Chapter 25 💙

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I am truly sad but, happy this is the final chapter of this book. It is not the final book series. There is one more book I am writing for you guys. It's crazy how I'm emotionally attached to my characters. I was thinking about doing another fan fiction on Airi and Tray, so comment and let me know.

Also for billionth time but last time i'm changing what Alyssa look like. Look up the name Ryan destiny on google. That is what Alyssa looks like. Sorry loves!!!!


It's been three years since Tray's funeral. Every now amd then I thinking about him. And remeber Marcus? Seen his old ass in the store the other day. I went back to what happened between us and my kids. I remeber when he pulled his gun out on Ariel and Tj at thier 16th birthday party. He was being forced too. It still didn't change the fact that he did it. But, we talked for a minute. He's married and has four kids. He says his oldest daughter reminds min of Ariel. His wife is a OBGYN. she's a year younger than me which means she's 37. I did get updates on all my kids. TJ found out he is working illegally of course not surprised. He hisone of the highest king pins in LA right now. Tyson is following in his brothers foot steps. Tj doesn't want him apart of life style but, Tyson is going to do what he wants. Ariel,CJ,Alyssa, and Jaceon are moving to Texas. I had no choice but to be okay withthat, Ariel is about finish with school and is being offered a job as a surgeon. Alyssa started her own businees. She sells skin care,make up, clothing,and owns a new nail salon. Jada still stays at home with me considering she is now a senior in highschool. She is doing fine she is my Track star. She dates this little girl named Star. Star does cheerleading and dance. She comes to every one of Jada's track meets. Besides ,the kids growing up super fast and my husband dead Life is pretty okay.

The doorbell rung and I looked at my hpone to check the time. "who the hell is at my door?" I said getting up and going into the restroom taking my make up off. After 5 kintues they rung it again. "Jada!!! get the door please!!!" I said frustrated I stood still trying to hear who it is. "Mom it's grandpa." She yelled. I left the bathrrom not beofre turning off of the light. As I was downstairs I heard them talking amoungs each other. "Well besides that how are your grades?" He asked her. "You know i have no choice but, to get good grade if I slip moms will cancel everything. And I mean everything." She responded as they both laughed at what she said. "How you doing pops?" I asked as I sat on the couch across from him and Jada. "I need to speak with you about something serious." He said giving a very serious look. "Jada sweet heart go upstiars and wake Star up. Dinner will be finished in 45 minutes." I said turnign my head to her. She shook her and went upstairs after giving her grandfather a hug. "I'm just going to say we found soemthing on tray." He said making me furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I asked leaning forward. "Someone else and I have hard rpoof and evidence that Tray isnt dead."


"Babe where is the kitchen box?" I asked putting stuff up in our new house. "It's in the living room." CJ shouted from our bedroom. He and Aiden were in our bedroom,CJ is playing the game and Aiden is sitting on the bed admiring him play. "What do you boys want for dinner?" I asked walking into our bedrrom and sittting on the bed. "If this Nigga cheat one more time with dumb ass we gone have a problem. OH shit i'm sorry Aiden don't say shit or ass." He spoke and went rightback into focusing on the game. "I guess your daddy doesn't care. What do you want baby?" I asked kissing Aiden's forehead. "Mommy I want pizza." Aiden said playing with my hair. "You and your dad always want pizza." I said throwing a pillow at CJ. "Damn bae what you want??"He said pausing the game. "What do you want to eat?" I said giggling. "Whatever my son wanna eat." He sai dgetting up putting his shoes on. "Wherea are you going ?" I said getting up behind him putting my hands around his waist. "I'm about to go chill with Jaceon and TJ. Me and TJ got some shit handle after that." He said putting his hoodie on. "Aiden go in your room." I said crossing my arms. Aiden quickly ran to his room. "CJ what the fuck do you mean? Look I love my brother but I refuse for you to be caught up in his and Violets bullshit." I said getting in his face. For the past 2 months we've been arguing about this. "Ariel I aint tryna hear none of that shit today. I just want to get this over with and come home." He said grabbing his chain out his jewelry box. "CJ what the hell do you mean you din't want to hear that? Your dumb ass get locked up or die then what? What am I gonna tell Aiden. OH yeah Aiden your dad died because he's so fucking dumb not thinking about his family. If you leave don't think about coming back!! Don't come back because if you bring any of that shit back to this house it's gone be me and you!!!" I said hitting him constantly in the chest and back. I then felt something nurning go across my face. It took me a mintue to realize he hit me. "Baby. Baby please im sorry." he saud grabbing me and kissing all over my face. "Maybe maybe we're not ready yet. Maybe we aren't on the same mind set." I said looking at him. " No I came out here to be with my faimly and work this out. I'm not leaving you again I love you. I can't function or breathe without you around me. Please baby. I'm sorry. I would never intentionally hit you" He spoke after about an hour of conversating we had make up sex and made me forget everything I said before. CJ know he daddy.


It was 9:00am. Ariel was still naked slep under the covers. I texted TJ that I was on my way. Yeah I know I promised her last night I was gone stop but, it aint that easy and TJ like my blood brother i'm not about to leave him high and dry like that. I slowly got out the ned and showered quik I went into Aiden's room and seen that he was still asleep I smirked at the sight of him and his light snores. I walked over to the bed and gave him a kiss on his fore head and headed otu to me TJ.


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