Professor Jackson

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Percy still remembers the shock on his mother's face when she opened the door and saw him.It was like seeing a literal ghost.Before he could even say hi a really loud slap connected with his cheek making him Yelp, followed by a really tight hug.His mother was crying all the while.
"Don't ever do that again, please don't"she said burying her face on his neck.Percy didn't answer,he just hugged her with as much vigour.His mom let go of him and pulled him into the house before making him sit down.
"What's going on?"she asked.
"Dad is angry"Percy answered.
"It's because of the other campers"
Sally gave her son an inquisitive look urging him to go on.The boy sighed before telling his mother everything that happened.By the time he was done, Sally was shaking with anger."How dare they"
"I would imagine dad said the same thing"Percy told her.
"Percy these people accused you wrongly and all you can do is compare me to your father?"Sally asked.
"Yeah I mean what else is there to say."
"Oh,I'll tell you what to say,I am going to give those campers a piece of my mind!"
Percy had to chuckle at that.Seeing his mom so angry was both heart warming and hilarious."mom don't worry about it,I'm fine, mother Hestia  made sure I was ok before she brought me here,and I'm pretty sure dad is giving them a piece of both your minds"
Sally sighed"well I guess if you're okay then I'm fine too"she said.They were quiet for a while before Sally looked back to her son"wait,what do you mean by 'mother Hestia'?"
Percy visibly paled before looking back at his mom"please don't be upset,but Lady Hestia' kind of adopted me"
"Mom,lady Hestia' has been watching out for me ever since I went to camp.I would have died during my fight with Kronos if she hadn't saved me.She was the one who called me down after Annabeth and the others accused me.She said she loves me as if I were her own son and I thought why not make it official.I mean,I already have three fathers ,why not have three mothers to complete my circle of parents"he answered.
"You really have three dads?"Sally asked.
"Yep,dad, Paul and Ugly-ano"Percy Said.Sally laughed at that before smacking her son's shoulder."so you're cool with this?"
Sally stared at her son for a long time before a small smile made its way to her face,"well if your father has shared you with two other men,and knowing how childishly possessive gods are with things they care about,why can't I do the same?"she answered.Percy gave her a small smile
"I love you Mom"he said.Her eyes teared up before she pulled him close and kissed his forehead.Percy pulled and back and looked at her with a sly smirk.
"What is it now?"Sally asked
"Dad and Hestia are coming over"
"What when?"
"In a moment,Dad still hasn't calmed down"
Sally jumped to her feet before pulling her hair into a pony tail and straightening her blue dress, which was overly protruding on her belly area"oh gods, Poseidon's coming over,how do I look?"she asked looking at her son.
"Like your pregnant,mom, when did that happen?"Percy asked standing.
"Eight months is a long time to be away Percy"Sally answered smiling.
"I'm gonna be a big brother?"he asked
"Yes"Sally answered.
"Wait, where's the dad, where's Paul?"
"Oh he went to get some baby clothes from the store,he should have been back by now"
"How does he know which types of clothes to buy?"
"Its a girl Percy.You're going to have a sister"If possible,his eyes widened even more.
"Holy Hera,I'm gonna have a baby sister"he said his face making the perfect impression of dumbstruck.
The door opened letting in a smiling Paul who was carrying several packages of baby clothes.
"Heeey honey I'm back,and you would not believe who I just met with,the-Percy, Percy you're here"he said dropping the packages as racing over to the still dumbstruck boy and crushing him with a hug."oh you have no idea how worried I was"
"Hey I'm fine,no need to worry."Percy answered.
"Uuh, Paul, honey,who's that?" Sally asked pointing to the stranger in the room.
"Oh that  is-"
"Hecate,the goddess of magic"Percy finished for him.
"Greetings Lady Sally"Hecate said.
Sally was shocked to say the least.A goddess was in her house,and referred her to as lady Sally.It took a whole minute before her mind fully registered what was happening,then a small smile found it's way to her face"please just call me Sally,I'm not a goddess or anything ,milady"
"Poseidon has dubbed you as a queen among women,it's clear to me why,but for the sake of references,call me Trivia"Hecate said.
"Well then Trivia, welcome to my humble abode, what can I help you with?"
"I promised I would speak when all of Percy's parents were present,you wouldn't mind us waiting for Poseidon and Hestia, would you?"
"Not at all,Paul make our visitor comfortable while Percy helps me set the table"Sally said.
"Poseidon's coming here?"Paul asked
"He should be here in a few minutes"Hecate answered.
"Oh ,okay"Paul said"Trivia right this way if you don't mind"
"Not at all Paul"Hecate answered moving to where Paul was indicating.
For a few minutes the house was quiet,the only sounds coming from Sally and her son as they set up the table then the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it"Sally said moving to the door and took a deep breath before opening it.Before her stood a tall Raven haired man with glowing green eyes.His expression which was anger a few seconds before melted when he saw and a wide smile made it's way to his face
"Sally,you look gorgeous,what have you been eating?"Poseidon asked.
"Ah,you know the usual, cookies, fruits and a whole lotta water"she answered.
"Well I should tell you to keep it up,you haven't aged a day since we last met"Poseidon said smiling.Sally moved forward and gave him a hug which he returned fully before she gestured to the woman standing there watching their interaction with a small smile."oh and meet my older sister, Lady Hestia'"
"Percy's godly mother"Sally said.Hestia's smile disappeared but Sally's only grew.Without hesitating she gave the shocked goddess a hug and whispered in her ear" thank you,at least now I'm assured someone is watching over my son when I'm not"
"Don't mention it Mrs Blofis" Hestia answered.
"Please, just Sally milady"she replied.
"Hestia, please,call me Hestia', after all we're equals now"Sally nodded before she ushered them inside.
"Blofis!"Poseidon boomed all the while smiling as he made his way to the shorter man.Paul smiled nervously as he stood to greet the sea god.Poseidon shocked him by giving him a hug then patting him on the shoulder."Thank the for taking care of Percy for me"
"Aaah, don't mention it man, Percy's somehow my son,what kind of stepdad would I be if I didn't look out for him?"
"Either way Paul,you have my sincere gratitude"
"I never imagined I would hear the god of the sea saying that to me"Paul said smiling.
"Oh and I see you've been busy"Poseidon said pointing to the pregnant Sally.Paul visibly blushed making Poseidon boom with laughter.
"Brother please"Hestia' said smiling herself"I don't believe we've been introduced, Hello,I'm Hestia"
"Pleasure to meet you milady"Paul said.
"None of that lady business,it's Hestia' to you my dear"
Paul just nodded.The siblings then turned their attention to Hecate.
"Milord, milady" she said.
"Don't, don't do that,I'm not my brother Hecate, just Poseidon will do"the Sea god said.
"Same here"Hestia' said
"Hestia' says you have something you wish to ask of my son"Poseidon said.
"Yes,but I would like for all of you to hear it"Hecate answered.
"Dinner's ready"Sally announced.The immortals and Paul all nodded and followed her to the table where they found Percy arranging the plates.
"Percy"the sea god said his voice breaking.Percy looked up and smiled sadly before he walked into his father's open hands."I am so proud of you." Poseidon said hugging his son tightly.
"Uuh,dad, can't breathe"Percy said.poseidon chuckled before releasing his son"I can see where Tyson gets tight hugs from"
"I saw you vapor traveling"the sea god said barely able to contain the grin on his face
"What do you mea-...oh you you mean that thing I did with the water vapour, that's what it's called?"
"Oh yeah,it's like shadowtravelling only this time it's with water vapour"
"Ahem, gentlemen,if you're done obsessing over your amazing abilities,we would like to to eat now"Sally said.
Both father and son chuckled awkwardly before sitting next to each other.Dinner which consisted of chicken, and a whole lotta vegetables not forgetting Sally's cookies, which were,to put it lightly, worth dying for.While they ate they all talked like one big happy family.It was hard to imagine  that just earlier on today,they had been fighting the earth itself and its children.Once dinner was over and all the dishes washed, Poseidon decided it was time to hear of Hecate's request.
"Ah,that"Hecate said"where do I begin?"
"Wherever you wish to Trivia"Sally said.
"Thank you"Hecate said before she took a deep breath"to all immortals present,you both know of the Wizard and witch community I own"both Poseidon and Hestia' nodded"well,it's in danger"
"Wait,what wizard community?"Percy asked.
$A long time ago, before the gods came to reign,I was a more generous titaness.To all the mortals who pleased me,I blessed them with the ability to do magic.When the gods came into power,Zeus thought it was dangerous for people to be able to do magic and they weren't my children.He wanted all of them dead.The possibility of mortals being able to perform magic was evil to him.What was to stop them from practicing dark magic and using it to usurp the gods' reign,that was not a risk Zeus was willing to take.He ordered me to kill all those people.But I couldn't.The blessings I had bestowed on those people was buried deeply within them,as such some of their children could perform magic just because I had blessed their parents.It would have been an endless cycle and I could not bring myself to murder children.So I pleaded with Zeus,to take them aways.I promised they would never cross with the western flame and that their magic won't be used to harm mortals.It was only by Poseidon's and Hestia's counseling did Zeus agree.So I moved my wizards and witches to another environment,kept them secluded far from Greece and Rome where they practised their magic.Four of those wizards and witches came together and formed a school  to help teach young wizards and witches magic before they can be let out to the ordinary world.Their names were,Godric Gryffindor,Helga Hufflepuff,Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin.For many years the wizarding community prospered before a young wizard by the name of Tom Riddle got obsessed with the idea of becoming the most powerful wizard alive.He practised dark magic and wreaked havoc on my wizard world, killing humans and magicians alike.Good news is ,he was killed"
"By who?"Percy asked
"A baby"
"Yes, Percy,the great Voldemort,as he preferred being called was killed by an infant boy by the name of Harry Potter."
"Well, just before Voldemort could kill the Potter family, Harry's mother place a protective spell on her son.This spell caused the killing blow which was thrown at Harry to rebound and strike Voldemort but before he could die,that sly rascal split his soul into many pieces and hid them.Therefore he never truly died.Now he's back and he wants to wreck even more havoc.A prophecy was issued concerning Voldemort and Harry"
"What does it entail?" Percy asked.
"I can't go into full details now because as we speak Voldemort's army is growing.The prophecy says that one of them must die,either Harry or Voldemort,none can live while the other is still alive.Voldemort is assured of his victory and frankly speaking  so am I"
"Why?" Percy asked.
"Because he isn't just arming himself with rogue wizards and witches Percy.He has monsters on his side,our monsters.The witches and wizards from that school don't have what it takes to kill these monsters.They can't defeat Voldemort with just spells, Percy,they will be run over by the monsters.They need someone to help them, someone like you Percy"Hecate pleaded.
"How does Voldy pants get monsters?"Percy asked
Anger flashed within Hecate's eyes before she reigned her emotions,"I can't reveal that now,but I promise in the near future.Now I can barely think of that without blowing something up"Hecate said
Percy was quiet for sometime before asking,"This school,what's its name?"
At that Hecate smiled"Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry"
Percy tried to keep a straight face, really he did but the laughter that exploded out of him could barely be held in check.
"Percy stop laughing"Sally said.The boy took a deep breath before calming himself.
"Sorry about that"he said
"Hecate,you said that your request would be beneficial to Percy.The way I see it,it's like you're throwing him into another war when he's just come from another one"Hestia' said
"The benefits include Percy changing his environment.After what happened at camp half-blood,I'm sure Percy wouldn't want to be close to the reminder of today"Percy nodded grimly "the other benefit is that,my wizarding world is far from Olympus.Ancient laws don't apply there"
"Meaning.."Poseidon started
"Yes,you can spend as much time with Percy as you wish"Hecate finished.
Poseidon smiled widely before looking at his son who was staring at Hecate's with wide eyes.
"Whoa,hold on, where is this school?"Percy asked.
Percy looked unsure for a few minutes before he asked"mom?"
Sally sighed"you know I can't stop you from going, these kids look like they need you and you'll get to spend more time with your father and new mother"
"I guess I'll do it " Percy Said .
Hecate let out a breath she didn't know she was holding before she smiled."Thank you Percy.When would you wish to leave?"
"Immediately!"Poseidon said beaming.
"Oh no!You took him away from me for eight months Poseidon,at least let me have the next two weeks with him before he goes"Sally said.
Poseidon smiled before he nodded"of course Sally"
Percy was quiet for a few seconds before bursting into laughter"Hogwarts"
"Ok ok,I'm done laughing"he said to his mom before standing up and running to his room laughing all the way.

Aaaaand there's chapter,what was it,six,or seven..
Anyway, always a pleasure to write to you, please read and tell me what you think.
Next chapter goes to Hogwarts,don know who I should start with,Harry or Hermione..tell me who you think I should start with
                       Until next time

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