Chapter 4💙

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•sorry, y'all I was taking forever to find pictures. Whatever y'all want y'all got ❤️.



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TJ and his girlfriend who hasn't been introduced yet

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TJ and his girlfriend who hasn't been introduced yet.

TJ and his girlfriend who hasn't been introduced yet

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I was this hotel from down the street from my old house. Even though I should be laying my head down on there. I couldn't believe last night on my son and CJ getting into a fight. And Ariel not feeling comfortable enough to tell me what happens between her and this nigga. This why I'm glad I'm out because Airi needs me here. I was on my way to my house to talk to her about Ariel and what to Do with her.

At Airi house....

TJ had opened the door after I knocked. I walked in and Jada and Alyssa has the tv up loud. "You got that tv up so damn loud?" I heard Marcus tell downstairs the girls looked at each other crazy and turned it down. I sat down on the couch. "Hey, where ya momma and sister at?" I asked the girls. "Momma upstairs with Marcus." She said rolling her eyes and Alyssa giggled at her. "And Ariel is hanging out with CJ." Alyssa said  going back to the tv. "Hey dad I'll go get mom for you." TJ said going upstairs pissed. 5 minutes later I was sitting playing a game on the phone with Jada and Airi finally came down. "Wanna y'all on private tray?" She asked in answer tone. "Yea we need to talk about the kids and us..." I said reading her face and body language. I knew Airi for  forever I knew when she wanted me and right now was one of those times. She stared at my lips for a minute until I said something. "So we just gone stay here or?" I asked licking my lips. "Yes we can go to the cafe down the street. Hey girls TJ is in charge Marcus is about to leave I don't know when Ariel will be back." She said grabbing her keys. "Nah I'm driving." I said taking her keys out her hand she didn't say anything but followed me.


"So what about the kids?" She asked twiddling with her fingers. "Well for one. Did you know that Michael used to verbally abuse our daughter?" I asked getting straight to the point. "Omg no I haven't. I never knew why they broke up you know. I wish I would've known what are we going to do?" She asked looking hurt. "We? I already handled it and I just got out of jail. You've been here the entire time Airi what's going on? And what is this I hear about everybody has curfew except her?" I asked leaning forward waiting for a good answer. "Look tray I've been busy I haven't had time to set her a curfew." Airis aid typing away on her phone o could tell it was Marcus. "That's your problem. She's a ten she girl Airi sit down talk to her for a minute your busy with him. And that's why she hates him and doesn't respect him so much. She told Me and Corey last night that she's Afraid to lose you to him." I said starting nothing but the truth. "I'm sorry tray o don't have an excuse. It's just it's just.." she started to tear up. I grabbed her hand and kissed it and she let out a breathe in relief. "It's just everything turned into shot when you left. I mean I met Marcus the only man that took the responsibility of 5 kids. I put on this fake happy face because I'd thought it would make a happier home. Everyone is happy but her she's hard to please. Well except today TJ cussed out Marcus. They were really going at each other at the house. I just can't Tray." She diss crying more. "If you need me you can tell me that. Airionna you know I need you and my kids. Just get the night out that house and daddies back home." I said she leaned in and we kissed....

Ariel 💙~


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Hanging with this goofy dude❤️🥴

kInG_CJ: @Under.da.sea_Ariel, goofy? And I love you too future bae❤️

Violet-Blue-RedQueen @Under.da.sea_Ariel and @kInG_CJ future bae??? Cute pic thoooo❤️!!

34 other comments.

"Omg Violet gets on my nerves." I said looking at the comment right now I was at CJ house with him and his parents were watching a movie upstairs while we were downstairs. He didn't nothing but smirk and laugh at me. That cute ass smirk he does. "CJ signs thanks for being to talk to me. A lots has been going on. I'm sorry for the whole Michael thing again." I said freaking out all over again. "Shh calmed down don't have a pity party and plus I'm not trippin. You dial to realize how I feel for you. I ain't never did nothing like that for a female ever. You really make me feel so kind of way. I'm happy I can be myself and not so stubborn around you. And I can be goofy. Your special. Beautiful,smart, feisty, and Ambitious. I don't wanna see you do nothing but win baby I've been telling myself over and over again not to ever let this or ever say this to anybody but my mom but I love you. So... In that case." He said scooting  closer. I didn't say anything because I was speechless. He came in with a kiss.  Michael would always be aggressive and force it. But CJ was gentle and passionate. He was also a Gentlemen. "Wait CJ.." I said pushing  him back gently. "What's wrong?" He asked holding my hand. "I just I need to make sure this is genuine." I said starting to tear up. "Ariel I've known you since diapers I couldn't hurt you even is I wanted to. I would kill a nigga if they tried hurting you." He said caressing my face. "Do you really CJ?" Of course I do."he said sounding like he was a little offended. We kissed passionately. Until I pushed him back on the chair. I then unbuckled his pants. But he stopped me. "Ariel no." He said stopping me. "I can't let you do this Ariel this isn't how your about to lose your virginity. I want to do some special." CJ said holding me by my waist.  "CJ I don't want special I want you." I said looking in his eyes. "Well you can wait... you didn't even say you loved me back Ariel." He said sitting up. "Well you know I do. And you know I have a hard time saying that word. But I Lo- LLLO-Love you. I love you Corey Vern Pritchett. "I love you too Ariel Moonie Bills.

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