Professor Jackson

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The whole hall went quiet the moment they entered.Hermione could  literally feel the stares she got as the walked to the Gryffindor table.She cought Ron's eyes.
Her breath hitched.The boy,if possible had become more handsome than she saw him last.His shoulders had grown bolder and his hair more fiery.She bit her tongue and forced herself to keep a straight face.Her eyes moved to Harry who was sitting next to him.His emerald eyes bore into hers through his glasses, scrutinizing her,loads of questions pouring through them in gallons.Ginny Weasley was seated next to him and next to her Neville.Across from Ron sat the one and only, Lavender.A wave of anger washed over when she saw their entwined hands.Her hands clenched to fists as she tried to keep herself calm,but it was the hardest thing she had ever done.She felt like she could stupefy everyone in the hall if they didn't mind their own business.Before she could,a puff of purple smoke appeared in front of her and materialized into a smiling Via.
"Hermione"she said opening her arms inviting her for a hug.Hermione didn't know the woman and anything about her,but currently,she was the only one she wasn't pissed at,and she really needed a hug then.So she went for It, jumping into the Via's arms and squeezing her.Hermione smiled widely when she felt the familiar influx of power flooding her system when she touched Via.They pulled away and stared at each other.
"You came"Hermione said.
"Of course,I had to welcome my favorite witch to school ,is that wrong?"Via asked.
"Not at all"she answered.
"How was your holiday dear?"
"Boring at first,but it was starting to get better until know"she answered.
Via nodded understandingly before a smirk found its way to her face"you met him?"
Hermione's face turned to confusion until she realized who she was talking about"who?"
"Oh you know who I mean,"Via said.Hermione shook her head."really,you haven't met a pair of sea green eyes,goofy behavior, charming six foot tall-"
"Yes I met him"Hermione answered cutting her off.Via chuckled making her frown"how did you know?"
"He has that impression on people,a way of making people feel important and wanted at the same time,you had his goofy look when you talked about your ruined holiday,and plus your thoughts are still pretty loud"Via finished making her groan.
Hermione's heart clenched when she thought about how disappointed Percy would be the next day when she didn't show up.Apparently Via either noticed her sad expression or read her mind because she squeezed her hands lightly"hey, true friendship stands the test of time,and plus he has this way of finding his way back to his good friends, wherever they may be"she said,her eyes twinkling like she knew something Hermione didn't, which she guessed  was a lot,but either way she smiled and nodded"don't worry my dear, this term is sure to be ... interesting for you,you can bet on that"Via added before pulling her in for another hug which Hermione gladly accepted before pulling away shortly after.
"Thank you"she said.
"It's nothing my dear, now if you could excuse me,I have some words I'd like to exchange with your headmaster"Via said before turning and facing Dumbledore."Albus, your office,now"she said before disappearing in a cloud of purple smoke.
The headmaster stood up"welcome back miss Granger"
"Thank you sir"Hermione said to him before he apparated.
Hermione wanted to sit as far away from Ron as possible,but as luck would have it ,the only space there was was right next to Lavender.Sighing audibly,she sat down and grabbed a plate and started eating immediately the food appeared,not caring what it was.
"Aren't you going to say anything?"Harry asked.
She took a few more bites not facing any of them before looking straight at him,"what's there to say?"
"I don know, maybe ,you should start by telling us where you were?"he said.
"I was at home"she answered simply before taking another bite and chewing slowly.
"Why didn't you want to come to school, Hermione,we were worried about you?"Ron asked.Anger roared in Hermione's ears before she forced herself to calm down.
"Well you shouldn't be,as you can see I'm perfectly fine"she answered a bit too coldly .
"Why didn't you want to come back, Mione?"Harry asked.
"Because I just didn't"she answered.
"What's wrong with you, we're here worried about you and here you are acting like you don't care!"Ron hissed.
She tried,she really tried to Reign in her anger but she was tired and in a bad mood so excuse her"I'm sorry"she said scoffing, looking at him straight in the eye"I think I missed the part where my life became any of your business"
Ron looked like he had just been slapped,hard.It was Harry who came to the rescue"of course we care Hermione, you're our friend"
"Really,am I now?"she asked"it's along time since either of you referred to me like that, when was it, about a millennia ago?"
"This isn't funny Mione"Ron said.
"Do I look like I'm joking?"Hermione asked.
"Look there's going to be a war"Harry said.
"Really,I did not know that,thank you for sharing that obvious piece of information with me Harry"
He ignored that and continued"we don't have a DADA teacher and Dumbledore doesn't seem like he's looking for any,and with Voldemort around the corner,we need to be prepared"
"So what?"Ron asked.
"So why are you telling me that?"
"You're the smartest one of us,we need you to memorize some dangerous defense spells so we can train with them and be ready when Voldemort comes"Harry said.
She looked at them for a long time,the whole table quiet, waiting for her response.
"So, are you going to do it?"Lavender asked.
Irritation burned in her belly like an ulcer when she heard Lavender speak but fortunately,she didn't show it.Their plan was plausible,but her whole being screamed no.
"No"she answered before going back to her food.
"No,why not"Ron asked.
"Why should I?"
"Because maybe our lives depend on it"Ron said.
"Harry,do you trust Dumbledore"she asked him.
"Of course I do"he answered immediately.
"Then no,I'm not going to do it"Hermione Said.
"Why" Ginny asked.
"Because,this just seems like a complete waste of time and energy."they all gave her puzzled looks , making her sigh"Dumbledore knows Voldemort is going to attack the school right?"they nodded"well don't you think he'd have gotten a defense teacher if he wanted to? maybe he already has a teacher and it's just you being impatient,or maybe he knows we don't need defense against dark arts"she answered.
"And what if the teacher never gets here,huh,are we supposed to sit and wait for Voldemort to attack?"
"Yes"she answered taking another bite.
"So you're not going to help us at all?" Ron asked.
"What happened to you Hermione?"Harry asked.
"I stopped being your go to guide and became more observative"she answered smiling.
"Ugh, let's leave her, there's lots of smart people to ask"Lavender asked.
"Oh really,then why did you bother with me then?"Hermione asked smiling.A satisfied smirk was plastered on her face when she saw the angry look on Lavenders face."well, when you find someone to help you, don't let me know"she said.
"Oh don't worry,we won't"Ron said.
"Thanks,I would really appreciate that"Hermione said smiling before she finished her food and pushed her plate away."if you guys are done staring at me,I bid you goodnight"
She stood up and walked out without being dismissed and went straight to the Gryffindor dormitory.

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