chapter 17💙

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"Hey babies," I said coming downstairs seeing all my kids. They were all on their phone or watching tv. "Hey, mom can I go to my best friend's house again tonight?" Jada asked for the past days I've seen her expand and becoming the woman tray and I raised her to be. "You always over there stay home sometimes."Tray said coming downstairs. I see all the kids look at Jada then at each other. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Alright, babe I think it's time we have a family meeting. haven't had one in years. Alyssa stands up from the couch and goes outside. I knew that Jaceon was coming to get her so I didn't say anything. "Uhmm mom isn't Alyssa apart of the family?" Ariel said getting off her phone with a sleep Aiden in her arms. "Yea she is." Tray said sitting on the couch with arms behind me. "See that's what we need to talk about," Ariel said playing with her nails. "What that means baby girl?" Tray asked leaning forward. "Nothing dad ignore it," TJ said sitting down. "No, let's be honest please," I said curiously. "Well, you guys support almost every one of your kids. Mom, you waited Until I was pregnant with Aiden and I don't want yall to wait till the two girls left in your house end up like me. Jada's too scared to tell you how she feels and when have you ever sat down with Alyssa. When have you ever invited Alyssa to go to the nail salon with you and Jada?" What she said had me thinking I didn't say me and Tray aren't the best parents at all.

"Jada baby what is it that you want to get off your chest?" I asked turning my attention to her. "Well, mom and dad... I realized growing up I was different. Sleepovers everyone would talk about boys but I never really looked at boys I've always been a bit more interested in girls." she said shocked me. "Baby there is nothing wrong with being different. Your dad and I are going to love you either way." I said caressing her face.


"What's up? I can't come in now?' Jaceon asked smirking at me. "I just don't feel like being with them right now I want to get the house so I'm staying the night," I said throwing my bag in the trunk. "Didn't ask me did you ask your parents at least?"He said pulling off. "Yeah, I did." I most definitely did not ask I didn't care I was thinking about one thing. Jaceon and his bed. I was gaining feelings for him but of course, I'm in denial. "You look good," I said touching his chain on his chest. "Bae chill out just got in the car. My family all coming over and stuff so we can't be doing that tonight," he said smiling at me. "Fine, I guess so," I said leading my hand to his sweat pants. "Bae chill out." He said using the hand he wasn't driving with to move my hand off if his little man. "I'm not doing nothingggg." I said trying again. "Such a freak... I love you, bro," he said moving his attention to the green light. I just pecked his lips and got onto my phone.

Later that night...

I was sitting on the couch with Jaceon, his brothers, and his friends. "So how long yall been talking ?" His friend Michael asked. "For a minute now," Jaceon said looking back at me. "Boy why you got her in here with all these men. She doesn't want to be stuck by your side the entire night." Mrs.harris Jaceon mom. I giggled and Jaceon shook his head. "Come on Alyssa." She said reaching for my hand I grabbed it. "I'll be in here if you need me," Jaceon said before I was completely out of the room. After a while, I was helping his mom cook and we laughed and just enjoy each other's company. "Alyssa tells me something," She said while we fed our faces cheesecake. Most of their family left it was just me, his mom, his older sister and two of his friends. "Yes ma'am" I responded. "Hoe do you feel about my son? Obviously, yall like each other but you've been around a little more than usual." She said putting her plate in the sink.

"I'm very much in like with Jaceon. At first to be honest I didn't want to fall for him because I didn't want him to feel as if he needed to carry my weight, my package." I said sitting up more. "Well, how does your family feel about him?" She asked drinking kool-aid. "Well everyone loves him. Especially my cousin and brothers. I'm not really close to my parents so they haven't really sat down with me and him. From what Jaceon has told me he's sat down with at least everyone." I said truthfully. "Well, your family now and you are welcomed here anytime." She said rubbing my hands.


"So be honest is obvious she got you whipped. Y'all did it yet?" Michael asked smirking. "It's not like that. Alyssa isn't just some hoe."I said ignoring him. For sure that's all she wants to do when together I explained to her that she doesn't have to be scared to open up to me. I guess she scared that when she opens up to me I'll shut her down. "iNgga your lying. Tell the truth." Tavon said laughing. "Okay, maybe we did," I said trying to fight the smile. "Hold up was it good?"Michael asked trying to be quiet. "It's amazing. Like really good. but I ain't telling yall nothing else. " I said waving them off. "Okay, brother I'm out I love you." My sister said hugging me. "Wait," I said meeting her at the front door. "How you like her?" I asked smiling. "She's scared. And I can tell. The advice I have for you is just to be patient with her shes loves and I can tell. I mean it Jaceon be patient." She said lightly yelling at me. "Okay I'll be patient I just wanted you to like her."


"Man, that's crazy. Just watching little Jada grow up but I kind of see it." King said drinking out the glass. "Nah man well at least your youngest ain't sneaking out," Corey said shaking his head. "I guess it's something new to me. I wanted to experience normal stuff with one daughter. Like scare a little nigga for prom and for first dates and you know another grandkid. I guess got to get used to her being gay. Like how am I gone tell if she bumping vats with another little girl or not?" I said and the boys started laughing. I Then seen jada leave and slam the front door.

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