Chapter 9💙

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•Hey guys, I'm so tired it should be illegal.😂


I'm now in my 4 bell Chemistry/Anatomy. And if people didn't know I was pregnant before they know now. I always get little slick comments. Like(that's weird or she need help). I bas get bullied every other day for being pregnant and it's not like I can fight. Everybody would kill me if I get into a fight. "Mr.Tailor? May I please use t he restroom?" I asked going up to his desk. "Yes you can. Here's a pass." He said handing me a little sheet of paper.

I went down the hall and was typing on my phone as I walked. "So was it big?" A black girl with cute and big curls asked me. "What?" I asked smiling at her. "You kno CJ. His penis. Is it big. Congratulations somebody finally trapped him before I did. You know everybody know you a hoe right?" She asked crossing her arms smirking. "Who the fuck are you talking to like that? I didn't trap him he's my boyfriend. And two I'm not a damn hoe y'all opening y'all legs to any and everybody." I said getting in her face. "First off back yo fat ass up. You not a hoe but you was gone give it up for Michael. Stupid I'm fucking dumb and I wouldn't even take Michael back." She said rolling her eyes and walking off.

I ran into the Bathroom crying. I wiped my tears because I heard someone coming in. "Oop. Is it the hormones?... you know your making us black girls look bad at this school right ?" She asked doing her make up. "How the fuck am I doing that?" I asked still sobbing. "First off wipes ya face your to "pretty" to cry. And by you being pregnant. Showing these white that their right about our race." She said rolling her neck. "What? There were like 5 white pregnant freshman last year and this year." I skas getting even more pissed. "Yeah but ARIELLL their white girls they get that pass to the white people in the school it's not hi bf more beautiful than birth with us we ain't nothing but hoes. And actually being pregnant by CJ you got to be crazy. Yeah he's sweet but tying him down every girl in school is going to hate you." She said putting on lipstick. "Thanks for the latest news.


"Hey mom. No I'm on my way to go get Ariel." I said on the phone with my mom. "Oh that's cool where the other kids?" She asked being nosey. "Tray has Jada. Alyssa and Tyson went over they friend house. TJ I have no idea I should probably call him. Thinking he grown and shit." I said getting pissed because he been out late all might lately like damn grown and tray  gone say he fine the fuck he not. "Okay baby see where he at and call me back." She said hanging up.

"Tray Bills jr." I said into the phone I heard him and some his friends laughing int he back ground. "Yes ma'am." He said while giggling. "Where hell you at? You been acting real grown lately." I said fucking with him. "Momma. No I haven't. I been telling you and pops where I be." He said I can tell he was high. "Why don't want stay home and chill with you mommy?" I asked laughing. "Omg bye ma." He said and his friends were laughing. "Who you with?" I asked being nosey. "I'm with Violet, CJ, and Kaiser." He said sounding annoyed. "Oh okay. Wait why you and CJ not bring Ariel home." I said as Ariel got in the car not saying anything. "She told me that she didn't want me to take her home." CJ said sounding confused. "Is that true baby? What's wrong? Hey boys I'll call you back." I said hanging up.

"Tell momma what's wrong." I said turning the radio down. "Are do you think that I'm a hoe for getting pregnant at 16?" She asked with red eyes. "Ariel no. The mistake was probably having unprotected sex but the baby isn't. Your not a hoe. CJ was the first boy you ever gave it up to. Somebody say something?" I asked. "No. They didn't." She said looking out the window.

CJ 💙~

"Take me to yo house really quick. My car there and I need to talk to yo sister." I told TJ. "You know I don't like being in you and my sister business. But she been acting real weird lately." He said looking me and the red light. "Yeah I noticed but you know if I ask them hormones make her go crazy. I just want to see her bride I got to go to work." I said pulling out my phone texting her.


Me: Ariel I'm coming over for a little. What's wrong with you?

Baby❤️: I just can't take another opinion from anybody else. Everybody is judging me about being pregnant except you. You have it easier I don't even know if I want the baby anymore.

Me: baby I'm sorry it's been so hard for you we can talk. And don't say nothing like that of course we keeping the baby. And I love you okay?

Baby❤️: I love you too. I just can't stop this pain and crying, I don't wanna be here anymore...

Me: were pulling up Ariel stay where you at.

I hurriedly got out the car. "What's wrong?" TJ asked running because he seen me run. "Your sister I think people being decking messing with her at the school bro." I explained as he opened up the door. "Hey, Big A and Bills where is Ariel?" I asked and they can tell I was worried. "Upstairs why..." tray asked trying to me. I don't answer I just ran upstairs in her room. Her parents and TJ ran behind me. "Hold I'm she's sitting in the tub with the shower running." I said about to pass out. "I got her.." Big A said she grabbed her towel and robe and got Ariel out the tub as we turned out backs. Once she had her in bed under the covers we were all just looking at her. "Stop... don't look at me like that. Y'all the ones freaking out." She said rolling her eyes. "Really Ariel??" I said getting pissed. "CJ man she pregnant." TJ said. "Nah let him that's his child." Tray said. "What you fucking Expect ?? You talking about not wanting to be here as in fucking dying. Your pregnant you can't be letting these kids stress you out. I understand it's not hard. But I need you to get it together for all of us.." I said yelling at her. She was looking at me with those I'm sorry eyes. What she does when I'm mad at her. "CJ is right baby. Your going to have to talk to us holding that in is going to stress you out." Airi said as he and tray left the room. TJ sat on the bed holding her hand.

•Next chapter OGs hanging out stay tuned I love yalll.

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