Chapter 20💙

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I couldn't believe what I had done. I just looked down at her helpless dead cold body. I was wondering why I was capable of really doing this. Am I even safe enough to be around my son? Let me start from the beginning. It started at the doctor's office.

"I'm sorry to tell you Mrs.Bills but you've had a miscarriage.... can I get you anything?" She said rubbing my hand comforting me. "No it's fine I have to leave," I said getting off the hospital beef and wiping the lone tear I had. I quickly ran out of the hospital. I started to think I can't let my little sibling or Aiden see me like this. So I decided to get a hotel for a couple of hours. "We have to top floor penthouse?" The lady said trying to sell me. "No I'll just take the room I ordered thank you though," I said taking my card back from her.

"Okay well enjoy your stay." The lady at the front desk. I got onto the elevator to floor 13. I saw the girl CJ was with and looks like her sister she was with. "AYE bitch." I didn't want to say Bitch too loud and everybody come hoping out there rooms. "Excuse me you talking to my sister?" The girl standing next to her said. "This is between her and I. Can you come in and talk?" I spoke to the girl that's broke my home. "Yes of course.." She said nervously. "I'm coming with though." Her sister said as if she was her bodyguard or something. We all came onto the suite. I slowly but surely grab the knife from the kitchen. I turned around fast she and her sister gasped backed away from me. "Tell me what happened at my house?" I said breathing heavy. "Look Ariel don't do anything you regret." She said putting her hands up in defense. Her sister then runs towards me and I stab her right near her heart. "OH MY GOD," I said as she dropped to the floor. Her sister then runs out of the suite. I just look down at her body. Now afraid of myself and what I could do.


"Aye tray man your brother back in town," Prime called me awhile ago when I dropped Jada off to her 'girlfriends' house. "Shit man I can't be around him. If he knows I'm alive he's going to bother me and get obsessed all over again. Alright man, I got a plan but you got to help me out." I told him. My soul was truly frustrated. When my mom was 17 she got pregnant with a son. Before me. He was born with hatred though. So, when he turned 11 he decided to go live our uncle and never claim our family. Of course, it was hard for my mom because that was her child but eventually, he didn't exist in our household. But, throughout the teenage years, he would come back and try to live my life. He was a stalker level. Right now I was headed to my car and I had to be sneaky because Airi has dog ears. But, the kids they pay us no attention so I just walked out not saying anything. I was speeding down the road on my way to primes house. I knew exactly what I had to do.

2 hours later


I got ou the shower finally. I was in thee thinking long about my life and also shaving. I had the towel wrapped around me and went into my drawers to find me some clothes to put on. I picked out a PINK sweatsuit out. I was wondering when Ariel was going to come back to get Aiden. Tray and I were supposed to be gone but, he said that we haven't been spending to much time with the kids. Once I put my clothes on. And my iPhone rang. "Hello?" I said softly and sweetly. "Hello, Airi it's prime.." He said sniffling. "What's wrong?" I said worrying about my niece and Kianna. "I'm calling off the hospital phone. Look... Tray got into this accident and his body is is is is burnt." He sai dright before breaking down. "Wait what.."

What yall think?

This story is getting crazy huh...

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