Chapter 6💙

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I started walking towards the guys. "Tray man what's up you look  pissed?" Prime asked me. "This nigga Marcus out his hands and Airi and TJ." I said picking up my litter and keys. "You serious?" King asked standing up walking behind me. "I'm going over there now. I told her last night to get rid of this nigga he still in my damn house." I said getting in my car and King got in I'm the passenger side. "look tray you just got out man. They on yo ass let me take care of this bro. Please?" King said as we were at a red light. "Man but my son and my wife? Like this nigga is Delusional. I let you stay in my house I let you meet and get close with my kids. Why would he hit TJ? I men's come on this nigga did something and he had to say something to Ariel before because she shouldn't despise that nigga so much." I said pulling up into the drive way. Me and king rushed up the front door. I pulled out my spare key I found and unlocked it. I seem Ariel I'm the couch with CJ and Jada. "Where yo momma and Marcus at?" I asked them. "Marcus ugly ass I mean ugly but left a couple minutes ago." She did rolling her eyes and CJ hit her arm. "Stay down here king." I said walking up the stairs I seen TJ pacing in the hallway. "Come here what happened?" I asked TJ trying to calm him down. "I was walking past and they were arguing loud I guess momma caught Him on the phone with another girl so I peeked into the room to make sure she was okay because I heard her outing down crying and this night pushed momma on the bed and had his hands on herArm and neck and then was begging him to stay!!" He said punting towards our old bed room door. I walked in and seen Airis on her bed watching tv with dried up tears on her face. "Look Tray I don't have the energy to go through this right now." She diss turning the th off. "Okay good which means I can talk and you can just sit there. You let this nigga you it his hands on our son. You let this shit get far. Way too far. He put his hands on you and begged this nigga to stay?? He ain't never did shit for you." I said yelling at her. I knew the whole house heard me Because I was super loud. "He did he was here while you were gone Tray." She said crying. "I WAS FORCED AIRIONNA! I don't have choice I didn't want to leave my kids or my wife. I falsely accused of this shit. They didn't realize that till I was released. Til after I missed so much in my kids life." I yelled at her. She Leo repeating this shit like it's my fault. "Okay. But this is how I feel okay. I know but you have to realize it was hard. And I'm sorry Tray. I just missed you so much." She said crying into her hands. I claimed my self down and got on the bed and comfort her. I did nothing but kept kissing her I didn't have anything else to say. She was broken and she needed me there to help her.

3 months later.....


Life's been okay at home at least. School started and it's been pretty good. In our house we accept nothing under a B and barley except that. My dad moved back in and proposed to my mom. We broke up last week And had sex a day before hand. His shit was just way to big that shit hurtled every time he tried putting it in. When he finally did I cried like a damn baby. But anyways, right now I'm in a Butler tech program working towards getting RN. It's my first year in the Butler tech program since I'm a junior. It was now the end of the school day and since my car is in the shop my brother is taking me home. And today I hate that because of course CJ rose with him. So imagine being in the car Akward as fuck. I was walking past the bathroom and decided to go in because I wasn't feeling well I went I asked and threw up. "Oop. Here girl." This random girl handed me and a wet paper took to clean myself up. "Thank you." I said going to the sink washing my hands. "No problem." She sis leaving the restroom. I seem she left her number on a post it note on the sink. I shook my head and just threw it in my bag. I seen my brother and CJ in his car waiting on me in the front. I jumped in and my brother spoke to me. "Hey, how was school sis?" TJ asked about to light up a blunt. "Please don't certain smells been making me Nauseous." I said waving him off. He just put the blunt in his cup holder. "You okay? You don't to well?" CJ asked looking back at me. TJ then looked at i hi m and smirked bet he just had to say something to me. I shook my head yes and looked out the window. My brother pulled off. I'm guessing he wa scoring over because he didn't turn left at the light to take him home like usual. "So... you gone keep ignore me? I miss you.." CJ said boldly I'm front my brother. TJ spit his water out laughing. "Uhmmm.. I don't know how to answer that." I responded. "Ariel for real. We argue all the time. And this time you just gone be done?" He said looking back at me. "CJ we'll talk later." I said getting on my phone. We were at the house and TJ got out. CJ came around pulled me back from going in the house. "We gone talk right now. Please." He said grabbing me by my waist. "I love you." He sis's caressing my face. "I love you too. But CJ your over protective." I said in a Whining-voice. "Okay but I'm not about to let anybody talk to you any kind of way." He sis pecking my lips. My mom came out the house. "Why y'all out here?" She asked opening the door being nosey. I was just glad it was Friday because I haven't been feeling good all week my mom left the door wide open and em am CJ came in. "Well me and your dad are going to be out late. TJ and Ariel take care of your little siblings. CJ are you staying the night?" She also looking at him as we were sitting on the couch. "If that cool with you guys." He said looking back at them both my dad bad came down the stairs. "That fine CJ." My dad said and they grabbed there keys and left out. My dad is a huge team CJ fam when it comes to my dating life. I think he was more heart broken than I was. My mom then texted me.


Mommy❤️: whats wrong baby?

Me: I don't feel good. I puked again today.

Mommy❤️: I'm gone tell your daddy. Can you pick Jada clothes and stuff out and you and CJ go lay down love you see you later.

Me: okay and love you too.

Mommy❤️: Wait y'all want some wings. Your daddy said he gone door dash y'all something.

"Y'all daddy asked of y'all want some wings." I said asking them even though it was just for me and CJ. "No." Jada said. "Can we get Pizza?" Alyssa and Tyson asked. "I'll order us some pizza." TJ said. "CJ you want wings?" I asked him. "Yeah bae I CMS do wings and some fries." He said on his phone.

Me: yeah mommy. Me and CJ want wings and fries TJ home order them Pizza.

Mommy❤️: Okay baby go rest.

"you want to go upstairs?" I asked CJ and he smirked at me. "Oh so you horny? He said trying to be funny. "Come on I don't feel good." I said pulling him upstairs. "Aye I'm about call Kasier and Valerie and Violet over here do don't be getting freaky." TJ said laughing. Valerie is CJ little sister. CJ threw something at him as we were half way upstairs. My mom and sad didn't care that me and CJ layer up in my room. They knew I already knows were having sex because I told them. I'm more open with my parents now. It feels good to be honest and not have to lie to my parents about my life. Now my dad was pissed but he got over it.

Me and CJ were cuddled up in my bed watching Sponge bob. CJ was kissing me all over my neck and tried putting his hands in my tights but I stopped him. "Oouuu look who horny now." I said laughing. "Stop playing." He said  tickling me. "How's Caleb?" I asked about his brother. "Caleb is same old him. Prolly out late somewhere he not supposed to. But hey can't you know.." he said pointing at my area. "Because I'm late and I don't now when I'm going to come on." I said pushing his hand. "I'll never understand the female body." He said shaking his head and I laughed.

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