Professor Jackson

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The throne room was completely silent as the gods watched the fight go on.One particular god was at the edge of his seat, literally.Poseidon was beaming as he watched his son decimate monsters at his wake.He had to admit fighting together with his son was amazing.His conscience was now constantly rebuking him for all the years he missed father son bonding time.The feeling of doing something with his son which they both adore (kicking giant ass, seriously who wouldn't love that?) was amazing.He made a silent cow to try and spend as much time with his son as possible ancient laws be damned.His smile widened into a grin when he saw Percy shoot to the air following Gaea with the daughter of Aphrodite.The silence in the room reached a higher tempo as Piper charmspoke Gaea back to sleep.Aphrodite could barely hold back the squeal that erupted from her throat."In your face owlhead!"she said smiling widely.
Athena narrowed her eyes at the love goddess."what's that supposed to mean you whore?"
"Oh brains this oh brains that.. brains solve everything..oh Aphrodite your love sick children will never amount to anything..well feast your eyes on this Athena,my daughter just charmspoke a primordial"
"Quiet!"Zeus boomed before Athena could retort.Everyones eyes went back to the iris message.Hephaestus nearly jumped out of his throne when Leo collided with a screaming Octavian causing a huge explosion.The Forge good was crying as they watched Percy and Piper plummet down to the earth.Poseidon clutched the armrests of his throne as he watched his son."Come on Percy"Aphrodite whispered looking intently as Percy struggled to get himself to Piper.Poseidon's eyes widened to an abnormal extent when Percy suddenly disappeared and reappeared holding on to Piper.
"Whoa!"Apollo exclaimed"what tha hell was that?"
"That was my son vapor traveling!!!"Poseidon shouted bouncing up and down his throne.
"Great the brat just ulocked a new form of his abilities hooray"Dionysus said yawning.Normally Poseidon would have taken offense but right now his mind was currently replaying the scene over and over again."my son just vapor travelled!"he thought.His face was nearly tearing apart with the humongous grin that was adorning his face.
"Piper come on sweetie, Wake up"Aphrodite said her eyes brimming with tears.Poseidon snapped himself back to the throne room and watched as the son of Zeus/Jupiter tried to rouse the unconscious Piper.Athena was watching Aphrodite with a smug look on her face.Poseidon slightly shivered when he looked at her."seriously, where is the compassion in that woman?"he thought.He watched with overpowering pride as Percy pulled water out of Piper till she woke up.
"Yes, that's right Pipes wake up"Aphrodite said joy rolling of her in waves.She jumped off her throne when Piper's eyes opened"Ha!In your face owlhead!"she screamed.
Athena was about to pounc on her when Poseidon boomed"Don't!"Athena glared at him"you will not interrupt me on seeing my son being awesome.Now sit down and be quiet,both of you.I wanna see what else my boy is gonna do that will give me bragging rights for the rest of the next millennia or two"he said making Zeus and Hades(who was allowed just this once to see how the war went on) sigh in frustration.
When Annabeth started blaming Percy for Leo's death,Poseidon didn't know what to do.His smile was still plastered on his face as the daughter of Athena accused his son.
"What is she doing?"Aphrodite asked his question for him.
"She's blaming Percy for something he had no control over"Hestia silently answered.Poseidon's smile was blown off his face when Jason punched Percy.
"How dare he!"Poseidon quietly asked his hands clenching into fists.
"Peace brother"Zeus said"The boy is just upset"
Poseidon took a deep breath to calm his rising temper,then watched silently as Annabeth  reminded Percy of all his friends who died claiming he was the cause of all their deaths.
"Why won't he defend himself?"Artemis asked.
Poseidon's eyes widened as he realized what was happening to his son.
"Because she's wounding his flaw."he answered.Poseidon watched as his son looked around him for someone to defend him but found no one.The restraints holding back his fury collapsed when Percy vapor travelled away.
"How dare they!"Poseidon asked quietly.Hestia vanished in a flash of flames.The throne room started shaking going in sync to Poseidon's breathing.
Hades was the first to react.Before Poseidon could move, tendrils of shadows found themselves wrapping around him restraining him." Calm down brother."Poseidon didn't answer.His eyes exploded in a violent shade of green ad he took on his divine form burning away the shadows.He stood up abruptly and began walking to the huge doors.
"Hephaestus!"Zeus boomed.The fire god leaped from his throne but before he could restrain him a Trident impaled his shoulder pinning him to his throne.poseidon continued moving the quaking of Olympus becoming more violent by the second.Ares threw his shield at the sea god but Poseidon ducked and continued moving.Hermes and Apollo   jumped forward together but a violent punch and kick to the face and stomach (respectively)made them think otherwise of touching the angry Poseidon
"Poseidon stop!"Zeus.shouted.Poseidon blasted the throne room doors and walked out.
"He's going to kill them,all of them"Demeter screamed before vanishing in a cloud of wheat seeds.Hades and Zeus ran outside to stop their brother.
"Stupid children,and yet you still ask why I hate them"Her asked before vanishing herself.Athena growled in frustration and followed Hera.
"Okay this is not turning out like the victory we anticipated"Artemis said
"You're telling me that"Hermes asked massaging his jaw.
"We need to protect the campers"Apollo said after he was done caughing.
"Why should we,I say we let Barnacle Beard decimate them.I mean it's not like they don't deserve it plus less work for me"Dionysus said.
"You pea brain, those are our children down there"Hephaestus growled pulling the Trident from his shoulder.
"Let's go"Artemis said before vanishing.The others followed her lead , some of them albeit reluctantly (here's a hint,APOLLO AND HERMES)
Poseidon growled as an arc of lightning struck his shoulder just before plunging into the lake.The sea god had decided not to send a sea monster or a tsunami or a plague to destroy the demigods.No siree! He decided to send himself,and why not, those fools earned that privilege.Now they were finally going to learn why you never mess with children of Poseidon.He had jumped from Olympus itself straight down to the camp's lake.He laughed with raging madness as he burst from the lake to the shore.He toned down his divine energy and looked at the shocked campers.His burning shoulder healed rapidly.The campers all eyed him,fear practically screaming in their eyes.Just before he could take a step forward Hera and Demeter suddenly appeared on front of the campers.Hera flicked her hand and the camp's protective barrier moved to his front, blocking him from reaching them."Party poopers"he thought.Two figures appeared before him,"ugh, more party poopers"
Zeus pointed his master bolt at him , while the silent guy just held his two.
"Brother please stop"the sky god said.
Poseidon had to admit,his eyes widened at that, albeit slightly.Sincerely speaking,how many times has Zeus used the words "please" and"brother" in the same line?
"Don't do this Poseidon"Zeus continued."don't turn this into a pointless war"
"Pointless war?"he asked"the prey on my son's fatal flaw and you call this pointless war!"Poseidon shouted
"Poor choice of words brother"Hades said to Zeus before turning to him"look brother , these are out children..."
"Your children don't have personal loyalty as their fatal flaw Hades!"Poseidon shouted.
"I understand-"
"No you don't!You don't understand how painful it is for someone you care deeply for, someone you hold close to your heart, someone You're loyal to,to quey your loyalty.To wound your loyalty is more painful than a physical injury Hades.So no,you don't understand what my son is going through right now , but in a few moments, they"Poseidon said pointing to the campers"they will"
"Brother that's not going to happen"Zeus said
"Oh yes it will,not tomorrow,not today,but now.So move"
"No can do bro"Hades said
"Guess I'm just gonna have to move through you then"Poseidon said shrugging.
When he moved next,he brought the whole lake with him.

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