke as a tear fell down my face. "What's wrong baby?" He said grabbing my shoulder. "Baby huh? So what are we like together now? When I tried to talk to you last weekend you didn't care if you would have just flakes to me some none of that shit would have happened to me I wouldn't feel like this." I said crying.

I was now loud enough for Kaiser and TJ hears me. I picked up Aiden and grabbed his bottle running upstairs. I heard him run the stairs behind me. I tried closing the door but he blocked i and walked in.  "What happened last weekend? Valerie told me you stayed at that party." He said growing pissed. "Oh you care?" I said putting the bottle in Aidens mouth. "Of course I care the first and I hope last female I loved and hello you had Aiden. What happened at the party?" He asked grabbing Aidens little hand as he ate.   I didn't even answer. I changed the subject we talked about college work and Aiden. Also a little bit of getting back together.

When Aiden finally went to sleep CJ just chilled out and watched tv with me. "I miss you.." he said looking back at me. "I missed you too." I said giving him and peck. "Give me a real kiss." He said pulling my chin kissing me. The kids deepened. I started to have flash backs but I kept going so CJ wouldn't ask anymore questions. He then pulled my shorts off touching my thighs but I tensed up jumping off the bed. "Ariel what's wrong?" He asked sitting up looking worried. I didn't answer I was too busy trying to call my breathing down. "What happened to your thighs ?" He asked getting up to touch me. I didn't say anything.

He then circled me seeing bruises all over my lower back. "What the fuck!! Ariel. What. In the hell. Happened" he Asked looking like he was about to go off. "They- they forced my pants down.... slapped me and beat me until I listened.. after 10 minutes I got numb and passed out.. I couldn't fight it was too many." I started to explain crying. "Come here." He pulled me into a hug. "I'll kill every last one of them niggas." He said holding me. I did nothing but cry in his arms. "CJ I just can't take any of this pain anymore." I said breaking down even more. "I got you. Okay?" He whispered to me.

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