Professor Jackson

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Snap out of it Hermione! Shaking her head,the girl mastered a shaky smile
"Uh,hi"she answered him.
"Are you okay,you zoned out a bit there"
"Yeah,I'm fine, just have a lot on my mind  right now"she said.
"Mind sharing,"she looked at him questioningly"you know a problem shared is a problem half solved"he added.
"I don't know how I think sharing my troubles with a stranger"she answered.
To his credit,he actually smiled.A really hot stranger,dang it Mione,what has gotten into you today?
"That can be easily fixed,hi I'm Percy Jackson"he said stretching his hand over the table for a shake.
"Hermione Granger"she answered shaking it.
"See, now we're not strangers anymore,so mind sharing?"
"Uh yes I do.Telling each other our names doesn't lessen the stranger situation.For all I know you could be an immigrant terrorist who wants to blow up this cafe!"she said,and immediately regretted it.That was a bit too harsh Hermione,she thought as she waited for the look of hurt to engulf the guy's face,but surprisingly,he actually chuckled.
"You're right actually, about the stranger situation,and the immigrant part,but not about the terrorist part,I am not a terrorist,the blowing things up part,well only time will tell"
Hermione blinked"you've blown up things before?"
"Not by choice,I seem to have this problem where trouble follows me everywhere I go, just hope I it lost my trail back in America"he said,the last part to himself,but she heard it.
"You're from America?"
He hesitated before answering,"uh yes"
"Why did you come to Britain then?"she asked.
"I uh,I have wanted to get away from some people."
"Why"Hermione didn't know why,but she just felt like she should hear him out.
"Let's just say I faced a severe case of betrayal."she just looked at him,her mind focused solely on his face,"my girlfriend well let's just say my former girlfriend,she uh,she accused me of something I didn't do."
"What was it?"she asked in a quiet voice.
"A friend of mine ,his name was Leo,he died.I was the closest guy to him when he died,so technically Annabeth thought I was the murderer"
"Annabeth, she's your ex"Hermione asked.
"Yes.Of all the people who I expected to accuse me of such a thing,she was the absolute last.She and I had been best friends since we were twelve ,then we started dating about a year ago.Now I'm a murderer in her eyes"
"Well I'm not supposed to judge,but your ex is a complete ass"Hermione said.Percy actually laughed at that,and boy was his laugh charming.
"That she is"he said still laughing.After he calmed down, which took a while,he asked,"so miss Granger, what's your story?"
"Well since you told me your unhappy tale,I suppose it would be fair if I did the same"she said,then took a deep breath and,"I'm afraid of going to school"
"There's this guy,his name is Ron"
"You like him?"
"Yes,I do.Problem is, he an I haven't been at the best of terms lately"
"He did something wrong?"
"No,it's just, there's another girl named Lavender and she made it pretty obvious that she wants Ron all to herself.Ron and I used to be good friends, that was until puberty took over and I started seeing him in a wierd way.Then Lavender came in and I started distancing myself away from him."
"Wait,you started distancing yourself,why?"
"I guess I didn't want to get hurt."she answered.
"And how's that working out for you?"
Her ever thinking mind halted.How did it work for her?She distanced herself from the golden trio pretty well.No letters from either Harry or Ron ever since they came for the holidays,so that meant her plan worked really well.So why did she still feel like throwing up whenever she pictured Ron and Lavender together.
"Not well"she answered .
"Thought so"Percy Said"look,H, ignoring a problem won't make it go away.You need to face this Ron and tell him what you really feel about him"
"What,no way I'm I doing that,I might loose our friendship"
"Is there a friendship between you two now?"
"No"she answered quietly.
"So, what have you got to lose?"he asked.
Hermione didn't answer but she downed her coffee."so why did you choose Britain of all places?"
"Because I get to spend more time with my dad and mom"he answered"and because I have a job to do here"
"Your parents are British?"
"Oh Had-hell no, can't imagine my dad speaking with your accent,no.Back in America there's a ...court order that prevents my dad from seeing me as often as he should,so here, we're not in America anymore.He can see me however and whenever he likes"
"That's nice"Hermione said smiling at him.
"It really is"
"And this job of yours, what's it about?"
"I was assigned to a some school here that is facing some so hard I've been assigned to teach     in that school,can you believe it?"
"No ,I can't"she answered.
"Ha ha"he said making her laugh."say, since you're from around here,why don't you give me a tour,you know,so I don't get lost"
Hermione seemed to be thinking about it before she answered,"well since I've got nothing better to do,I guess I could do that"
"You guess?"Percy asked.
"Come on"she said standing up"but if you get in trouble, you're on your own"
"Yes ma'am"he said standing after her.

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