Chapter 15💙

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•If you guys are lost on ages. Ariel 20 about to be 21 , TJ also 20 About to be 21, Valerie 20, CJ 21, Kaiser about to be 20, Violet 19, Alyssa 16, Tyson 17, Jada 14. Airi 31 And Tray 32.
•Also Violet is Kaiser sister. (Nique and king kids)
•Caleb and Cara (Carmen and Corey other kids I changed their daughters name).

We were all sitting at the table eating. Well all the women were. The guys were sitting outside eating talking. It was me, my sisters, Mrs.Nique, Mrs.Carmen, mom, Valerie, little Ariel, and violet. Violet lives in Indiana but she visited just for today to visit family. "So, were going to go talk to the girls I'm the living room." Ariel said looking at moms face. "That's fine go ahead while I clean this up and get ready for desert." She said getting form the brake and violet helped her get the tables cleaned off. We all moved into the living room. "Soooo Jada. Anybody boys at school?" Valerie asked me. "Uhmm. Nope not really." I said feeling uncomfortable. Awhile since I was younger I always looked at girls more than boys. I've never really been into boys but was I going to tell my family that? Nope. I was scared of how everyone was going to react. I didn't want anybody to feel ashamed of me so I tried pretending to be straight for them. I wanted to come out the closet my way not because I felt like I have to. "Girl please Jada ain't looking at no boy. I know my sister." Ariel said looking at me basically reading my face. "What does that mean?" Violet asked looking back and forth at Me and Ariel.

"Are you guys slow? Do you want to tell them?" She asked me. I seen Valerie look back at my mom, Carmen, and nique to see if they were listening first. "Uhmmm I don't know what your talking about." I said looking at Alyssa. One day Alyssa kind of walked in on me watching to girls being sexual. I was so embarrassed. But she understood and promised to keep my secret. "Well we love you and you know you can tell us anything you want to tell us." Valerie said rubbing my hand and soon Little Ariel did the same and I smiled at her.

"Tell y'all what?" Tj said as they came in with all the boys. CJ and Tyson were laughing at something on his phone.

The boys were sitting down with us trying to get the tea on what we were talking about. I heard a knock at the door. And I looked around to see if anybody noticed and so I got up. "Hey thanks for getting that." TJ said as he put his arm around Valerie and little Ariel. "Hey" I said to Jaceon as I opened the door. "What's up. Am I late?" He asked me. He looked so cute. True religion jeans. A Nike air Jordan shirt with the shoes to match a nice watch and he had on this Cologne. It smelled so good I tried to keep myself together. "Who is it?" Kaiser also coming around the corner. "Oh what's up little nigga?" Kaiser said dapping Jaceon up and I let him in. "Actually everybody came early. Your right one time. We're about eat desert and everybody is staying the night." I said rolling my eyes. He gave me a hug and I seen Kaiser smirk from the corner of my eyes. "Aight aight let him come on in Alyssa." He said outing his and around Jaceon as the walked away talking.

"Hey everybody." Jayceon smiled and waved to everyone. "Oh hey your here handsome I was just about to ask her where our son was" my mo said coming out the kitchen to hug him. I just sat down on the couch. I could've sworn Jaceon was my company but I guess not. "Who's this?" CJ,TJ, and  Valerie asked. "Don't be rude Alyssa introduce him." Ariel said patting my back gently. "Uhm Jaceon this is my brother TJ and this is CJ. And this is my brother's girlfriend Valerie." I said introducing him. "Hi. You are a cutie." Valerie said shaking his hand. "Wassup man. Kaiser told me about you." tJ soad after him and CJ dapped him up. "We gone go our side with Jaceon." Kaiser said as him,CJ and Tj walked by the slide doors. "Omg no Coem save this boy Alyssa." Carmen said  sharing her head. "Why don't you show Jaceon the out back the new pool and the guest room are you staying?" My mom said taking a sip of his beer.

"Uhmm only if you would like me too I can drive back and get some clothes." Jaceon responding to my mom. "You know we don't kids having your ohs s long as Ariels cool with it?" My mom and dad smellier looking at me. They made it so always and I guess my dad knows I like him now. Like I can't believe I say anything to anybody. "Uhmm sure I guess." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Aww my sister so awkward." Ariel said  hugging me. "Hell yea she is. She need to be" Tyson said laughing. "Aye watch ya mouth." My dad told him if mom wasn't around he wouldn't have done that.

"I see what you did earlier." I said as me and airi headed upstairs. After we made sure everybody had a place to sleep for right now all teenagers and young adults were chilling watching movies. Jada friend just came and got her so she can spend the night over there. "What you mean?" She asked helping me pull the covers back. "The whole jayceon I don't mind as long as Alyssa okay with it." I said mocking her. "Ohh nooo. You didn't mind so nobody was trippin." She said getting in bed rolling her eyes at me. I got in with her cuddling next to her. "Nope I sure don't ." I said smiling turning the tv. "The only reason why you don't care because you think he don't like her back." She said basically snapping on me. "What's wrong with that? I don't want Alyssa to worry about boys. I'm trying to start over with our two girls we have left because one got pregnant in high school." I said not bothering to look at her face.

"I just feel like we never get to have that one on one with her so the least we can do is give her freedom. And you can't compare them to Ariel that's a different situation. Very different. Even tho there siblings they experienced two different things in there childhood. So of course Ariel was going to think since she had that little bit of freedom we gave her that she was grown." I tried not to go there with airi and start an argument but every time I trod not to she would start it. "Okay I get it. If I was here maybe Ariel wouldn't have gotten pregnant. But I came as soon as I can and it was like I was too late" I said shaking my head. "And I wish you just stop comparing them. Tired of you wishing Aiden away." She said Turning her back on me and going to sleep. I just did the same I didn't feel like kissing Airis ass right now.

"So my mom made strawberry short cake cups." Ally Said coming and sitting down on her bed. Ally's mom was cool with her being gay and Ally only had a brother sometimes I wished I had her life. But I didn't tell my parents that Ally is realistically my girlfriend. I haven't even told them I'm gay so it's hard. "Thanks. You wanna watch a movie?" I asked turning her tv on. "Yes the new season of in my block came on and I- wait what's wrong?" She said looking at me worriedly. "Nothing it's just tonight I almost had to tell everybody about me." I said eating.  "Why do you say it like it's a disease?" She asked pausing the tv. "It's not but I can't tell them it's too much and then telling them about you." I responded shaking my head. "

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