Professor Jackson

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Hestia felt like something within her just broke when she saw Percy vapor travelled away.The anguish in his eyes was enough to send painful shivers down her spine.She didn't care who saw her or what they thought about her bailing on the meeting,she had to find him.Her body burst into flames and she disappeared,her essence searching for Percy.Finding him was easy.The aura of sadness and pain he exhumed was almost visible from space.Her essence recollected in front of him.He lay in a foetal position,his body shaking , huge dropping of tears muddening the earth below him.She immediately knelt down and scooped him in her arms ,her usually eight year old body turning to a striking middle aged woman before laying his head on her bossom and rubbing circles on his back.
"Shhh, shush Percy, don't cry"She soothed.
" hurts... why does it hurts so much"he cried.
Hestia didn't mind his tears soaking her dress.Her heart was hurting for him.
"It's our fault as parents Percy,we place such painful flaws to our offsprings that impact so hard in their lives and usually it's in the negative way"she said.
"Annabeth is right,I let them die,I killed them"
"No"she said lifting his head to face her.She could feel her tears brimming when she saw the pain in his eyes"No,you didn't kill them Percy,not one of them died by your blade.Percy look at me!"she snapped.His eyes lazily travelled to her face."none of their deaths was your fault,they die a hero's death,paid the ultimate sacrifice so that others, including you can live"
"But Annabeth-"
"-Is wrong Percy, none of those deaths were your fault"
"Why does it still hurt?"Percy croaked
"Because that's the painful thing about betrayal,it comes from people who we trust and care about"Hestia answered.
Percy's tears didn't stop flowing, but the anguish in his eyes lessened to some extent.Hestia could still feel the pain swirling in his whole being,so she hugged him, hard.This time Percy returned it with as much vigour.
"None of this is your fault Percy."Hestia Said"I can't stop the pain Percy,I can't promise things will be alright,all I can do is give you hope for a brighter tomorrow"she said"Oh Percy,you have no idea how much I've desired for you to prosper.I have watched you from the moment you came to camp, clueless to the unseen world you had just entered, watched as you destroyed every obstacle in your way, watched as you grew into this strong young man.You have no idea how proud I am of you,as if you were my own son"with each word Hestia muttered,warmth flowed into Percy coating his damaged self, filling him with hope.The pain didn't go away,but his mind was given something else to focus on.
"Hestia's proud of you"his mind whispered."look at you now, crying,weak, hopeless,is that how you want your most favorite goddess to see you?"
Percy's eyes snapped open."You''re proud of me?"he asked.
"Always have been, always will be"Hestia answered.
Percy tore himself away from her embrace,"but what if I do something stupid in the future,what if I mess up big time"
"I"ll still be proud of you, just like your mother"Hestia answered."You have no idea how jealous I am of your mother"
"What?"Percy asked
"To have a son such as you,who wouldn't want that?"Hestia asked"only a foolish woman wouldn't, that's for sure.I envy your mother Percy,for having brought forth such a wonderful child.But as you know,I can't have children of my own, so being your friend is the closest I can be to you"
Percy was dumbstruck.For several minutes he just stared at  her until she started thinking she had said something wrong.
"Percy,are you okay?"
"Uh yeah I'm fine" he answered shaking his head."and no,you're not my friend"
"What?"Hestia asked her face furrowing in sorrow"you don't want me-"
"No, that came out wrong"Percy said shaking his head"what I meant was,if you don't want to be my friend then it's ok"
"Why would I not want to be your friend"Hestia asked
"Maybe because I want to be more than a friend to you"
"Percy, what are you saying"
"I want our relationship to be ,I don know, maternal..if that's okay with you that is"Percy said
" want me to be..your.. mother"Hestia asked
"Yeah,I mean why not."Percy said rubbing the back of his neck,"Look,when dad is in Atlantis he knows I'm under good hands when I'm not at camp because Paul is around,but when I'm in this side of the world,mom is worried about my safety because she fears I have no one to look out for me.I already have a godly father,why not make it complete and have a godly mother?"Percy said.
Hestia stared at him for a really long time.
"Uh, milady ar-"Percy started but was was quietened by a really aggressive hug
"Shut up" Hestia said beaming.
"So I'll take this as a-"
"Yes yes yes yes, it's a YES!!"
Percy hugged her back all the while smiling.Hestia broke the hug and looked at him eyes full of tears"thank you so much Percy"
"Don't mention"he answered softly.Hestia smiled wider and hugged him again.A loud clap of thunder broke them apart.They both looked up at the sky and shivered at the huge storm clouds that were swirling in the air.
"I'm guessing that's dad"Percy asked.
"Yes"Hestia answered"Oh he's mad"
"Madder than I've ever seen him,or anyone for that matter"a new voice said making both of them Yelp.
"Hecate,what are you doing here"Hestia asked standing up and Percy following suit.
"I come with a dire request to Percy,but first might I suggest he be taken back home to his earthly mother"Hecate said.
"You heard that huh" Hestia asked .Hecate nodded.
"Wait, what's wrong with Mom?"Percy asked.
"She's worried Percy,she hasn't seen you for the last eight months and Poseidon's fury is scaring her.she thinks something happened to you to rouse Poseidon's anger like that" Hecate answered.
Percy looked at Hestia who sighed"I'll take care of your father,go see your father."she said"and see if you could help out Hecate"
"Actually I would prefer if all of Percy's parents were there before I issue out my request, please"Hecate said.
Hestia looked at her for a minute before nodding,"I'll bring Poseidon" she said.With a wave of her hand Percy disappeared in a flash of flames.Hecate was about to flash away when Hestia held her by the wrist"I hope this request of yours won't harm my son in any way"she asked
"It would be beneficial to him,I can guarantee you that"
Hestia nodded then released her before vanishing.Hecate sighed before vanishing to the Jackson apartment.

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