Chapter 14 💙

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(" how are we feeling today Ariel?" Well I'm good  for right now. Should I start from where we left off yesterday? "Yes you can do you remember?"  Refreshen my memory. "We left off of you deciding to take Mrrrrrr Jacob back. You were injured at the hospital."  Oh yeah.). It was a Saturday morning me and roommate Asia were chillin in her dorm room. After I ran over Jason's house his parents bight him a new condo sent me money and gifts. Then right after Jason notice his parents loved me he begged for me to move in. I wasn't ready but he'll I did it anyway. Jason and Aiden weren't as close as before but I didn't mention it I just let it go.

(" were scared that Jason was going to hurt you again?" Of course every woman gets a little paranoid after they find there man cheating the first time. So if your asking was I on his ass after that then yes.) "girl what's do you and Jason got going on now? He don't even let you out the house no more." Asia laughed hitting my shoulder. "We've been okay. He's getting worse at sex aren't men supposed to get better over time. And sometimes it's forced sex." I said writing something down. Doing a grocery list for his house. "What? Like rape?" She asked putting my hand down. "I mean no. I'll be sleep or doing something and he'll take my clothes off anyway every if I tell him I'm not in the mood. He gets in 5 minutes later he's out. I don't even feel it anymore." I said sighing loudly. "That's toxic. Well does your brother know what's going on?" She asked getting on her phone. "No I made everyone promise to not tell my brother hey I was in the hospital that day. He would kill him. I already Thrace to make sure him and my dad stay away from each other. And pretty soon my dad will try to hurt him. Only reason he may still be alive is because of me." I said getting up to my coat on.

"You leaving already?" She asked getting up giving me a hug. "Yeah I don't feel like shopping anymore just going to drop off the groceries I have now." I said walking towards the door. "Okay well tell little Aiden he can come over anytime he wants." She said opening the door for me. "Okay I will." I said walking down the hallway. I got into my car and decided to be nice and call Jason. "Hey baby?" I said smiling because he answered on the second ring. "Uh Uh hey baby?" He said sounding lost. "What wrong you sound down. Do you want to maybe go out to eat tonight?" I asked at a red light. "That's cool. Uhmm baby how far away are you?" He asked me. "Around the corner." I said confused on why he was acting weird. (Doctor do you know what regret means? "Yes I do." No but do you know what it means to you? At this moment it meant doubting myself, Second guessing myself, and it meant stupidity.)

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