chapter 18

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I was cuddled in bed with Jaceon. His mom decided to let me stay the night. I was trying to get some pipe but it was like Jaceon was just pushing me away. "What is wrong with you?" I asked him as he was looking at the tv. "Do you love me?" He said turning and looking at me. I did nothing but look at him confusingly. I loved him. Trust me I did I just wasn't sure of it. "Wow. So are you using me? Okay. I don't want to be with anybody that doesn't really like me. And you'ver been super clingy whenever you're horny. So, maybe you aren't ready for this" He said getting out his bed I didn't know what to say. Everything was going to fast. "Stop no. Jaceon please." I said getting out the bed stopping him from where ever he was going. "Nah, Alyssa. Tell me you love me then! Tell me you not using!" He whispers yelled as we were nose to nose. "Ok ok ok" I whispered putting my arms around his neck. He let me. "I'm sorry. I do. I love you so much. I'm just scared. I've never gotten so much attention." I soad berrying my face in his chest.

I was sitting on CJ and I new home together. We've been dating again on the low. We didn't want to tell anyone. Even though we know Aiden might slip up he hasn't at all. We feel as if we tell everyone they'll get to happy. And I don't want to complicate things. He was out at work I had just cooked dinner. "Aiden wash your hands and come down for dinner baby." I said getting up and making him a plate and sitting it in the spot he usual sits at. I laughed hearing Porsha cuss her friend out for acting crazy. I then turn the tv off and text CJ.

I then left him on read continued to make his plate and place it in the micro wave

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I then left him on read continued to make his plate and place it in the micro wave. "I'm finished mommy." Aiden said pulling out his chair. "Okay baby. I made me a plate and sat down. "How's school going?" I asked making conversation. "It's good I'm ready for first grade!!" He said getting excited. "Be careful don't get food everywhere. Mommy and daddy are ready for you to start first grade too. You know it's going to be hard for you to find friends the first day." I said eating a spoon full of Jambalaya. I made it with garlic bread it was the boys favorite. I then heard the front door open. "Dad!!" Aiden yelled form his seat. "It's me son." CJ said putting his keys down and powering his phone off. "What's wrong ?" I asked confused he only did that when he was up to something. "It's just I know they gone be calling me I don't got time for it." He said frustrated. I got up as he sat down rubbing his head like he was stressed. I sat his plate in front of him and kissed his forehead before I sat down.

"Dad. Can you take me to the game tomorrow. Or can we go to the store I need a new iron man." Aiden said eating his food. "We can go tomorrow after breakfast okay?" CJ said trying not to disappoint Aiden. He's been tired for the last few days I have no idea why he's been working like crazy. "Aiden baby you can be excused. Do you need my help with taking a shower?" I asked outing his plate in sink then sitting back down and eating with CJ. "No mommy." He said going up the stairs.

I smiled watching my son look so happy. "So what's going on with my other daddy?" I said kissing CJ cheek and neck. "I just need to be able to make money for all of us and the new baby." He said eating. My face scrunched up. "Babe what the hell are you talking about?" I said throwing my spoon onto the plate. "Babe calm down our baby." He soad laughing at me. I'm guessing he must have seen the pregnancy tests I took. Where you going to tell me?" He asked as he finished up his food. "Baby.. I was but I wanted to confirm it at the doctors just in case."  I said feeling beat.

"I'm not mad. I wanted more kids with you." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "That's doesn't explain why your working so much. I can get my job back I'm almost down with school." I started to say. "No baby I'm taking care of us. They just getting on my nerves. But I'm leaving work at work and home at home." He said getting up form the table. I then got a text form Jacob.

 I couldn't believe what I was about to do but hell, I've almost killed him before let me just get this shit off my chest

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I couldn't believe what I was about to do but hell, I've almost killed him before let me just get this shit off my chest.....

•what y'all think??
•it's a little short, sorry.
•And that's my new way of doing there texts. But I messed up on them what the times at the top. But act like there not there I'll fix them next chapter promise.💙

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