Professor Jackson

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(A/N: just a little bit of a warning,J.k.Rowling is an amazing author , but this is going to be my version of Harry Potter,so please don't judge me too much)

Hermione stared at the letter in her hands.Hogwarts had been sending her countless letters, urging her to go back to school.Voldemort was raising a powerful army and was going to attack pretty soon.Every witch and wizard out there was in deep shit if he happened to run into them.
She sighed before she threw the letter into the fire and watched as it burned.Hermione was sure telling her to go back to Hogwarts was like telling her to dig her own grave.If Voldemort was smart, which Hermione was sure he was,the school would be his first place to attack.That was where his two biggest threats were, Harry and Dumbledore.Hermione would be damned if she went there.
She stood up from her seat and walked to her bathroom where she proceeded to take a quick shower before heading out.Her parents were out working,them being muggles and all.She hadn't told them about the rising threat in the wizard world.Gryffindor knows they would be scared deeply,and that was one thing she did not want to see.She was planning to somehow convince them to get away from Britain for a while,and if convincing them was hard,then she would just have to use a little bit of a confusion spell on her parents.She knew using magic outside Hogwarts was illegal,but, seriously with Voldemort rising,who would give a hoot about her using a little confusion spell.She doubted the ministry of magic would even exist after this coming war was over.That wierd woman told them their chances of winning this damned war were too slim.
Hermione still remembers how that woman entered the hall as if she owned the place.Then again she could have.She had this ancient feeling around her, like she had been there waaay before even anyone came up with the idea of  Hogwarts.
..__.. FLASHBACK.._..
Dinner was going on well as usual,Ron was busy stuffing his face with food, Harry was busy laughing at how much the red head could put in his mouth, Neville was busy staring at Luna all the way  at the Ravenclaw table, Lavender was busy ogling at Ron and Hermione was busy trying to ignore it.Ron and her were just friends,that was it.But why did she feel sick Everytime Lavender and  Ron shared a flirty comment.She felt like she could blow Lavenders head off her body and stuff it in the toilet,then proceed on to flush it and watch as it swirled down the drain and disappeared.Okay that was a little bit over the top,but Hermione would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous.It didn't take her intelligence to tell her that.She liked Ron,very much as a matter of fact,and who could blame her? Ron had filled out over the years,and in the right places.Hermione was completely mortified when she found herself, over a dozen times, staring at him during the lessons.His red hair seemed to be on fire every time he moved,she had memorized his laugh and would replay it over and over in her mind just before she fell asleep,and it was starting to scare her.She knew Ron only saw her as o good friend,and that was as far as she could ever go,and for a while ,she was okay with it.She had actually managed to convince herself that it was just stupid teenage hormones raging in her body, that was  until Lavender started flirting with Ron.Her heart had shattered when the boy she liked actually went on with it and seemed to feel the same way as her.So Hermione decided to distance herself away from the group.Sure they were still the golden trio,but she started bto reduce the amount of time she spent with them,and for a good reason too.The golden trio had started becoming the golden quad, because every where Ron went, Lavender was sure to follow.Hermione decided to make it right,they would still be the golden trio, only this time she wouldn't be one of them.
So far her plan had been going on okay.The boys had been unusually distracted, Harry because of the rising Voldemort,who only he seemed to believe had risen,and Ron because of, obviously, Lavender.Then the woman appeared.
She had strolled into the hall as if she were a normal occurrence.Everyones eyes were on her,from the professors to the students,all staring at her with utmost confusion.She was to put it lightly, absolutely gorgeous,with glowing purple eyes,a long violet robe that seemed to be a little bit too tight and revealing to be a normal wear in the wizard world.She held her hands like a queen, fingers interlocked over her belly.Her whole existence screamed respect,as if she could bend their lives with just a mere intake of air.
She was looking at one person, Dumbledore.The principal was staring at her,as if he knew her but he just couldn't believe she was here,out of all places, which led Hermione to think that maybe they had a thing in the past.She immediately ruled that out of her head simply because the woman was highly stunning and Dumbledore was just... Dumbledore.
The principal was about to speak when Mrs piggy face decided to ask the question they all had
"Excuse me,lady"professor Umbridge said.the woman looked at her"but this is a prestigious wizard school that is under the supervision of the ministry of magic"
The woman looked at her with an expression that seemed to say'go on'
"As such I will not have you entering here without prior warning and approval of the ministry.So if you would, leave before the ministry is informed of this uncooth occurrence"
Hermione was really tempted to take a bass player and stuff it down the woman's throat.Seriously did someone change her voice box with that of a vocal distressed chipmunk?
She wouldn't have been surprised if the strange woman dashed the hell outta there due to the screeching in her ears,but to her surprise,the woman smirked.
"Seriously,the ministry chose her,with that voice?"she asked looking at Dumbledore.
"Excuse me?"Umbridge asked.
"Correct me if I'm wrong,but isn't the ministry  supposed to uphold a strong and unchangeable image?"the woman asked.
"Yes it is"piggy face answered.
"Then why did it make the mistake of making you it's member?"Hermione actually had the privilege to witness piggy face eyes widen to more than their usual tiny selves.
"Excuse me!But I  will not have you enter the boundaries of this school insult me.Be assured that the ministry will hear of this"Umbridge screeched, making the headache Hermione had ten times worse.
"You were a terrible choice indeed"the woman said chuckling,not affected whatsoever by Umbridge's screeching."currently I don't know whether to laugh at your choice of tonal variation,or go to a doctor to get my ears checked,but,the ministry seems to have been making a lot of mistakes lately"
"For your email information woman,the ministry makes no mistakes"Umbridge said.
"Oh it does, trust me I've seen the mistakes"the woman answered simply.
"If you're so sure of yourself stranger,name one mistake you've  witnessed"Umbridge challenged.
"Really,you want me to go there?"the woman asked looking really bored.When she got an unchanging look from Umbridge,she sighed"very well,three weeks ago Harry Potter was attacked by two dementors when he was with his cousin,Dudley"if the hall was quiet before,now the silence could be touched when the woman said that.
To her credit, Umbridge actually laughed,"I will tell you what I told headmaster Dumbledore,the dementors are under the authority of the ministry,and the ministry would not just send dementors to attack a student,much less a muggle."
"Oh,the sending dementors to kill Harry,that I understand"Harry did a double take"the mistake here was sending a dementor after his fat cousin too, seriously Harry,what does your cousin eat? "
"The ministry did not send those dementors!"
"Oh yes they did,the dementors we're supposed to kill Harry,but they weren't able to, which brings me to your second mistake, allowing Voldemort to take over the ministry"the woman said casually.
"He is not back!!"Umbridge screamed again making Hermione groan internally"and as such,he hasn't taken over the ministry"
"Voldemort is back.Harry saw him, during the Triwizard competitions, didn't you Harry?"the boy just nodded,very much dazed like everyone else,"and he hasn't taken over it wholly yet,but very Soon,the ministry will be tied on his little finger"
"Lier!"Umbridge screeched lifting her wand and sending a blast of fire at the woman.To be frank, Hermione knew this woman was special somehow,but no as such she did not expect herself to be shocked when the woman merely lifted her hand and the fire seemed to disappear into it.When Umbridge's spell was over,she looked as if she had just run for miles without stopping to rest.Her skin was suddenly pale and she was sweating profusely.
"I wouldn't do that to me next time if I were you"the woman said "now where was I,oh yes,I was here to warn Hogwarts, Voldemort's army grows by the day.He has supernatural assistance from someone I would not like to mention as of now.Chances of you defeating him are lying on a breaking string,but where there's a will, there's a will there's a way"she said looking around before her gaze froze on the headmaster"Dumbledore,meet me in your office,and let me not get there before you"she said turning around.To their astonishment, Dumbledore actually paled before he apparated out .
The woman started moving out of the hall but stopped right where Hermione was seated and looked at her before a goodnatured smile crossed her face."miss Granger"
" know me?"Hermione asked.
"Of course,how could I not know the smartest witch this age has ever known?"she answered smiling.Hermione would be lying if she said she wasn't as red as a tomato then.Everyone was looking at her,Ron and obviously Lavender included,the former with a confused look,the latter like she was choking in something.Hermione must have been blushing really badly because the woman actually chuckled before she held out her hand for Hermione to take,"walk with me miss Granger"
Hermione didn't want to appear too eager to take the hand,but she reached out immediately.Her brows went up at the sudden influx of power she felt.She actually felt like all the things she thought she could do to Lavender could actually be accomplished, easily as a matter of fact."I'm sure Albus has waited for long enough"the woman said jerking her out of her thoughts.Hermione simply nodded before accompanying the woman out all the while many pairs of eyes boring holes into her back.
"I'm sure you're wondering who I am"the woman said smiling at her.She nodded"well I wouldn't want you referring to me as 'the woman'".
Hermione's eyes widened even wider"did you just read my mind?"
"Normally I wouldn't,but your thoughts are all over the place, not to mention you think really loudly,so it's kinda really hard for me not to"the woman explained.
The woman chuckled"anyway, Hermes, for the sake of references, please call me Via"
For lack of a better way to respond, Hermione just nodded.They were quiet for a while, Hermione thinking hard about her.Well for one thing,Via wasn't from around,her accent said that much,she was powerful, like really really powerful,she was easygoing..
"Why thank you Hermione,I am easygoing aren't I?"Via asked.
"Was I really that loud?"Hermione asked.
"Very"Via answered smiling"but don't worry, you're actually correct.I'm not from around here,I started my life in Greece, moved to Rome after a couple of years, currently I'm in America,and yes I am very powerful"
"How powerful?"Hermione asked, purely out of curiosity as they stopped outside the entrance to Dumbledore's office.
Via smiled briefly before suddenly turning and holding both of Hermione's hands and looking her in the eyes.Hermione was suddenly attacked by the vivid images of powerful curses hurled at entire armies, killing them in high multitudes,potent spells that would burn the essence of a wizard or a witch when tried to be performed but being done by Via as if she could do them while asleep,but what stuck more to Hermione was Via stretching her hands forth and enormous arcs of blue light shooting out of them and flying straight to someone who looked like he was made out of clouds.The impact upon contact was terrifyingly huge,and Hermione could feel the level of power on that simple act.Who said Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard,he couldn't be compared to Via,not by a long shot,not even the said powerful dark lord could compare.The woman before her could decimate entire armies,how Dumbledore top that?
Something,or rather someone struck her eyes,a boy with sea green eyes, wearing what she could vaguely make out as armor, fighting things,many things.The boy exhumed a whole new level of energy,not as powerful as Via,but really powerful.The darling shapes attacking him grew in number,but he didn't stumble,he proudly stood his ground and fought them off with some kind of weapon in his hand,the image was really blurry and was getting worse by the minute.
"Hermione,I think you should get back to your friends,thank you for accompanying me"Via said drawing her back to the real world.
Hermione shook her head before nodding and smiling,"it was an honor meeting you,Via"
"And I you Hermione"Via answered before disappearing in a cloud of purple smoke.
Hermione shook her head and focused in the road.She still went on with her isolation plan, although it was harder with Ron bombarding her with the repetitive question,Who was that?"to which after growing irritated bof saying she didn't know,she finally snapped and gave him a,"why don't you get your lazy ass up and go and consult a book,I'm getting tired of having to tell you everything, while all you do is stuff your face with food,well FYI Ronald Weasley,not everything is about your stomach,so get your stupid annoying ass and ask the library"and after that things became easy again.Part of why she didn't want to go back to Hogwarts was having to face Ron again.The guy was by now smitten by Lavender,and she as sure as hell didn't have a spot on the golden trio.
She sighed as she stood outside her destination,Realworld Cafe,the only place that seemed to comfort her these days.She pushed the door open and smiled when she met with the friendly eyes of the owner,miss Evelyn,a single thirty five year old woman.
"Hello Miss Evelyn"she greeted the ever smiling woman
"Hermione, dear,how are you?"Evelyn asked hugging her.
"I'm doing great"she answered.
"The usual?"Evelyn asked.
"Yes please"Hermione answered before moving to her favorite spot.Usually,this spot was hers only, but today,her table had another occupant,a boy,or man,she couldn't tell which.His head was under the table,as if he had dropped something and was looking thoroughly for it.She awkwardly sat on the other side.Thank goodness she wasn't a fan of skirts,the guy would have been allowed access to views he wasn't supposed to see.
"Here you go dear"Evelyn said handing her her coffee.
"Thank you miss Evelyn"
Hermione answered.
"Your welcome,and haven't you found that coin Percy?"Evelyn asked addressing the other occupant.
"No I could have sworn--oh wait,ha found it"the guy said before rising from under the table  in his raised hand a golden coin.
"That's good to hear"miss Evelyn said walking away
Hermione,to put it lightly,was frozen.The boy from her vision,the one Via showed her,he was here,in the flesh, looking at her questionably.
"Do I have anything on my face?"he asked.
Same sea green eyes, same face,but slight more handsome than she had seen,and from what she could see,he was muscular,gorgeously muscular.His shirt which should have been bigger for someone his age seemed shrunk,and boy did it show his features, how was it possible for someone to be so...
"Excuse me miss?"he asked,a look of genuine concern all over his face.Damn he's hot,she thought."miss are you having a panic attack or something?"


(Aaaaand there's chapter 8.Always a privilege to write to you, please tell me what you think.
                   Until next time

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