Chapter 13💙

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•sorry y'all for last couples of weeks things have been really busy and crazy. Believe it or not it takes a while lot of studying to be an OBGYN. Don't be mad at me for what you'll read just keep going.

Two years later....



"Hello, Ariel. Someone gave me an brief description on why were here today. Can you tell me why you think your here or why everyone thinks you should be here?" I sat there with an mad ass expression on my face while playing with my cute Acrylic Nails. "I have anger issues." I said taking my lip gloss out my purse. "Are you saying what I wanna hear or do you think you do?" She asked writing something down. I felt like she was writing down my every move. "I don't think so. People say that about me. If only they knew what happened." I said shaking my head doing a disbelief laugh.

"Well can tell me what happens maybe I can tell you why people are so opinionated on your anger." She said putting the clip board to the side leaning forward. "Well it started when we went to college. Me and CJ didn't leave on bad terms, but we broke up he still helps co-parent our son. I'm in college okay so of course I'm lonely I have needs as well as a man. But that third week of college I met Jason.... I'm just gone tell the story."

Going back to that time....(Past)

I'm sitting into he cafe studying for my health professions class. Asia's my roommate and I we're not hanging out today because we've been studying. "Dammet." I said throwing my pen because it ran out of ink. "Excuse me would you like another pen?" I heard the most sexiest voice ever. ( When I tell you this boy had the most deepest sexiest voice ever that's how he got you. That boy convinced me to do anything. After he gave that pen he asked if I need help studying I know I should have said no, but I was so stupid I told him to sit down and join me. He was so sweet at first. He helped me study he walked me back to my dorm made sure I got upstairs safe. For that next two weeks we chilled and started going on dates.) "So I should be honest with you. I have a son." I said holding his hand as we walked by the water. "Damn I don't have to worry about no baby daddy do I?" He said making me laugh. Gosh he is a mess I said in my head. "His name is Aiden and his father knows where he stands. We have an amazing friendship but only for our son. We both love him so much." I said smiling at the thought of my baby I missed him so much.

"Well I always wanted kids. Honestly I'm ready to move on to the next level with us." He said stopping me In front of a small water fall in front of our campus.  "Your beautiful,smart, ambitious, and just amazing. Your so independent your everything I ever wanted and I can't help feeling this way about you. I have really strong feelings about you. I never been in love before. My mother used to always say you'll know it because you feel it. Your the first and last person on my mind. I wake up I think about you. Before I got to sleep I think about you. Sometimes I feel like I can't function without you." He said leaning in for a kiss. I gave in and gave him one. I felt the passion in the kiss.

"Jason you don't think  that maybe we're moving to fast? I want to further out relationship, bu-" I was about to say until he cut me off. "I want to meet Aiden if I need to have a friendship with CJ to make sure we're good we can do that I'm serious I want you to be my wife. ( He said those words; gosh I felt for it. You know CJ always expressed to me how much he loved me but I've never hear a man say I want to make you my wife. About a month later me and Jason we're going strong my parents had met him. My dad  claimed he didn't like him. Tj didn't care and my mom was Skeptical, but she got over it because she loved me after awhile CJ finally seen Jason and it wasn't good.)

"Hey babe. Can you call CJ on the car speaker for me I can't do it I'm driving." I said at a red light. Jason did so. "Hello?" CJ answered the Phone. "Hey CJ can you get Aiden ready I'm 5 minutes away." I said Turning a corner. "Hiii auntieeee." I heard Ariel my niece threw the phone. My brother had a child with my bestie friend Valerie. They named her after me. He hung up the phone after saying bye. "I love you." He said leaning over smiling in my face. "I love you too." I said pulling out my phone to dial my mom. He then started to go crazy texting on his phone. "Who keeps calling and texting you?" I asked as I was dialing my moms number. "Bill collector." He said into his phones I just left it alone. "Hey baby girl!" I heard my dad say in the back ground. " hi daddy hey momma." I said mailing j missed my parents. "Where you at baby?" My mom asked as I heard her chew on her gum. "Picking up Aiden form CJ house. Tired honestly I thought I was going to be able to chill with ya man this weekend but he has some freaking studying to do." I said giggling a forward Jason he just chuckled back at me. "Oh well okay. Call me when you and Aiden get home because me and your dad can take Aiden this weekend we're nothing but 3 hours away." She said before we said good bye and hung up. "Stay here." I said getting out the car. I walked toward Ch door and knocked. "Hey sis Kaiser." Said giving me a hug. "Hey here is my baby?" I said with excitement. Kaiser walked away as CJ came to the door with Aiden. CJ was looking fine he had his shirt off showing new tattoos. Since we broke up he's became really mean. "Hey baby momma. Who is this? He asked pointing behind me. I turned around not noticing that Jason was behind me. "Jason I told you to stay in the car." I said trying to whisper. "Jay jayyyy." Aiden said capping yo Jason. "Wassup lil man?" Jains said getting on his level just to dapped him up. "What the fuck?!" CJ said looking at me. "So you having random niggas around my son?" CJ said getting pissed. "CJ please clm down." I was about it to say something else until Jason interrupted.

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