Professor Jackson

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Hermione wasn't having a good night,and it was not because of the rapidly developing baby growing within her.

Hard to believe,a week after knowing she was pregnant,the baby was already developing limbs. Side effect of being the first ancestral pureblood and big three combo kid.

Crazy right.

Something like that had to give someone sleepless nights, because the baby would most likely come to the world much much earlier than normal infants, meaning one had to think about baby names and diapers very very soon.

But surprisingly,that wasn't what bothered Hermione.

Nope,it was far from that.

The dreams were coming back,and this time they were more vivid and scary. She took her daily dose of diluted nectar,but that only seemed to make it worse. It had started with hearing voices and gradually,images started popping amidst the dream.

Images of blood flowing in rivers, witches being thrown around like ragdolls ,roars of trolls and ogres and her personal favorite, herself falling from the sky while a beautiful man with black wings and an iPad flew alongside her "hmmm, another soul for the underworld"

Usually she would wake up screaming, which would draw complaints from her cube mates,but today,she woke up silent.

Shivering,she dragged herself to the bathroom. Only after staring in the mirror did she notice that she was crying,a lot.

"You know what you must do"the old women's voices  replayed in her mind.

Today's dream showed everything, every detail of what was to come. She clearly understood why her ancestors refused to use the gift of Hecate.

Heck she wished she didn't have the gift of prophecy right now. It wasn't even a gift,it was a curse!

"Only you can stop this" the voices resounded"only you hold enough power to destroy him"

"I barely survived last time,how can I ?"she had  screamed at them.

"If he gets all of your power,he will grow strong enough to challenge Python. The king of drakons cannot win,if he does,he gets most powerful Oracle. He can defy date itself, and his children will wreck havoc upon the earth"

"How am I supposed to stop a monster that was born at the beginning of time."

"Remember this mortal,there are reasons you don't overcharge batteries"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

But they didn't answer her,they disappeared and the dream about total Carnage repeated itself.

The air in the bathroom seemed to be growing thin  as she struggled to breath.

It wasn't fair. Why did those damned women have to drop that burden on her!

Her hand went to her belly and stroked it. Hecate had gifted her a shirt that clouded the vision of others so they couldn't see her rapidly expanding body. It was comfortable enough for her to sleep in and also she had to keep up the charade. Lavender had been a little bit too nosy for her own good. Even though Pansy did an exemplary job at pushing everyone away,she couldn't do so while they were sleeping in separate houses.

She lifted the shirt and looked at her belly. There was a lump there which she lovingly stroked. She didn't even know it's gender yet,but the amount of love she felt for the thing almost made her explode with grief.

To carry such a beautiful thing yet not live long enough to see each other. She knew that Voldemort wouldn't wait for the next nine months to attack. The professors had been restless lately and the feeling of impending doom had been hanging over everyone  like a wet blanket.

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