Professor jackson

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(Heeeeeeeeeey,hi guys,I'm not even gonna ask,I'm sure you all missed me,so  here I am)
Hermione let out a growl of frustration before she raced to the quidditch pitch. She didn't even bother to check if Percy was following her. She had a snake to skin. She almost exploded again as she collided with almost the whole school. She was fighting against a crowd of panicking students,and it drove her anger to new heights. The quidditch players,well the Gryffindor ones, Slytherin had already bailed, were trying to help Harry. The boy was a tiny red spot underneath a cloud of birds. The birds,she didn't bother to remember their names, were swirling around him, like a shark circling it's kill. Occasionally one of them will make a killing dive towards Harry. Only his skill with his broom, plus the fact that the broom itself was fast kept him alive this long. Hermione let out a dry cough as she halted beneath the chaos. Now that she was here,she didn't know what to do. She didn't have a broom to fly up there, plus she doubted she could do anything meaningful once she was up there. She could only stare with boiling anger and sadness as Harry struggled to stay alive.
"Hey"Pansy said coming to an abrupt stop beside her.
"I thought I told you  to make sure he doesn't play in this game"Hermione growled.
"I did,I really did. I mean,I even broke his freaking broom"Pansy protested.
"Then why do I still see him up there?"
"Hooch said once the game plan was set it couldn't be changed. She said the only way Harry was coming off was with a few points from Gryffindor"
"Why would he care about points,he makes Gryffindor lose points like it's his hobby,and besides, this is his life he's dealing with"
"Um,did you actually mention his life he as in danger when you told him not to play?"
"No"Hermione said frowning.
"Well that explains why he didn't listen to you"
"Wait,did you say you broke his broom?"
"Yes,in a futile attempt to stop him from playing"
"Then how in Dumbledore's name is he still alive?"
"One things for sure, that boy is good with the broom"Percy said beside her, making her jump slightly. She had completely forgotten about him.
"Can't you do anything?"Pansy asked him.
"I can,I just need a way to make them focus on me"he said."and a way to get the players down,they can't hear us over all this chaos"
"Leave that to me"Pansy said hefting her wand.
The players didn't know what happened,but in the next few minutes, their broom tails were on fire. Hermione had to admit,,the girl had a really accurate aim. Fire jumped out of her wand and headed straight to an unsuspecting player,and voila,the player found him or herself rocketing towards the ground.
"Nice one"Percy said. He then focused his vision on Harry before he smiled."ha,I thought you said you were too lazy to patrol"he said grinning.
Hermione  at first thought he was talking to her hence her confused look,then she followed his gaze. With one glance, anyone would have Missed it, actually, Hermione had to force herself not to blink in order to see it for herself. That explained why Harry was alive for so long. Sure he was good with the broom,he definitely knew how to dodge,but on closer inspection,the birds were becoming less and less sure about attacking him, because someone or something big and winged was flying around Harry. It moved so fast Hermione could barely make out it's form. Anytime a monster bird would dive for Harry, that thing would act so fast Hermione wouldn't see the bird again,it would just disappear!
"She can't hold them off for much longer,not with Harry in the middle"Percy said.
"That thing is a she?"Pansy asked.
"Well,yeah, isn't it obvious?"
"Less talk about gender and  more talk about how to help Harry"Hermione growled at them.
"I have an idea"someone said racing towards them,and it was none other than the Weasley she had a crush on.
"Well, hurry up"Hermione said once the boy came to a standstill, followed by Ginny,then,urgh, Lavender.
Ron took out his wand and pointed it towards the birds."Incindia"he bellowed.
Hermione was actually impressed by the amount of fire that literally exploded out of his wand straight to the birds,in one neat blazing line. About a hundred shrieks of pain and anger answered back and the birds dove down .
"That was your plan Weasley,to alert them of our very existence?"Pansy asked.
"I didn't say it was a good plan,plus it would have worked if the birds could actually burn!"he defended himself.
"Oh they can, just not with your fire"Percy said
"What's wrong with my fire?"Ron asked.
"It lacks,the killing touch"Percy said rubbing his hands."but it did get their attention,so that part worked"
"And now we are going to be eaten by a flock of monster blood, thanks a lot Weasley"Pansy growled. Hermione could tell she was stressed out because her eyes were slit and the skin on her nose was freakishly green,and were those... scales?
The birds turned and started swirling around them.
"One question before we die,who set our brooms on fire? Hooch growled hosting her broom for them to see,the Gryffindor team nodding sore heads in painful agreement.
"Oh that would be Ron"Pansy said.
"What,me.. but.."
"That's it Weasley, you're dead"a girl who Hermione couldn't see said.
"Are you people seriously gonna talk about this when we have a bunch of killer birds flying around us?"Hermione asked.
"You wanted their attention,now what?" Lavender asked Percy.
"Now to focus their attention on me"he said taking Hooch's broom which was broken and used it to make a cut on his hand,a really deep cut.
"Jackson,my broom is not for bleeding yourself to death"
"Oh I know Hooch,but these birds will rather die than ignore my blood"Percy said smiling.
"What's that supposed to mean?"Ginny asked.
"Any moment now"Percy said.
The birds started shrieking excitedly before,in perfect formation,they took to the sky. Hermione didn't fail to notice that there was still a huge swarm around Harry and the mysterious being. The flying birds, still in perfect formation, descended, their sole focus was none other than Percy Jackson.
"Alright everyone down"Percy shouted in a voice that removed any sort of disobedience from her system,she fully heeded those words,and so did everyone else. The birds were descending rapidly,too rapidly for Hermione's liking. If Percy didn't do anything,they would be pummeled by a cloud of  metallic beaks. The boy in question closed his eyes,his hands together,as if he was praying. Come to think of it,he was praying, because Hermione heard him whispering something like "Please...of strength...son".
The prayer didn't seem to work since a few seconds later nothing had happened and the birds were getting closer.
"Percy"Hermione called out. She was holding her wand so tightly she was sure it was going to turn to dust the next second. The boy didn't open his eyes."Percy"she called again. The only response she got this time was a twitch of the eye
"Percy"she nearly screamed this time, because now the could see the tongues of the birds as they squaked while headed towards them"Percy"
He suddenly took an intake of air and his eyes opened. Hermione would have gasped if she wasn't currently holding her breath. His eyes which were usually sea green, were now...dare she say it... burning green, like they were literally burning with green fire. He let out an animalistic roar and lifted his hands facing the birds. His palms started smoking before, GREEN, freaking GREEN FIRE,  erupted from them and shot towards the birds, burning them mercilessly. Hermione was actually glad she was on the ground. She was sure the amount of heat coming from Percy's hands would have melted her to a puddle of goo in a matter of nanoseconds. The fire was beautiful, but it's heat made Hermione reconsider her opinions about it. Once It touched any bird,the monster wouldn't even get the chance to scream in pain before it was engulfed and burnt away completely,not even leaving  cooked flesh. There was nothing left of the burnt birds, literally nothing. Hermione had to admit it,the plan was effective because the birds , unable to stop their speeding selves flew straight to the fire. In a matter of sweltering minutes, what was once hundreds of birds,was now nothing. When the last bird in that half was burnt, Percy fell to the ground.
"Whoa"Pansy said looking towards the sky."that was amazing"
"Admire later Pansy"Hermione said as she knelt next to him. His skin was horribly pale and cold."Percy, Percy"she said shaking him"
If he heard her,he didn't make any indication of it. His eyes were a pulsing orange, deep orange."Percy can you hear me?"she asked. She was considering slapping him to check if he was still alive when he spoke.
"Ah,you know me mom, have to make sure my friends are safe first, personal safety later"he mumbled"after all, what's my fatal flaw?"
"Is he talking to himself?"Hooch asked
"No"Hermione said. Saying he was talking to himself was a simpler option,but Hermione could feel another presence among them,a really warm and really angry presence.
"Someone else is here"Pansy said looking around,and she wasn't asking.
"You feel it too?"Hermione asked.
"Oh yeah, someone else really powerful is here" she answered.
"I don't know what you two wierdos are talking about,but how do we get Harry down, he's still sorrounded by the remaining birds"Lavender said.
And sure enough, Harry was still trapped underneath a mass of birds.
"Well our fire doesn't work on them,so that's out of option"Ron said bitterly.
"Anyone else got another idea, perhaps one that doesn't involve burning"Hooch asked glaring at Ron.
Hermione was about to say something when  Percy spoke again.
"You know you really need to help Heloise more than you need to scold me"
There was a shift in the air, before Hermione felt the presence circling around them leave. Percy's eyes turned normal the next second.
"I felt it lift"Pansy said.
"So did I" Hermione replied.
"Hello, Harry Potter needs our help"Ginny growled at the both of them.
Hermione was about to retort when right in the middle of the swirling birds there was a burst of golden light,so bright it made the birds scatter before the light descended really fast and rose again Hermione cought it all in a blink of an eye. The next second, Harry was there on the ground next to them ,no golden light visible in sight.
"Well that was fast"Pansy said.
"They're going to come back"Harry said standing up. Sure enough,the birds recollected high in the sky and  started swirling again, preparing for a fast descent.
"Well let's get the hell outta here"Ron Said.
Hermione looked up at the sky again. The birds were fewer than before, Percy took out a huge chunk of them,but hundreds still remained,more than enough to still cause them problems,but not if she didn't do something about it. She knew she was really really stupid for thinking about this,but she felt something pulling her to do it.
"Pansy what Happened when I exploded?"she asked.
"You're really asking about that now?"
"Just tell me,did I explode fire or what?"
The girl frowned as she tried to remember.
"Hermione we need to go"Ron Said.
"I need to know"she said.
"It wasn't fire,it was like a bright green shockwave,"Pansy said.
"So it wasn't fire?"
"Not  fire,now can we get out of here?"Pansy said.
"Take Percy"Hermione said.
"What about you,I'm not leaving you here Granger"Hooch said as two players hefted the partially concious Percy.
"I'm right behind you"Hermione said,"but I have to do something first"
"Hermione, we're going, we're not leaving anyone behind, most of all you"Pansy said but Hermione didn't hear her.
She was already beginning to concentrate on her energy resevior.She filled her mind with thoughts of Draco,the beaten drakon,the sinister look on his face as he growled,his scary voice and the fear she felt whenever she thought of him. She felt power rising up her spine before it began tugging her gut.
When she opened her eyes next,they were glowing. Pansy who was busy pulling her stopped and stared at her in confusion. Hermione turned and looked at the birds that were still swirling in the air before the ancestral energy filled her whole being and she felt weightless, gravity loosening it's hold on her and in the next minute she was in the air, flying. If she wasn't struggling to keep her energy in check,she would have been squealing in delight. She was as actually flying, without a broom stick. Wonder took over her mind and she took a good look at herself. Green glowing smoke was swirling all around her body, making her look like Johnny from the fantastic four,if only his fire was green,and he wore a robe,and was a girl. Confidence infused into her system,she propelled herself to the mass of swirling birds. Their loud shrieks became unavoidable to her when she was in their midst. Those things were loud, how was Harry not deaf from all that noise. The birds obviously noticed the glowing green being in their midst because their swirling circle started thinning.
"Wrap this up Hermione,you can't turn back now, you're already in the freaking sky"she whispered closing her eyes. She focused on Draco's sinister look and his frightening deep hissing voice. She started to feel like sneezing, energy building up in the pits of her stomach before spreading to her whole body. She felt herself swelling before she took a deep breath and,let it out.
The whole world became quiet for one complete second. Hermione watched in amazed horror as a blinding shockwave erupted from her own body and incinerated the birds,all of them. The blast was so powerful,it vaporized the birds and the clouds!
For one minute, Hermione just watched as the birds turned to dust and clouds disappeared in the wake of her power, amazement filling her mind.
Amazement turn to horror when she felt her energy suddenly shoot down and disappear completely, leaving her suddenly weak, cold and feeling absolutely heavy.
She lifted her hand and watched  as her blue fingers started turning frosty before it suddenly become windy as she plummeted super fast to the waiting earth below.
(Aaaaand there's chapter 20. Please read and let me know what you think. Keep the comments. Thank you all of you who voted for my story and all you who added my story to your  reading lists, love you all so much. As always,it's an honor to write to you.
Until next time

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