Professor Jackson

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"Miss Granger,and not that I'm asking this in the wrong way or anything,but don't you have somewhere to be?"

Hermione refrained from growling at Madam Pomfrey and opted for a silent sigh and a forced smile"no ,I don't"

Pomfrey sighed and crossed her arms"your pupils are dilated , your shoulders are sagging and twenty five of your facial muscles are strained as you try to stop yourself from yawning ,you are obviously worn out"she said. Hermione didn't respond"I will make sure you are here  when she wakes up"

"No,I want to be here when she wakes up,I want to be the first thing she sees"

"You should really go Miss Granger, willingly or I'm going to have to force you"she said.

"Then I am going to have to refuse that offer. Willingly or unwillingly I am not leaving until she wakes up"Hermione growled.

"Miss Granger-"

"NO!I am not leaving her!"Hermione screamed"she...she almost died protecting me Madam Pomfrey! She could have left me to die,God knows she had all the reasons to but she didn't. When I was down on the floor, rendered useless by an ancient monster,she stood up for me while everyone else was running away! So no,I am going to stay here until she wakes up. Not even Dumbledore can take me out of here,I assure you that"

The silent  room they were in grew even more silent at that as the two of them  had  a severe glaring contest. The air between them was vibration with energy as they both waited to see what the other would do.

"Wow,you two are not providing a conducive environment for a patient"a dry raspy voice said making Hermione jump to her feet.

"Pansy"Hermione said, letting out an audible sigh of relief"you're awake"

"Obviously"the girl said"but what I want to know is how I got here"

Hermione's relieved expression melted off her face as she remembered what happened.

" don't remember?"

"My mind is absolutely cloudy right now. My joints are horribly achy and I feel tired,as if I'm a ninety year old grandma,heck I feel sound like it too"she said,a shaky smile adorning her face.

"You sure look like it too"Pomfrey whispered but in the tiny room,it was pretty audible.

"Wait, what?"Pansy asked.

"You were not supposed to say that"Hermione growled.

"She would have found about it soon enough"

Hermione watched as Pansy lifted her hands to where her line of vision was. A choked sob  came from her throat and her eyes started glimmering with tears. Hermione felt a tear slide down her own cheek as she stared at her friend.

"Hermione, what happened to me? Why...why do...I ...why do I look like this?"

"Pansy"Hermione said, marvelling in her ability to keep her voice solid"Pansy you almost died"she said.


Hermione took another look at her best friend before another wave of tears  poured from her eyes. Pansy looked horrible,no use sugar coating it. Her hair was greasy grey her skin was absolutely pale with dark veins spread all over and it was sagging in a very gross way,and she had this awful smell coming from her.

"Hermione what happened to me?"


"Hermione slow down!"Pansy cried as she followed her rampaging friend.
She didn't listen and unlike every day where she showed respect to professor McGonagall by knocking at her door, today she pulled on a Pansy. She barged in.

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