Chapter 21💙

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So I can't wait for y'all to see what I'm doing with this book. But, just to let you know this chapter maybe a little boring but work with me.

Ariel 💙

"Hello. Would you rather be called Mrs.Bills or Ariel today as I address you with questions?" The lawyer for Cynthia asked. Cynthia was the girl who was all up in CJ. The girl who's sister I killed. "You can call me either one. I'm not ashamed of my name." I said with my eyes focused on the lawyer and my family and CJ sitting in the crowd. I then give the jury a look. "Well Mrs.Bills that day you went into the hotel where was your mind set?" He asked with a elbow on the stand where I was sitting. "It was in a really full place I was very sad from finding out I had an miscarriage." I said wiping the one tear that fell. CJ has his eyes stretched in shock.

"Would that be before or after you found out about your boyfriends affair with my client?" He asked motioning towards The Cynthia girl. "After I answered softly. "Hum. So when you say dull do you mean dark place?" He asked trying to flip my words. "No in a depressing mood." I said trying to fix what he had ruined. "You know when Depressed people do lots of thing like... murder." He said with one eye brow up. "Objection!!!" My lawyer Athena said. "I agree." The judge said writing something down and giving the lawyer that you know better look. "I apologize Mrs.Bills. In the moment of calling upon Cynthia were you angry,mad and wondering why her? We're you ready to fight Cynthia?" He asked looking at my stern. "Y-yes I was mad but, murder wasn't even close to what was going on." I said sitting up hitting the stand. "Don't you have a fighting background? Didn't you drive into your ex's house with your car? And didn't you have to take therapy bet you're family thought you had anger management?" He bombarded me with questions and my mom whispered to my dad me knowing she was mad. "Yes some of that may be true" I soad sitting back shaking my head. "No further questions your honor." He said smirking sitting down. Mrs Athena my lawyer got up. "Okay Ariel. Let's revaluate your feelings. And revaluate the time line. So, where did you just come from before going into the hotel?"Athena said looking at my with remorse. "The hospital." I said sadly.

"The hospital when you found out you had an miscarriage?" She asked. "Yes ma'am" I said softly. "Okay so now let's talk about feeling everyone." She said turning to the jury. "Are you feeling like how you feel now? Sad? Right now it's hard to think about because your so hurt and sad about losing a child." She asked me. "Yes" I said with many tears falling. She handed me tissues. "Let me ask the jury something. Let's say you found out about your boyfriend you've dated and had a child for cheated. Of course every man and women in here says yeah I would be mad. But, now your health is in effect. Your now heard about it news of you having a miscarriage. My client goes into a hotel wanting to rest caring about her health. Am I right Ariel?" She asked looking back at me. "Yes, I didn't want to hurt my body even more and then I did t want my son to se his brother hurt and sad." I responded.

"Okay she sees Mrs.Cynthia of course mad. But, Mrs.Cynthia has an over protective older sister. But she seems very hostile. So, once entering the hotel room my client she found out she pregnant so she can't fight or do anything dangerous. Therefore she grabbed something close to protect herself. It says in both Mrs.Cynthia and Ariels statements that Her sister Carell runs quickly and angrily towards Ariel." Athena says. "OBJECTION" her lawyer said loudly. "Over drawn. The statements do both say Quickly and angering." The judge says. "Well your honor I would like to ask Mrs.Cynthia to come up to the stand." Athena said. "Okay proceed." He says not looking up form the papers it was hard to read his mind. I got up sat down and then Cynthia then comes up.

"Mrs.Cynthia. I'm a good lawyer, a good person. I like to play by the rules be fair. I'm going to let the jury and the judge see your point of the story okay?" Athena said I looked at her. Isn't she supposed to help my case out? "Okay." She nodded. "Let's start from the beginning. How do you know CJ?" She said getting close to the stand. "Well I met CJ a couple days prior. We both woke at his dads club." She said looking at him then stopped when she saw that I knew. "How did you end up at his house couple days later?" Athena asked. "Well I asked one of the other girls where he lived and they gave an address. I went to his house. He told me to come in being nice like usual. Not flirty just nice." She said playing with her fingers. "So, how did you end up on top of CJ?" Athena asked. "Well... he told me about his girl friend. And he was asking me on advice because he was panino something for her. At this point t we were sitting in the couch and he was showing me the things. I just seen how nice and caring he was for her... and their child." She said looking down. "But,once I tried to kiss him he got angry. I then get in top of him Struggling to just when CJ was about to push me on the floor Ariel came in. I had tried to find my shoes. That's when I found out Ariel was Ariel." She said looking back up.

"What do you mean?"Athena asked. I quickly looked back at CJ and back because I knew he probably had that I told you face. "Well I've seen Ariel at that hotel before. But she was with some female. We had al spoken on the elevator when she complimented my purse. B it until then I didn't ever see her again. So, when I remembered that I went to the hotel. My sister was with me because she drives me everywhere she didn't know why we were there. I was just going to wait there until I saw her. When I was about to go into my room I heard someone yelled Aye bitch. I liked some the hall I seen her. My sister Bering my sister she spoke before I could. I was talking myself into just saying something and apologize. My sister was whispering to me saying I need to quit acting like a scary cat and just put myself out there but honestly she was the fighter not me. I didn't know anything about starting not finishing a fight. We went in I guess my sister had seen the knife that Ariel had beside her. She looked scared just like me. Next thing I knew my sister went crazy and... and I got scared and ran out when I seen that she was hurt." She said looking at the jury. "So you left your sister there?"Athena asked. "Yes. I'm sorry." She says with a tear falling. "No further questions." Athena said. Cynthia lawyer was shaking his head. "That's it for today. To see if Ariel Bills is guilty or not for first degree murder will be four days from now which mean I'll see you all in the Friday. Which means by then the jury should gave the decision ready to go." He said getting up from the podium.

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