Chapter 8💙

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2 months

"Hey. Corey can you call your kids down for a family meeting." I said cleaning up the living room. "Sup mom." Valerie said sitting on the couch next to Caleb. CJ was already down stairs so he just came into the living room. "So me and your dad wanted to help your brother with telling the whole house news. Go she was CJ." She said rubbing his back.

"Well 2 Months  ago me and Ariel found out she pregnant. And we are have an doctors appointment today." He said sounding sad. "Which means when me and your aren't around y'all need to be mature CJ got a child now so he not gone always be around to protect y'all. Of course we're and he's got a child at his age but your brothers always done what he's asked to do yes he messed a couple times but it was small stuff so I don't hear nothing about favoritism." Corey said eating on skittles. I giggled a little bit. Caleb did too. Valerie just shook her head at him.

"How the hell is my kids supposed to take you seriously eating like that?" I asked smiling.  Everybody busted out into laughter. My family is very low key but we've been through a lot. When CJ was younger he had friend who used to bully him saying that he liked his cousin but Airi and tray are family but my kids don't call her auntie they call her, her nick name Big A. They know Airi as my moms best friend. My kids were always over either her or Nique house.


"Alright we'll I'm going to head out and pick up Ariel." I said getting up dapping Dad up. "Can I come I wanna go over Big A house?" Caleb asked grabbing a bag that sat next to him. "Yeah come on. Valerie you going cover your see Kaiser I think he gone be over there." I asked my sister. Yeah Kaisers a year older than my sister but they Been in like for a while. There the couple that's shy and don't put they business out there we've never even seen them kiss before but Kasier told me they have I told him not to tell me anything else about their relationship because that's my sister. She shook her head yes. "I have bagged packed I'm going to grab it and meet you guys in the car." She sis going upstairs. "Alright have fun. Not to much tell her to call me we going out tonight." My mom said going to the kitchen getting some chips.

Pulling into the drive way I texted Ariel I was outside she came out with Jada. "Sorry I had to bring her everybody left TJ about to make a run with Kaiser I had to take her. "We gone ride with TJ and Kaiser." said as him and Valerie got out the car. Once Ariel and Jada we're settled we pulled off. "You okay. You don't look very good." I asked rubbing her hot head. "No I have a headache and I'm hungry. There was no food in the house and they was out doing extra stuff knowing my car in the shop still I'm pregnant and I'm baby sitting Jada." She diss about to cry. I grabbed her hand rubbed it. "Calm down baby we about to stop and get food okay. Jada you want some chic fil a?" I asked looking threw my rear view mirror. "Yes please. Can I get chicken nugget and fries?" She said typing away on a new phone I'm guessing never seen her with a phone before. "Yeah you want some ice cream or lemonade?" I asked her. "Lemonade" she is looking up at Ariel. "Your sister is okay. Hello can I get a number 1 and make that does a large. And ice cream in a cup please. Then can I get the nugget combo 12c. Babe you want lemonade?.... yeah you do. Can I get a lemonade with both those orders and the give me a number 2 with a coke." I order our food and the lady told me the total. I pulled up to the window and paid for the food. Once we got our food we headed to the hospital. Ariel was too busy eating her ice cream to talk. "Baby you not gone eat?" Asked looking at me. "Nah. As long as you and Jada good." I said looking back at the green light. "Here" she diss trying to feed me a fry. "What the hell. My bad Jada. Are you trying to feed me like I'm a baby." I said making them laugh. "Yes boy just eat. Jada are you ready to see your niece or Nephew?" She asked jada. She fed me the fry and gave me kiss. "I want it to be a boy." Jada rasps eating her chicken nuggets.

"Nah. I'm team girl I want. a girl so I can do my hair and everything." Ariel said. "Well I don't care as long as it's happy. Oh and we're seeing your moms doctor today." I said seeing her roll her eyes Ariel doesn't like me talking to her parents without her around I don't get it and I don't pay it attention.

Doctor office

"Hey Mrs.Ariel."the doctor said again in her hand. "Hello. Father?" He asked reaching his hand out to me. "Yes. Hello." I said smiling and shaking his hand. "So since I know your family so well and helped deliver you and your siblings I'm going to keep it real... this pregnancy isn't going to be easy. Delivery day isn't going to be easy. You and your mother are blessed. Your bodies should not be able to carry children." He said sitting across from Ariel. "What are you saying doctor?" She asked looking uncomfortable. I couldn't really get up and hold her hand because Jada was laying her head on my lap sleep. "Calm down now. It's genetic thing. But the good news is you are able to carry the baby but the pains will be worse than normal. So in this case as soon as I have an ultra sound appointment I ask them to make the decision if they want a natural birth or not, or if you want to be out in some medicine to help?" He said waiting for an answer. "I really want to do a natural thing without anything but what do you prefer?" She asked him. "I prefer you have him or her normally and just on some medication." He smiling at us. Ariel looked at me. "Baby it's your decision your having the baby." I said rubbing my chin. "Well we'll do that." She sis smiling.

"Okay lay back for me so we can get n right to it." He diss pulling out some clear stuff in a tube and gloves. "Wake up Jada." I said making he get up so she can see. "Oh that thing is cold." Ariel said jumping. "You okay?" I asked her. Doctor seem cool but don't make me beat his ass. "Sorry probably should have warmed you... uh oh. This baby is not shy. Came right on out. Here's the feet... and the hand ahhh here we go a head. You guys here that it's a heart beat." He said looking back at us smiling I was now by Ariel holding her hand I had some tears falling down as well as her.i couldn't believe I was listening to my first borns heart beat....

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