Professor Jackson

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Percy couldn't believe it,Leo just shot a fireball at him.How dare he!His mind was jerked back to the real world when he heard Piper scream.His head whipped around looking for her only to find her spiralling a few hundred feet from him.A massive explosion occurred somewhere above him but he couldn't bring himself to care.Piper was going to fall to her death if he didn't do something about it but by the Fates,he was super tired.Piper's charmspeak did nothing to help the situation.Infact it only made things worse.He felt like closing his eyes there and then and let Morpheus take.. besides it had been a while since interacted with the dream god.
"Snap out of it Percy! Piper is going to die if you don't save her!"he said slapping himself hard on the face
He looked back towards the falling daughter of Aphrodite and started waving his hands towards her.It took him a while to notice that wasn't going to work."Where's Frank when you need him?"he questioned himself.This wasn't the ocean so he couldn't swim towards her."Come-on Percy think!"
Their descent was reaching higher velocity."Curse you gravity!"Percy screamed.He slapped himself again for yowling stupid curses instead of thinking of a way to get Piper out of their current situation."Seriously dude it's like your brain is made out of vapor"he thought
"Vapor!"he screamed.The air if full of water vapour!"you stupid seaweed brain why didn't you think of that before?"
Reaching out to his energy reserve he sent his senses out to the air.His brain was assaulted by the trillions of microscopic droplets answering his call."whoa!"he exclaimed in shock"Focus on a new one thing at a time Perce.Save Piper the do the new thing... getting shocked after being in Tartarus"He took a deep breath and willed the droplets to obey him and protect Piper.Perhaps Percy was expecting the droplets to soround Piper and  keep her from dying upon impacting the lake below which was approaching at shocking speeds..or maybe the droplets collecting together and forming watery angel wings and fly Piper to the ground...or even the droplets to form strings and hold Piper like a puppet and slowly ease her to the ground, he wouldn't have judged them, anything to ensure Piper's safety.But the droplets condensing around him then seeping into his skin was the last thing he'd have thought of.He could feel the vapor changing him, altering his DNA.He watched fascinated as his skin ceased being compossed of flesh and turned into something else completely.. something more gaseous."Steam!.. holy Hades I'm turning to steam!"Before he could say anything else he felt himself zoom forward so fast he was sure he left his spleen somewhere behind.All of a sudden he was solid again and he was holding Piper who was,if not more, shocked as he was.
"What tha..?"he never got to finish that statement because his brain screamed"impact in 9,8,7,6,.."he barely had a second to adjust his position midair and place his back towards the water before he hit it with a tremendous splash,taking most of the impact Piper would have felt falling at terminal velocity.
Instantly energy filled him to the brim          
Making him smile as he sunk deeper into the lake.
"Whoooo!we made it pipes"he said releasing her, only for her to cntinue sinking."Piper!"he screamed shooting towards her"stupid Percy,not everyone can breathe underwater like tou"he said as he incased he head with a bubble of air then swam to the surface with her in his arms.
Every one was looking at him as he carried her to the shore.
"Piper!"Jason screamed as he ran forward.Percy set her down gently as Jason knelt besides him.
"She's not breathing.."Jason said"why is she not breathing?.. Percy why is she not breathing?"
Percy could only stare as the rock still body of Piper M'clean...
(Aaaaand that's chapter three.To all those who are reading this thank you very much.This is my first Wattpad fanfic and for you to be reading it means a lot to me.please leave a comment , advice me on some stuff and correct me where I'm wrong.I would really appreciate it.untill next time....


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