Professor Jackson

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Thats what made Hermione literally jump awake.


One moment she was in complete and utter torment,feeling like her body was being pressed to a shredder which was spinning slowly.

Next moment,everything was silent and impossibly peaceful. Not an atom in her body ached and her mind was completely blissful.

So she gasped and sat instantly upright.

First question...where was she?

Second question...what as she doing there?

Third question...why was she on a bed?

Fourth and final question...what was she wearing?

She slowly pushed the covers away from her body and took a nice long look at herself.

Someone has dressed her in a long impossibly soft silk dress that her parents would never afford if they worked constantly for four years. It was sleeveless and completely white,beautiful to no end.

On her hands was golden laced bracelets,a silver locket on her elbow and a ruby encrusted necklace.

On her feet was laced sandals that felt too comfortable for her. Someone had also done her hair to a side braid.

All in all,her current situation was mind blowing!

Who had taken their time and resources to dress her like this?

"That would be me"

Usually when someone stepped out of a shadow and said that while you are facing the opposite direction,it would be a plausible reason to shriek and have a heart attack.

But to Hermione,the voice was soothing. It didn't make her scream or go about gasping for breath. It made her sigh,it relaxed her stiff muscles and quietened her rampaging thoughts.

She slowly turned and faced the speaker. It was a lady.

Her face was beautiful and timeless,her hair braided intricately,sculpted jewels intertwined with her silky brown hair. A small smile was on her face.

When Hermione met her eyes,she seemed to be thrown out of place and taken to a nice warm field. The air was bright with the sun rays shining down,a nice breeze blowing over her silk dress. She felt like she was experiencing the best springtime could offer!

"Hi"she said.

"Hello Hermione"the woman said.

"You know me?"

"Of course,as a queen of my husbands domain it is my job to know all who stepped in and out"

"Your husbands domain?"

"The underworld"she said"I am Persephone,Queen of the dead"

That drew the normal reaction from her. Her lungs contracted and she stumbled back to the bed and sat down heavily.

"I'm dead?"Hermione asked.

"Quite so my dear"Persephone said,a sad smile on her face" you didn't expect to survive after drinking nectar,did you?"

"No"Hermione answered sighing"but as an ordinary mortal,I held on to hope that maybe I would survive"

"Hmm,interesting"Persephone said as she moved and sat next to her" I have to congratulate you on what you did"

"Killing the drakon?"

"No,but that is part of  it"she said" I meant what you did to your pregnancy"

professor JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now