Professor Jackson

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"Good,then let's begin" the professor said."now I'm going to need you guys to  up,and I'll be choosing your partner s"he added looking intently at them."Draco you'll go with Ron, Lavender you go with Crabbe, Neville with Goyle, Pansy with Hermione, Harry you're with me"
The moment he stopped talking everyone who had been mentioned started complaining.
"Excuse me sir, but Crabbe's a boy,and I'm a girl?" Lavender said.
"You have to understand miss Brown,not every monster is going to be female,in fact most of them are males,so, Crabbe being your partner is a good way for you to begin."
"What about me and Malfoy?" Ron asked.
"What about it"
"I know you are new here and all,but Weasley and I really don't get along" Malfoy said.
"I actually agree with that,we hate each other's guts"
"Well,I guess it's about time you let go of petty issues and partner up, because if you hate each other during a period of war, what's to stop voldepot,who like every leader is manipulative, from turning you against each other?"
Hermione actually had to admit those were some words of wisdom. She was about to complain about being partnered with Pansy,but his words made her reconsider.
With no one else complaining,the professor finished partnering everyone up and directed  everyone with their partner to their training mat.
Hermione glared at Pansy as they stood facing each other.
"Would you look at that, we're partners Granger"Pansy said smiling,"this is going to be absolutely fun"
Hermione growled but didn't say anything.
"For today and the next few days,I'm going to be teaching you how to knock out your enemy. Now in a human body, there is usually a place where there are many nerves connected, where a slight touch sends really like uncomfortable feelings through one's system. One of those places are the sexual organs"
The whole room became slightly hot at that point, mainly because almost everyone was blushing, except for the professor is who Hermione was sure didn't know the effect of his words.
"Now these organs are extremely sensitive,as I'm sure most of you have noticed" everyone turned a bit redder at that,"and they can cause extreme pain if something or someone made forceful contact with them. This knowledge is universal and I'm sure you already know about it,but apart from your sexual organs, there are other extremely sensitive parts, which I am going to show you. Harry please move a bit back"the boy did as he was told,"good,now,I want you to punch me with as much strength as you can master"
The boy was a bit hesitant,but an encouraging smile from the professor made his face harden ad he balled his hands to fists before sending it straight to the professor's face.
Harry was shocked when his fist connected with empty air but not as much as the professor grabbing his elbow smacking his armpit with an enclosed fist. Harry immediately felt his arm go limp and cold and couldn't stop the shocked Yelp from escaping him.
"One of those sensitive areas is beneath the armpit, how do you feel Harry?"
"I can't feel my arm"the boy said looking absolutely horrified.
"Don't worry, feeling will return in a few minutes,if I did it right" the professor said"now to the next organ, Harry if you would"
Hermione thought it was safe to say that Harry wasn't enthusiastic as he was at first.
"I want you to be as stiff as you can be, harden your muscles alright"Percy said.
Harry nodded and closed his eyes. Everyone could see his body turn rigid,his fists clenched and neck tight. The professor looked at him with an amused twinkle in his eyes before in a  quick move lifted his open palm and brought it down fast food n the side of Harry's neck. Apart from Harry immediately opening his eyes,they saw no other reaction,not even a slight sound escaping him.
"What was that supposed to accomplish?" Malfoy asked.
The professor smirked and turned back to Harry" lift you arm"
Harry still didn't do anything, except blink and breath .
"Is he ... frozen?" Pansy asked.
"Temporarily paralyzed would be the correct term"Percy said"the side of the neck is another organ,but do be cautious when practicing this with your partner,the only reason why Harry isn't suffering from immediate stroke is because I did it right. Done rightly this move could kill"
Everyone's eyes widened, even Harry's when he said that."now the partner on the left is going to be the one hitting and the the other receiving."
Hermione really hated Percy then, because she was on the right side of the mat.
"Prepare yourself for pain Granger" Pansy Said.
"This should be fun."she muttered as she took off her robe

professor JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now