Professor Jackson

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Harry was super edgy today. Usually when a school headmaster announces that the school teachers would not be attending any of the next days lessons and the students would be allowed interact freely for the whole day,it should have been a cause for celebration.

It wasn't.

To Harry and Ron that is. Everyone else was partying, figuratively speaking,while the boy who lived wallowed in itchy curiosity and worry.

Whatever made Dumbledore announce such  a thing didn't exactly stir warm safety feelings within him. Something was going on that the headmaster didn't want him to know.

So basically,he was headed to the former professor who at least knew something about what was going on. Or so he hoped.

Ron's gloomy mood hadn't changed ever since Hermione had slapped him,which was over a week ago and it had turned gloomier today due to Harry's worry,which made the emerald eyed boy feel sorry for his friend.

Following Ron's line of vision,he saw the object of his woes.

Hermione Granger.

The girl had been a total mystery to them ever since she came back to Hogwarts. She had this...this aura sorrounding her of beauty, power and amplified intelligence yet the said girl was absolutely oblivious of the effect she had  on everyone.

Coupled   with the ferocious Pansy Parkinson,those two were totally distracting. A power duo.

Everyone thought their friendship wouldn't last the next hour,but apparently that was not to be. It was almost as if  they had an invisible cord holding them.

They went almost everywhere together, classes, bathroom, halls. They spent a lot of time with the youngest professor in Hogwarts too.

Professor Jackson.

Harry didn't know what to make of the guy. He Ginny put it,hot and divine...which made Harry upset, but the girl was stating the truth. Heck he was a guy and he could see it

Couples were breaking up because of him,not that he noticed. As Harry figured out,Percy was denser than a boulder. Up until Ron's... interesting theories about the professor, he was the most popular teacher at Hogwarts.

Now,not so much.

But he seemed to making a comeback since he healed of his mysterious illness.

Harry shook his head and cleared his thoughts. Ron was still staring at the girl. She was donned in an oversized hoodie, her signature denim shorts and white Reebok,and for a second,he found himself staring too, before he mentally slapped himself and looked away.

He liked Ginny,not Hermione.

She was of course with Pansy Parkinson,who was wearing the same only in different color. Next to them was the professor, Percy. They were talking animatedly, laughing at some shared joke here, smacking Percy's head there and generally having a good time.

That obviously made Ron angry,but they couldn't  dwell on that. They had a half giant to visit.

"Come on mate, let's go" Harry said pulling his friend along"standing here watching her isn't going to change anything"

"I  just wish I hadn't been so stupid"Ron said.

"She'll come around, don't stress it"

They went on quietly after that until they reached the little cottage that Rubeus Hagrid dwelt in. Harry knocked and after two minutes,the half giant opened the door.

"Harry,Ron" Hagrid beamed when he saw them before urging them in. As usual the house was warm and cozy and there was a cup of green tea  was waiting for them. After a small ten minute talk, Harry decided to broach the matter at hand.

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