Professor Jackson

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(I know I know, haven't updated in two two days, just been really busy, recently learned I'm pregnant and there's this whole new drama in my family and haven't even joined college yet,so, anyway,you don't need to know all the details,sooo here you go)

The infirmary was too quiet for Hermione's good. Hecate wasn't done pacing, Percy was staring at the roof, Pansy was busy rubbing circles on her hand and Professor McGonagall was still out cold. The mood which wasn't exactly cheery pressed down in her like a wet blanket. When someone finally spoke,she almost jumped for joy,the silence was choking her.
"Hecate,"Percy said to the woman"what is happening?"
Hermione didn't know why he asked that question but Via apparently did.
"I don't know Percy, that vile irresponsible piece of shit has everything he does clouded from my vision"
"Well she did learn from the best"Percy muttered.
"Back then she was a good daughter,not what she is now"
"Whoa, timeout, what are you guys talking about?"Pansy asked.
Hecate sighed before she took a seat at the edge of the bed."the reason why Voldemort is powerful the way he is.."she sighed before she looked at Percy.
"He's the son of Hecate's daughter"Percy finished for her.
"What do you mean by that?" Pansy asked.
"He's Circe's son"
"Who the hell is that?" Pansy asked.
"A minor goddess, Voldemort is the son of a minor goddess"Hermione said.
"An absolutely infuriating minor goddess" Hecate said standing up."she's powerful stubborn and really has a silver tongue"
"Tom Marvolo Riddle is the son of a minor goddess?"Hermione asked.
"Don't you ever ask yourself why you never her of his maternal side?" Hecate asked.
"Well yeah,I mean I thought maybe his mother died when he was a baby,but her being a minor goddess?"Pansy said.
"She was the one who made him change his name from Tom Riddle to Voldemort. Circe had been obsessed with the idea of becoming a major goddess,and she thought me handing authority over the wizard world would help her. She wanted to show Zeus she could be a helpful ally of Olympus by demonstrating how well she could govern this world. I told her it wouldn't matter to Zeus but she didn't listen,she kept pestering me. Well it's obvious I denied her the chance to rule over you,the wizarding world my own responsibility. I had vowed it would never cross paths with the western flame,but Circe didn't want to hear any of it. She had to have this world to herself,and thus she came up with the perfect plan, give birth to a powerful baby, mould him to the very idea I despise then take over the wizarding world through her m knowing very well I can't interfere." Hecate paused taking a huge breath.
"Why can't you interfere?"Hermione asked.
"There are laws that govern the gods"Percy answered"part of these laws restrict the gods from interfering with mortal affairs"
The two girls nodded in agreement.
"So what now?"Pansy asked.
"You unlocked a new level of divination magic Hermione"Hecate said"if my theory is correct, you've only scratched the surface to your abilities "
"Uuh, care to explain your theory?"Percy asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Hermione ,as that foolish example of a boy Draco referred ,is a mudblood."Hermione looked down at that"but it seems that is not the case."
"What do you mean?"
"You,my dear are an ancestral pureblood"Hecate said.
"A what?" Pansy asked.
"Long ago, some of the people I blessed with magic didn't exactly love my blessing. You see,as much as magic is the solution to a problem,it could be the cause of one too. Some of these people chose to neglect the magic in them and lead normal lives,free from the burdens that came with my blessing. Not many did this,but,the few that did we're mostly divination witches and wizards. The fear of seeing one's demise was something they didn't want,so they ignored my blessing, with the hope that it would fade away. But magic never fades Hermione. It would seem in your case, that both your parents come from such families. You're ancestors chose to ignore their magic,to bottle it up,but with each generation that passed,the bottle kept swelling and swelling until you bore a tiny hole in it "
"So,I now carry the magic of all those who came before me?"
"Yes,and you are just beginning to unravel the power inside you. Your parents meeting, that is something I bet the Fates had been planning for a long time,so that you would be available in this exact time."
"What does that mean for me?" She asked.
"Don't you see, Hermione, with the perfect practice you could become the most powerful witch ever. You can turn the tide of this war to your favor"
Her eyes were almost bursting out of her sockets.
"I carry the power of all my ancestors before me"
"Yes, that would explain why you have such powerful prophetic energy. All you needed was a little jump-starting from me to realize what you can do."
The infirmary was silent again with everyone trying to assess what had just been revealed.
"So,how do I reach my true potential?"
"That's pretty obvious H,you train"Percy answered.
"Yes but where and when? I can't practice with the other students watching me,I hate being watched by them"
Pansy sighed"hey, we'll figure something out"
Hermione smiled at her and lay her head on her shoulder.
"We will, but for now, Pansy,you need to stick as close to her as you can. No telling when or where she could get another prophetic insight. I'm gonna go to Alscepius,he might have something to dull the pain." Hecate said." Don't worry Hermione,in my experience with prophecies,they hay double meanings"
After saying that, Hecate poofed away . Percy cleared his throat at the silence that engulfed the room.
"Look,H,I'm not gonna let you die. That's something I don't do anymore"Percy said before leaning down and kissing her forehead.
Before Hermione could even catch her breath,the guy disappeared in a cloud of mist. Her whole face was burning ,she was sure she had a fever then,not to mention the difficulty in breathing. Percy just kissed her!!!.
It was in the forehead yes,but it was still a kiss! A really warm , soft kiss that explained in a really clear voice that he really cared about her,and one that made her feel as if she was floating off the ground,her stomach warm and her spine tingling.
"Are you okay?"Pansy asked,"your heating up and your forehead is all red?"
"Huh"Hermione said, angry at Pansy for pulling her from the clouds so soon.
"Are you alright,do I need to call the nurse?"
"No,no need,I'm fine Pansy, just bored"she answered laying her head down on her shoulder again.
"Well, let's get out of here"Pansy said.
"Pomfrey didn't say I could leave"Hermione said.
"And she didn't say you couldn't,and besides, you've been here for three days already, you'll die if you spend another second here"
Hermione chuckled "fine let's go,but first,I need to take a shower first,so you're escorting me to the Gryffindor house"
"Isn't that illegal?"Pansy asked.
"Not if Via suggested it"Hermione said throwing the covers off her body.

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