Professor Jackson

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'Deep breaths Pansy,deep breaths'she chanted in her mind as she bit her tongue so down hard it was a miracle the skin hadn't split,all in an effort to stop herself from crying out.

The room they were currently in was erupting with chaos. Apparently Pomfrey had explained the situation to  the headmaster,who was so shocked he couldn't think straight and had gone on to summon Via,who was currently blasting Percy with words.

That just went on to prove how much of a demigod Percy was. If she were the one getting shouted at by Via,a powerful goddess mind you,she wasn't sure her form would have been solid.

But Percy stared the goddess down defiantly,one arm on Hermione's shoulder, squeezing it gently. Pansy tried to tone down the jealousy that ate her gut but she couldn't. She felt her eyes shift to their reptilian forms as she glared at Hermione.

The girl on her part was really shaken up. Just three weeks ago,she was attacked by an ancient winged lizard  and got part of her ancestral power sucked right outta her body. And here she was in another catastrophe, only this time it involved her being pregnant.

"I..I'm sorry-" she started to say but Via was having none of it.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Hermione "she shrieked"and you"she said pointing at Percy"how could you do this? Do you know how many problems this is gonna cause?"

"Don't we have like many years before we even start worrying,I mean it's not gonna be that powerful?"

"Do you even hear yourself? I can smell it and it hasn't even began developing yet"Via said"it's a mass of replicating cells and it can already control water,how much longer before  it's scent break the borders of Hogwarts and reaches the nostrils of monsters?"

"I...I don't know"Percy said frowning.

"This is an unacceptable development"Via said straightening up"it must be terminated"

"Excuse me,but I don't think I got that. Somehow your words imply that you wanna terminate the pregnancy"Percy said scoffing.

"That is exactly what I meant Percy"Via said.

Hermione shot up and sent one hell of a glare at Via"Absolutely not!"

Via seemed just as shocked as she was. Pansy assumed that Hermione did not want to shout at Via,given the fact that Via was a goddess that could pulverize entire armies. But the girl did not back down even after Via's cold gaze settled on her.

"You're not killing my child"Hermione said.

"I'm afraid that decision is out of your hands Hermione"Via said"once monsters get the scent of the developing thing in you"at that Hermione's glare intensified"they will be driven mad by blood lust. Demigods in Scotland(thank you bloateddiehappy for that correction) are extremely rare,but now they will find the child of an ancestral pureblood and the most powerful demigod of this age. Tell me they won't be tearing themselves apart trying to get to you?"

"I don't care"Hermione said"let them come , I'll rip them to shreds"

If being pregnant made someone that brave and stupid, Pansy did not want to get pregnant. The mad gleam in Hermione's eyes told her she wasn't joking.

"Hermione,you will be putting your fellow students in danger"professor McGonagall,who just so happened to be there spoke up"it's for the best of everyone's interests, yours and the school."

"I didn't want to come back to this school in the first place remember?"Hermione asked,a dangerous tone seeping into her voice. One that Pansy clearly understood ,she was really struggling to reign in her anger."Yet you forced me to come here. If you had just let me stay home,none of this would have happened."

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