Professor Jackson

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(Hi guys, how've y'all been, good, still missing me? Ok ok enough with the questions and get to the story,got ya!)
Hermione was really getting tired of waking up to nasty migraines. She let out a really long and loud groan as she struggled to open her eyes. What in hells name had she done to deserve such a throbbing head?
"I see you're awake"someone said.
"Well no shit Sherlock"she groaned.
The person laughed at that.
"When did you get all sarcastic?"he asked.
She decided to take a look at the person and stop conversing to an unknown figure. At first her vision was all blurry and she couldn't make out the person but after a few minutes of thorough blinking,she was finally able to make out a blur of red hair.
Hmm,red hair,who did she know that had red hair? Harry, did Harry have red hair? No, last she remembered the boy who lived had black hair,or was it brown hair?
She quit her inner questioning and focus solely on the figure before her eyes. Well it was muscular, really well aligned jaw,and seriously, what did this person apply to his hair? Such a wonderful shade of red!
"You okay there Mione?
That froze her still. That voice, that deep heavily accented voice she memorized every time she went to sleep,she would recognize it anywhere!
"Finally noticed me eh?" The guy asked.
Hermione's vision finally cleared and she was able to take a good look at him. He was only in the school shirt,no tie and two upper buttons unbuttoned, while the sleeves were pulled up. She also didn't fail to notice the facial hair that was starting to appear on his face, giving an absolutely manly look.
"What are you doing here?"she asked, barely stopping herself from shrieking.
"Well I'm watching you"he answered simply.
"In my bed?"
"Uh, Mione, we're actually in the infirmary"he answered.
Hermione, slowly tore her stubborn gaze from him and looked around. Sure enough,they were at the infirmary, long rows of beds with sickly looking students on them.
"What Happened,how did I get here?"she asked.
"You don't remember?" He asked and she shook her head in response."the school was attacked, during yesterday's quidditch game by hundreds of demon birds."he said.
"Was I attacked?"she asked.
"No, you actually flew to the birds"Ron answered making her mouth go all the way down.
"I what?"
"Yeah,you flew towards the demon birds"
"I can fly?"
"It seems so"he said frowning"don't you remember any of that?"
Hermione closed her eyes and tried to scour her mind. She had flashes of herself moving, running,on the ground shouting at Percy,and-Percy!
"Percy where's Percy?"she asked sitting up.
"Oh so him you remember"Ron said .
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh nothing, just that you are keeping someone else's wellbeing before your own"
"And since when was that a problem?"she asked"it's what you do when you care about someone"
"So you care about Percy?"Ron asked.
"Well yeah,he's my friend"
"Well your friend is a death eater"Ron said, though Hermione thought that came out as a growl
"A what?"
"A death eater, people in Voldemort's army who have dark magic flowing in their veins"
Hermione didn't e whether to laugh, facepalm,go back to sleep or get angry
"Can you repeat what you just said"she said.
"Professor jackson is a death eater"Ron said.
"What in hells name would make you accuse him of such a thing?"Hermione growled,her emotions finally aligning themselves.
"Do you know his full name?"Ron asked.
"Percy Jackson"she said.
"Percy is just a short form for-"
"Perseus,I know"she said.
Ron looked a bit taken back at that before he frowned again"well do you know what the name means?"
"The destroyer"she answered.
Again, Ron looked taken back at that"wait,you are accusing him because his name has a scary meaning?"
"No,but his name raised our suspicion"
"Our, there's more of you... detectives?"she asked.
"Well,it's just Harry, Ginny and-"
"Lemmie guess, Lavender?"
"Uh yeah, Lavender"
"I can see clearly now what a bunch of idiots you all are"she growled crossing her arms.
"We're not idiots Hermione,we have proof"he growled back.
"Well,by all means do share it with me"she said.
They were beginning to get looks from the other students/patients but Hermione couldn't bring herself to care.
"He has a tattoo on his hand"
"SPQR with a Trident and one line,I know"she said.
This time Ron looked so taken back Hermione thought  she had spoken in another language.
"You've seen his tattoo?"
"Of course I've seen his tattoo, you don't always wear long sleeved  T-shirts when swimming do you?"she asked.
"You've gone swimming with him?"
"Yes, before I came back here and that is totally off topic. You were about to explain yourself "
"Yeah, that tattoo,it isn't a skull with a snake at the bottom?"
"No Ron, it's not"
"Well he could be an advanced form of a death eater"he said,but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself.
"Do you even hear yourself?"Hermione asked.
"Hermione,I'm telling you,you can't trust him"
"What do you have against him?"Hermione asked.
"Nothing,I just don't trust him"
"You don't even know him!"
"Hey I'm allowed to feel what I feel about anyone"he shouted back.
"And what do you feel other than mistrust towards Him?"
"No,tell me Ronald, what do you feel about Perseus Jackson?"
"I hate him!"he shouted,his face so red due to anger it almost resembled his hair.
"Because what Ron?"
"Because he stole from me the girl I love!!"he growled.
Hermione didn't know what to do when he said that. The whole infirmary was quiet now,so quiet she thought her heart was out of place with all the pounding that was going on within her body.
"That's... that's ridiculous Ron"she said"Percy didn't even know you  before your first class with him"she said.
"No but he knew you"he said,in such a broken voice it made Hermione Almost flinch.
"What?"she asked.
"Nothing Hermione"he said standing up"I'm ...I'm glad you're awake"he said before grabbing his sweater which was on the back of the chair and walked out, leaving Hermione dumbstruck and puzzled at the same time.
"What did he mean by that?"
She asked herself.

"Hermione, wake up Hermione"
Her dreamless sleep was cut off by someone speaking directly in her ear.
"I'm awake I'm awake"she said cutting Pansy off"do you have to speak directly to my ear?"
"Well you wouldn't wake up, what else was I supposed to do"
"How about wait for me to wake up"
"After the stunt you pulled,you deserve anything but peace and quiet"Pansy said her smile turning to a frown.
"What's that supposed to mean?"she asked sitting up
"Do you know how worried I was? Pansy said crossing her arms"watching helplessly as you fell from the freaking sky was not something I want to repeat again Hermione"
"Wait,I actually flew?"
"Yeah,you did,and you blew up, again"
"If I did all that then that means Ron really was here,and we said all those words to each other"she murmured to herself.
"Ooh,you and Ron shared some words?"Pansy asked sitting down and wiggling her eyebrows at her.
"Not what you're thinking,I assure you"Hermione said.
"Oh really,then please do enlighten me on what you mean"
"Well,the golden squad thinks Percy is part of Voldemort's army"
"What,why would they think that?"Pansy asked.
"Coz Percy has this tattoo on his hand"
"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about that,"
"You've seen his tattoo ?"
"Well yeah,I mean he does wear alot of long sleeved T-shirts,but occasionally he would lift his sleeve and I would get a glimpse of it, what does it stand for?"
"He told me it's a family thing of his,and now that we know he's the son of"Hermione looked around for any eavesdroppers,but everyone else was busy with their own pain"Poseidon,it would clarify that,I mean his father's symbol of power is the Trident, hence the Trident tattoo"
Pansy nodded before she frowned again"but if he's the son of Poseidon"she said whispering the last part"how did he do that thing with the fire,I thought Poseidon was the god of the Seas"
"I don't know P, that's something we're gonna have to ask him about"Hermione said
"Okay, back to the words you said to each other"
"You're not letting this go are you?"
"There weren't that many words exchanged Pansy,but he did confess something"
Pansy's eyes grew wider to seriously abnormal levels"what what did he confess?"
"Okay,tone down the curiosity"Hermione said chuckling.
"Come on what did he confess?"
"That he's suspicious of Percy because he hates him"
"Wait,who hates who here?"
"Ron hates Percy"
"And while is that?"
"Because apparently Percy stole Ron's girl"Hermione said.
"So Lavender is in love with Percy now?"
"I don't think it's Lavender"Hermione said.
"Why not?"
"Because, Lavender still is too clingy to Ron. And Percy hadn't met Ron before their first encounter during his lesson"
"Did you bring that up?"
"And what did he say?"
"He said,and I quote'no but he knew you'?"
"You,as in,you, Hermione you?"
"I guess" Hermione answered,"but what did he mean by that? And who is this mystery girl?"
Pansy had this funny look on her face,as if she couldn't believe her or she didn't think those words were coming out of her mouth.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"Hermione asked.
"Are you serious?"
"About what?"
"About not knowing who this girl is?"
"No,am I supposed to?"
"For the smartest most powerful witch of this age,you are painfully oblivious"Pansy said.
"The girl,you seriously don't know who it is?"
"No I don't, wait"Hermione froze"it's not , it's not who I think it is,is it?"
"Oh yeah,it is"Pansy said nodding.
"Oh my God, Ron was in love with...with...Luna?"
"What no,no no no no no,No!"Pansy shouted"no, what is wrong with you."
"It's you,he's in love with you Hermione!"Pansy said pointing at her.
"Yes girl, Ronald Weasley is in love with you"Pansy said not being careful to keep it down. The whole infirmary literally gasped at that.
(Aaaaand there's chapter 21. To all my readers, thank you so much. Please read and let me know what you think, keep the comments coming. As always it an honor to write to you.
Until next time

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