professor Jackson

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"no no no..Pipes ,come on Piper wake up!"Jason screamed as he tried to rouse Piper.Percy just stared on his mind blank.His heart was pounding so hard on his chest he was mildly surprised no one else could hear it.
"Piper!"Jason screamed again."she's dying"Nico said.His voice was quiet but Percy heard him.
"Dying...die.. Piper's dying.."Percy whispered to himself"die..NO!"He shouted pushing Jason away from her.Everyone looked at him shocked but Percy couldn't bring himself to care.He pressed his hands on Piper's belly and sent his senses into her body.He stifled a gasp at the quantity of water blocking her trachea.Her stomach was already full of water.He took a deep breath and pulled the water from her body Makin sure to do it gently so as not to rapture her cells.He felt the water rise slowly from her trachea and move out through her nose slowly.Despite the painful pull in his gut Percy did not stop.The water moved slowly outwards.Just when Percy was about to pass out from pain Piper started coughing.Immediately Jason turned her to the side and out came all the water from her stomach.Everyone let out a sigh of relief when she started breathing properly.Her eyes fluttered open and found Percy "Leo... you..Le..Leo"she whispered before she passed out.
Everyone's eyes then found their way back to Percy.
"Percy where's Leo..?"Annabeth asked.Percy just stared at her in confusion his mind not fully registering why everyone was looking at him, it's not like he carried the guy around.He was about to smirk when he suddenly remembered the elfish Latino firing at him..him losing focus... falling..then a large explosion above him..His eyes slowly moved upwards fearing what he would see but not being able to stop.He only saw Leo no Festus and no Gaea.
"He's dead"Nico said looking towards Hazel who confirmed with a slight nod."To storm or fire the world must fall"Annabeth whispered .A heavy silence fell among everyone present"Leo's dead"Percy whispered to himself.He had to admit at the beginning of their quest Percy  was mad at the boy for firing at New Rome and making him loose the trust he had fought to establish,then he learned the guy had been possessed and that quelled his anger to some level.Then he himself got possessed so he could relate to what the guy felt, watching yourself almost kill your friend and not being able to stop.Yeah that was a feeling Percy did not want to experience ever again.Then there was the whole issue of leaving Calypso on ogygia.Leo met Calypso and he liked her..but then he was forced to leave her.After Percy apologized for not making the gods release her sooner they began talking about their experience with the beautiful titaness."I'm going back to her you know"Leo had said all traces of mirth fleeing from her face
"Dude you can't find Ogygia twice,you know that right?"Percy asked
"I don't care,I'm going to get her out even if it kills me"Leo had answered.Percy didn't know how to reply to that so he just wished him all the best then they went back to being stupid.
Now Leo was never going to free  Calypso.If only he had held on to  the water platform for just a tad bit longer he could have pulled leo from Festus but nooo he just had to be scared of a little ball of flame."Stupid stupid seaweed brain"his mind screamed"
"To storm or fire"Annabeth said looking at him.Everyone looked back at her"to storm of fire"she said again.Percy stood up his eyes trained on her"Leo wasn't supposed to were the storm, Leo was the were supposed to be the one to make Gaea fall,not Leo"
"Annabeth what are you saying"Jason asked
"The responsibility of defeating Gaea was on your shoulders Percy...but you let Leo take let him die"
"Annabeth that's not true"Hazel said looking coldly at her
"It is Hazel"Annabeth answered"He was the Fates' first weapon choice on defeating Gaea,the storm,"
"How do you know Percy's the storm?"
"He's the son of the storm bringer so obviously he's the storm!"Annabeth shouted.All eyes went back to Percy who was still looking at Annabeth,not moving.
"You let Leo die in your place"Jason said standing up."you coward!You let Leo die"Jason shouted before throwing a packed up punch onto Percy who did nothing to stop it.His mouth exploded with pain his lip rapturing blood seeping out.
"Jason stop!"Hazel screamed pushing the blonde back."You coward!"Percy slowly stood up his eyes on the ground."they're right"his brain whispered"you let Leo die"
"How many people have to die so that you can live Percy"Annabeth said looking at him."Annabeth shut up"Clarisse said."it's true Clarisse.Many people have died so that he could live"
"That's not true Chase"Clarisse growled.
"What about Silena!"Annabeth shouted
"Silena died fighting a drakon"Clarisse barked
"She wouldn't have died if Percy hadn't let her come back for you"Annabeth said.Before Clarisse could retort Annabeth continued"What about Charles,he died on Luke's ship, which was on water Percy, where you could have saved him,but you didn' let him die.Michael died the same way,you could have saved him but you didn't.Bianca died so you could escape and now Leo's dead because of you"
The whole camp was silent now, everyone looking at Percy.Percy looked around.Hazel was looking at him with tears in her eyes, the Romans didn't know what to think of the former Praetor but based on the level of accusation,it was obvious to Percy they judged him guilty.The
Greeks were looking at him with pain filled eyes.Eight months ago when Percy looked into those he saw nothing but trust and admiration,but now the trust wasn't there.They didn't look at him like their fellow camper,but like a strange murderer."Eight months of being away took them away from you.You were replaced Percy.youre no longer their leader, You're the person who once led their fellow campers to their deaths"his concience whispered."You don't belong here anymore Percy,this place is littered with the blood of the campers who trusted you,who you were loyal to,who you could have died for but let die for you,you don't belong here,you belong in the fields of punishment"he thought as tears filled his eyes"you let them die you stupid seaweed brain!"his mind screamed as pain erupted from within him.He bit down his tongue to stop himself from crying out but the pain wasn't lessening.He sent out a pulse of his power then let the vapor seep into his skin before the familiar feeling of moving  a thousand miles per second engulfed him.When his molecules realligned he was far away from camp,then he let the tears flow.
(Aaaaand that's chapter 4 I said pliz read, tell me what you think. Always a privilege to write to you.
Until next time....

professor JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now