Chapter 22💙

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You guys weren't feeling her being super peach thing and I wasn't feeling it either it was just a real quick decision but this is what Alyssa looks like.

Couples days before court

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Couples days before court.....


I was sitting in the waiting room. I was waiting for a doctor to come out with an update on tray. I know they said he dudes at the scene but of course told them to still bring him in just in case. I was also there waiting for all my kids to show up. I seen TJ come in with his girl friend Valerie Ariel ex bestie. Only reason she's her ex bestie is because they haven't spoken in years. I saw them with a baby car seat in TJ's hand. I didn't know who child that was. "Are you okay mom?"Tj said hugging me and putting the car seat down. I shake my head yes. And then Valerie then gives me a hug. "I'm sorry Mrs.Bills I can't stop crying Mr.Bills was always like a second dad to me." She said wiping another tear away. "Oh baby. It's okay. You need to start coming back around seems like my sons been Hiding you and this beautiful baby. It was a little boy. "Well you know how your son is." She said sitting down and pulling the baby out along with a bottle to Feed him. "I bet he didn't tell you we had twins our little girl is at my moms house." She said while feeding him. "You know what son we'll talk about it at home." I said as I turned to see jada and Tyson return. Tyson took jada to get food to calm her down she seem a bit more content than before. We had finally bought him a car. "Sup big bro" Tyson said dapping Tj up and they both sat and talked. "Man you've been gone a lot lately." Tyson said all down. "Mannnn just handling business. I heard you don't be home either for real?" Tj said looking at him with one eyebrow raised. It was true.

Until now I didn't realize how we don't really pay the boys any of attention we barely check on the boys unless they come to us. But, their like their dad. They will find something to do and be gone all day. "Well at least everyone can meet Terrance and Tiara is at Valerie moms." Tyson said taking Terrance from Valerie. "He so adorable." Jada said. I then tune them out when I was wondering where Ariel and Aiden was but remembered she said that she couldn't make it and was praying for her dad. And then I looked again where the hell is Alyssa? Where is she at? She didn't text me or cal me and tell me she was gone or anything. "Did anybody call Alyssa?" I asked looking at My kids. "We called like 20 times she ain't answer momma." Tyson said eating some fries. "Momma you're ant some food?" Jada asked. "I can't eat she. Your dad is going through this and your sister is missing." I said starting to pace. "Mom I'm sure Alyssa is cool when is she ever here." TJ said kissing Terrance. "I could try texting her on instagram? Or text Jaceon she's prolly with him." Valerie said getting her phone out "yes thank you that'll be helpful at least somebody cares about where she is. Your dad is in there fighting for his life!!! All of your should be worried about where your sister is!!! So somebody help me find my child!!" I yelled some nurses at the desk looked at me and back down.


"Hey baby your phone dead ?" Jaceon asked as I was putting on a pair of his boxers. "Yeah why?" I asked putting on lotion and putting on some make up for the first time. I had bought it on my way to his house yesterday. "Well Valerie texted me saying your mom trying to get in contact with you." Jaceon said getting out the bed with no shirt and some basketball shorts, and he was so fine.

This is Jaceon

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This is Jaceon.

"Who the heck is Valerie?" I asked with a mug face. "Umm Valerie Valerie" he said putting his shirt on. I gave him that boy who you talking about face. "Babe your bothers girl friend." He said looking for the chain his mom bought him. "Which brother?" I asked honestly confused because I didn't give Tyson permission to date no ghetto girl form school. "Oh my gosh Alyssa. TJ." He said looking at me licking his lips.  "Oh" I said outing on some slides. "What's wrong?" I asked picking his phone off the bed and going in to see what was going on. "Well your dads in the hospital I'm gone drive you up there. And why you in my boxers. Quit taking my shit home." He said going into the bathroom and brushing his hair. "Why can't I take your stuff home. You scared yo girl gone question why your drawers are empty." I asked making him mad. He hated when I did that. When I played like I was his side girl which we both knew that wasn't the case.

"Shut I'm talking to me Alyssa." He said still brushing his head but faster. I came behind wrapping my arms around him. Trying to sneakily make my way to in-front of him. He lets me though. "I'm sorry." I said On my tippy toes giving him a peck on the lips. We then head down stairs to his car and was on the way to the hospital. I wouldn't say that I didn't care about my dad being in the hospital but I would say that it was same old same old someone's in danger and I don't know. Every time something happens I'm the only kid missing. Why? Oh maybe because before the incidents happen no one cares where I am.

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