Chapter 5💙

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"Babe!!" Marcus yelled at me. "What nigga?" I was distracted texting tray. I couldn't help it he knew what to say to me. He always knew how to get in my head. "I've been calling yo name for the last 5 minutes. Always in that damn phone. Can I have some attention." He diss getting in my face. "Okay fine I cooked my phone off." And sat it on the table side.

We were now making out and it was getting heated. Until his phone rang. He stopped and looked at it. He walked inside the bathroom to talk on the phone. "The fuck he got going on?" I went I tot he bathroom I just busted in this my house. "Airi!! What the fuck you doing?!!" He hung up his phone. "I can't believe you I'm here on the phone with some  bitch." I said getting in his face. He grabbed onto both my wrists pushing back into the bed. "You don't question me and my Damn house." He said all in my face as I was laid on the bed. He then grabbed my arm hard as heel and stared at me. Then TJ busted in. "Get yo fucking hands off my momma nigga!!" TJ said trying to fight Marcus. "Please stop both of you!!" I said stopping them.

"Why can't you both just stop!" I said crying. "Nobody wants to see me happy?" I continued yelling at TJ. "Momma what you talking about this nigga out his hands on you!!" He said. Raising his voice. "Don't risk to me that way TJ!!" I said even more pissed. Marcus grabbed his keys and tried leaving out the door. "Nah Airi this bullshit call me when you got to kids under control or better not at all." He sos trying to leave but I grabbed his arm I don't know why I guess Marcus made me feel comfortable and safe. He took care of me and showed me love when Tray wasn't here. "Are you serious ma! I'm calling pops." TJ said him and Marcus left the room and slammed the door on the way out.


"Yeah. But you know what I trust CJ because I know you and Carmen reused him well. And I've Ben knowing this nigga since he was in diapers. Of Ariel happy I'm happy." I said  talking to the boys the usual. King prime and Corey. Chris was on his way. "You should hear the way he talks about your daughter." King said sipping his beer. "Oh he's he talks about her like she some goddess man." Corey said smirking. "Really? That good though because his feelings is Genuine." I said eating some chips on the table. "What about little Alyssa and Tyson?" Prime asked. "Well I like the first two their normal. And I guess only the first two got our temper and Jada. Jada is the off one." I said actually thinking about her. "She is watch Alyssa and Jada are going to be y'all biggest challenge thinking it's Ariel. I then got a call from TJ.  Hold up y'all" I got up from the couch. "Wassup son?" I asked answering. "Dad you better do something about mom and this nigga I'm gone kill him I swear." He diss talking fast. "Wait wait wait. TJ what happened?" I asked when he continued on to explain to me what happened I was so damn heated I swear I was about catch on fire.

•sorry for the short chapter.

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