Professor Jackson

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(Heeeeeeeeeey, long time no update,huh? Well y'all don't have to worry no more. Corona virus ain't struck me yet,so here's the next chapter! Enjoy!!)

'Bad friend,bad bad friend. Stop looking at him like that!'
"Pansy are you okay?" Hermione asked.
Said girl shook her head to steer away all the troubling thoughts crossing her mind. She looked at Hermione and gave her the best fake smile she could ever come up with.
"Yeah Hermione I'm fine" she said.
"Really,you look like you have a lot on your mind"
Pansy internally groaned as she closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath and willing herself to relax,she faced him.
Even half dead, and Pansy would rather be cought dead than admit this, Percy was still good looking. His skin was horribly pale and was getting worse by the minute,his hair which was always shaggy was now shaggier,and his green eyes-oh his eyes!- were burning brighter than ever. His whole appearance stirred something warm within her chest.
"I'm fine Percy"she said and she didn't even try to cram the smile that broke on her face. When it came to Percy Jackson, her body reacted on its own,and now it was annoyingly giddy due to the fact that Percy addressed her.
"Wish the same could be said for you"she added .
Percy sighed as another set or dry coughs racked his body. Hermione handed him a tissue he coughed,and when he was done, hopefully,it had dark red stains.
"Blood"Pansy said. She could smell it even from where she was standing. Hermione took the stained tissue and looked at it,her expression mortified.
"You're getting worse"she said,her voice breaking.
"It's okay"he said smiling, although it looked kinda like a grimace.
"No it's not okay Percy"Hermione insisted her eyes filling with tears"you're dying"
"Hermione I'm fine okay, it's just a minor demigod illness,I'll be fine"
"That's what you've been saying for the last four weeks"Hermione said.
"And it's funny how you consider almost burning your soul a minor demigod illness"Pansy said.
"Can't Hestia' do anything about it?"Hermione asked, probably the millionth time.
"I already told you,she can't do anything about it. Their some limits to godhood,and plus she wants me to figure out this on my own"
"How are you supposed to find something to reattach   your fleeing soul,it can't even be touched"Pansy said. 
Percy didn't say anything,he just looked down.  Pansy's advanced eyes trailed all over his body. She couldn't get enough of it and goodness knew she wanted to see more than was being offered. A huge part of her was jealous of Hermione. She had seen   him shirtless almost a billion times yet here was Pansy, just checking out the thin shirt that hid his skin from her eyes. She wanted to tear it to shreds!

The smaller and more sensible part of her rebuked herself earnestly for being jealous. Hermione wasn't just her friend,she was her best friend. Her drop dead gorgeous friend who just happened to catch the eyes of the guy she had fallen hard for.
Hermione sniffled then held his big pale dry hand with hers"we'll figure it out together"she said.
The two of them couldn't make their feelings for each other more obvious.
They were horribly in love with each other,and Pansy would have loved to play matchmaker if it wasn't for the very painful fact that she loved the same guy.

Percy smiled at her warmly and squeezed her hand gently.  Pansy felt her heart turn cold from that  small gesture. She wasn't supposed to be feeling this way. These were two of her best friends! Why did her stupid venomous self had to go on and fall for this guy. 

"Uh, could you guys excuse me just a sec"she said to them.
"Okay"Hermione said still staring at Percy's eyes.
Pansy longed for the days when her and Hermione were  enemies,then she wouldn't have had any problems with the emotions that were wrecking her body then. They would have been two opponents battling for the attention of the professor.
But reality was,they were best friends. Hermione clearly showed her that she loved Percy,and Percy obviously felt the same way which made her feel like an invader,a sick invading psycho who wanted so badly to have Percy for herself.

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