Chapter 19💙

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•Word of advice: Don't ever show out or get out of character on social media or any app because it could affect you in the future with a job interview or anything. And enjoy loves and I'm sorry I did not proofread. 😘


I was pulling up at high park with Aiden in the back seat. "Okay baby you know the rules only play on the set where I can see you and keep my eyes on you," I said as I turned the car off. "Okay, mom." He said getting out. I hurriedly got out of the car. "AIDEN slow down," I yelled until I seen who he ran to. "Mom look it's Jacob." He said pointing at Jacob he was holding him. "Hey, little man how about you go play while me and your mom talk," Jacob said putting Aiden down. Aiden then nods his head and runs to the playground. "How are you?" Jacob said I can't sit here lie and say that Jacob doesn't look good. I mean come on. "I'm fine I guess," I said sitting on the bench table. "How's the temper now?" He asked trying to make a joke. I giggle looking at him like he's crazy. "Oh, you got jokes. How's everybody's pipe?" I said returning a joke. "Okay okay, I never got to genuinely get to apologize for how I treated you. You know?" He said looking at me. "Yeah, I do know..." I said with a side smile. "I'm so sorry. I should've treated you like the black queen you are. I have my shit together now I've matured and now, another nigga has something I love and can't get over." He said seriously. You know I always never believe Jacob but this time was different and I did. "I forgive you. I'm all happy now." I said smiling at him. "That's great how's school?" He said changing the subject. "School is going great almost finished," I said taking a deep breath. "Wel Aiden's starting school soon that's exciting... Man, he's really going up on me. I can get him some stuff for school" He said pulling his phone out I guess to check the time because he put it back. "OH, no Jacob I got it. He has everything" I said getting up off the bench because I needed to get home to make dinner. "No, I can't not do anything for my little dude." He said as Aiden ran over to him and he rubbed his head.

"Thanks but no, thanks I don't think My boyfriend would be very in like about that," I said giving him that look. He then smirks and gives me a respectable hug. "BYE Jacob," Aiden said giving him and hug. I reached out for Aiden's hand and he grabbed it. I then help him into the car. I drive to the house it took abi=out 15minutes to get there. I unlock the door and Aiden and I Seen This girl sitting on top of CJ. "Daddy we saw Jacob," Aiden said happily and then his smile faded. "Baby it isn't what it looks like." He then pushes the girl off his lap and she fishes for her shoes. "Aiden go upstairs pack your stuff," I said with a tear falling. I then charge to the girl. "What the fuck are you in here doing with this bitch!!" I couldn't e get to her all I got to do was push the hell out of her head. "Ariel just listen please." He said pinning me down on the couch. The girl quickly runs out of the house with her shoes. "I can't believe you. WHY WHY? You know what fuck you and your excuse I'm done." I finally get out of his hold he then tries to grab on me but I swing on him and he puts his hands up in defense. "Ariel our son. Please our child." He said chasing me out the door. I had Aiden his clothes and mine all in my hand. I threw our stuff in the back seat and buckled Aiden up. I was about to get in the car but he shut the door. "Why you got to be fucking difficult. Nothing happened let me explain."He said caressing my face. "FINE but yall were chilling. You let her think she could." I said pushing him and getting in the car. I was driving away. "Mommy I want Daddy." He always called us that when he thought he was in trouble. "Baby you can't have daddy right now he did something bad," I said wiping a tear.

I then feel something warm drip in the underwear. I opened my legs a bit and I was bleeding. "I'm taking you to Papa and Mamaw's house," I said. Once we got there I knocked on the door hard. Tyson opened the door. "Wassup sis?' He said opening the door. "Mom and Dad here?" I asked looking around in the house I saw a bunch of females. "Nah. they ain't gone be back until late tomorrow. Why?" He said trying to block my view. "Can you watch Aidem for a few hours please its an emergency I'll pay you," I asked basically begging. "Anything for nephew." He said putting his hand on Aiden's head. "What are all those females doing in here?" I asked raising a brow. " They about to leave chill." He said putting his hand up at me. "Wheres Jada and Alyssa before I leave?" I said turning back around after walking halfway back to the car. "Jada is upstairs with some girl and Alyssa barely homes she over Jaceon dad's house." He said looking at me crazy. "His dad's house. I don't think mom and dad would be cool with her over his dad's house. Nevermind I'm going to the hospital I'll be back and go and get her." I said he then closed the door and I drive off.

• This was very short but this story won't have ALOT of chapters left because people and I have notice that Airi and Trays relationship has been doing fine. Not saying I'm done with them but they will be brought back a little bit within the third book I want to make. But I just wanna anted to let y'all know I'm planning on making a third book to this story.

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