Professor Jackson

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(heeeeeeeeeey,did y'all miss me? Ok ok,less me more story,I get it)

"Slowly Ron, slowly. Breath in,and out, in and out"he thought as he watched her slowly make her way to the Gryffindor table. This wasn't her,no no, that wasn't the Hermione he remembered. This one was taller, bolder in the way she carried herself and , heart achingly beautiful. What happened to her? Ron felt his head spinning the closer she got. Just before he could pass out, that strange hot woman who made fun of Professor piggypants appeared and Hermione jumped straight into her open arms. For a whole minute,Ron wondered what it would feel like to have her arms around his neck ,her in his arms. The very thought of it was enough to make him shiver.
'What are you thinking about,you have a girlfriend already'he thought to himself. Hermione and the woman talked for a few minutes before the woman called for Dumbledore and disappeared,the headmaster followed her lead after welcoming Hermione back. She smiled as she thanked him. Ron's breath hitched from that simple   gesture. He gulped nervously when she sat next to Lavender. No offense or anything,but Ron didn't notice  Lavender that moment. If he took a minute to compare the two, Lavender was a light bulb while Hermione was the sun. He was drowning in her beauty!
He was gathering his courage to talk to her but she wasn't making it easy. The way she was glaring at her food,it was both beautiful and terrifying. Luckily, Harry came  to the rescue.
"Where were you Hermione?"he asked..
The whole world seemed to go quiet as everyone waited for her to answer. She took  a couple of more bites of her food before she looked Harry straight in the eye and gave him a very simple answer"I was at home"
Ron felt the irritated sigh before it  came out of Harry's mouth.  "Why didn't you want to come back Mione?"
It took her another more minutes of chewing before she answered"because I just didn't"
The last thing Ron wanted was to feel angry at her,but the way she answered their questions was like she took their concern for granted.
"What is wrong with  you, we're here  worrying about you and here you are acting like you don't care!"he snapped.
The answer she gave him,truth be told,  hurt more than the time Sirius had bitten him. 
"I'm sorry,I think I forgot the part where my life became any of your business"
Ron would have loved to say he was courageous enough to apologise for irritating her and for every other bad thing he had ever done,but sadly that was not the case. He turned into a plague to her. She avoided him like it was her job and the more she did it the more Ron found her attractive. During the weekends when she wasn't in her school uniform,Ron suffered from high case dehydration, from all the drooling he   was partaking in . He didn't know where she got the sudden  love for denim shorts but she looked damn good in them. Gone was the slim short bushy haired  Hermione who wore  jeans that went past her ankles and always kept her head buried In a book. The new Hermione was tall,with long beautifully curved  legs,a very narrow waist,wide hips,and from the many tshirts she wore, amazingly shaped breasts.
Ron was totally in love with her, everything in his being sang about her beauty. He would have been okay taking things slow in order to have her back, even if it's just as friends if He hadn't come.
The tall ,tanned and handsome professor Jackson,whom every girl, even Lavender,was fawning over. Ron didn't need too many reasons to dislike him from the first second he saw him, just the very fact that he and Hermione were close. Ron wished the professor's classes involved using magic,he would gladly stupefy the guy if given the chance. His anger always, always,rose to new heights whenever he would observe them,the friendly waves they gave each other,the jokes they would exchange on the hallways and on the fields,the laughs they would share,it  was enough to drive him mad!
Who did the so said charming professor Jackson think he was, just walking into Ron's life, taking charge of everything around him,his friends,well because Harry actually liked the professor,not at first but after some time, Hermione liked him ,the headmaster liked him,heck even Snape had no problem with the professor!
Why couldn't Everyone see him the way Ron saw him? A walking lie!
Ron felt like tearing his hair out by it's roots whenever he saw the professor interact friendly with everyone. He had a way of making things fun for everyone. Everyone loved him and all high grade students couldn't wait for his lessons to get there. He would get almost a million "hi"s and"hello"s every morning noon and evening as he walked in the busy hallways of Hogwarts and it burnt Ron  like an ulcer.
Ron was just itching for the professor to do something, anything,out of the ordinary just so he could find something, anything,to  show everyone just what a show off he was.
The pillars holding Ron's sanity crumbled when Pansy Parkinson came into the picture. He could barely stand seeing Hermione close to Mr perfect,now she was best friends with Parkinson? Was the world out to get him?
Ron prayed each and every time he saw that guy's face for him to do something drastic, just ... anything!

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