Professor Jackson

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(A/N: yeah yeah, long time no update,but, seriously morning sickness is no joke, anyway, enjoy)
Hermione could have screamed if she had just normally passed out and woken up to see her best friend with snake eyes,but she didn't. She didn't think anything would freak her out anymore after what she had just seen. Surprising thing is,it wasn't the huge snake that gave her chills,it was the broken beaten and humiliated dragon. The look in his eyes as he flew away made her gut pull alarmingly,as if the very thought of him was pulling her life from her body.
".. Mione, Hermione!"
She was pulled back to the real world by Pansy calling her name, with her eyes still reptile.
"The nectar, where's the nectar?"Pansy asked.
"Whhh...wh... what?"she said noticing then just how cold it was. Her skin was literally turning blue!
"The nectar Hermione, you're freezing up!"Pansy said with enough urgency to make her focus.
""she answered her blue tipped fingers fumbling with her love until she firmly held the warm godly drink.
"Here, let me"Pansy said taking the drink away from her shaking hand. She pulled off the lid with her teeth before she positioned it at her mouth and tilted it. A single golden drop fell from it directly into her mouth. She almost screamed at the heat that spread over her system in a matter of nanoseconds. She felt as if she was on fire. The heat lasted a few more seconds before her taste buds were attacked with the taste of warm hot miss Evelyn coffee.
"Whoa!" Pansy exclaimed.
Hermione lifted her hand ,for no reason at all,and let out a small squeak of surprise. The veins within her flesh were glowing a really bright yellow. The light lasted a few minutes before it dimmed completely,and she felt alarmingly energized. She gently pulled away from Pansy and resisted the urge to jump to her feet choosing to stand slowly.
It was then that she noticed everyone was there,a perfect circle around the two of them, staring at them,well,they were now staring at her
"Doesn't anyone here have anything else to do?"she asked,all the attention that was being thrown at her making her edgy.
"What is that?" Malfoy asked, pointing at the vial which Pansy was currently corking shut.
"None of your business Draco"Pansy answered standing up."what did you see?"she asked her.
"Probably not the best place to tell you that"Hermione answered looking at everyone.
"Well, where do you propose?"
"How about Percy's office"
"You mean your crush's office"
Pansy let out a loud laugh when Hermione went red.
"Not funny"she whispered back before walking past everyone and out of the hall.
"Hmm, classic"Pansy said catching up on her, leaving everyone else with her new and improved glare.

For a demigod who knew how to fight, Percy could scream loudly when given the chance . Hermione didn't knock when she entered his office,she barged in. The guy was still at the couch, staring at the screen, fiddling with a coin.
"Whoa,relax sea prince, it's just us"Pansy said chuckling.
"I knew that"Percy Said straightening his t-shirt.
"You sure did"she answered back before closing the door.
"Anyway, what's be happenin ?" He asked.
"Excuse me?"Hermione asked after she was done laughing silently at Pansy who was gawking at the screen and the couch.
"What's wrong?"he asked.
"I had another vision"she answered.
"Vision, like prophetic vision,or just vision vision?"
"I have a feeling it was past vision,it didn't feel futuristic at all"
"What was it about?" Percy asked.
She took a deep breath and told him everything that happened from when she left his office.
"So, Pansy can turn her eyes to reptile form?"
"Seriously, after all I've just revealed, that's what surprises you?"
"Can't, blame him,I am amazing"Pansy said making Percy laugh.
"Focus people"Hermione said,"Percy, anything you know about this vision?"
The guy went from laughing to serious so fast Hermione wasn't sure if he had been laughing a few seconds ago.
"The snake's name is as you said, Python. He used to be the  one who owned the power of the Delphic Oracle,the most powerful Oracle."
"Used to?"
"Yes,he was defeated by the god, Apollo,who took over the Oracle of Delphi."
"So, he's dead"Hermione said.
"He's a monster H,he doesn't fully die. He just recently reformed and was helped out of Tartarus by the earth mother,Gaea."
"So do we have to worry about him m coming for Hermione?" Pansy asked.
"Why would he come for her?"
"Well,she had a vision about him,so, couldn't it have been a warning?"
"I don't think Python is the real threat here,I think the dragon, Draco is"Hermione said.
"But, according to you,the dragon is the one getting pummeled?"Pansy said.
"He's a drakon actually"Percy said.
"That's what I said"
"No you said dragon,he's not a dragon,he's a drakon"
"Well what's the difference?"
"A drakon can petrify you with a glance and spits venom so poisonous it can burn through armor,not to mention he has scales made out of metal."
"Ok, huge difference ,got it"
"So why do you think Draco's the major threat?" He asked Hermione.
"Just a gut instinct,I guess."
All three of them fell silent as they each tried to process the info. After about five minutes, Percy spoke up"I'm gonna have a talk with Hecate,see if she can translate this vision. In the meantime, take care of each other ok"
Both girls nodded before they stood up and walked out of the office, although Hermione lingered a bit back,her eyes giving him the sideway glance as he yawned and stretched himself.
Holy crap you are sneaking glances at him now?
She let out a huff before she walked out, only to find Pansy grinning at her "not  a word"she said storming past.

The rest of the weeks went out well for her. The detention week ended and to be frank, Hermione was actually kinda glad it was over. Don't get her wrong, spending time with Percy was amazing,but it was fun when they used to be just friends. Now,she couldn't go one minute without finding her eyes trailing all over him,and it scared her. Dozen times a minute she would ask herself what was wrong with her. Every friendly gesture he sent at her, even a simple wave was enough to make her mouth dry,and let's not get started on the winks and the lopsided grins .
Things went from bad to worse  when he , during one of his lessons, decided to show a new move to the others and this time she was the one chosen to demonstrate. Percy didn't hurt her or anything ,but she didn't look at him the same way after that. The move was simple, time for your opponents hit,grab his fist,pull him then use his momentum to turn him around then place your hand on a lock with his neck,twist his hand behind his back ,and viola, your opponent is at your mercy. Percy showed the move flawlessly, until he had his hand on her neck and her hand behind her back,him breathing down on her neck,his hot breath sending shivers all over her body,and there was something about how the position he had her in,how she was helpless in his arm, something about it that made her brain become creative with thoughts that would make her mom scream bloody murder!
Yes, Hermione was glad the detention week was over and the level of awkwardness had dropped to a bearable level.
Things were just fine,no visions had hit her for the last many weeks and she slept soundly at night with good normal dreams.
All that came crashing down the moment Dumbledore announced the next days quidditch game.
Her hand froze a few inches from her mouth when she heard that.
"You okay?" Pansy asked.
"What did Dumbledore just say?"she asked.
"There's going to be a game, tomorrow"
"No, basketball,of course it's quidditch".
She remembered her dream about the dark cloud,the dark cloud among the grey ones, swirling in a uniform manner as if it was alive,and Harry was heading straight to it!

(Aaaaand there's chapter 15. I know it's short, but I happen to be very tired today. I'm so sorry,but I promise next chapter will be longer,I swear on the Styx!(did you hear that, thunder just boomed)
Aaaanyway, always an honor,to all my readers thank you so much, keep the comments coming in, please read.
Until next time

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