Strange Beginnings

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~Percy's PoV~(Who else?)

I was sitting in the middle of class while Mr. Brunner who is a teacher in a wheelchair spoke about Leto giving birth to the twin archers Artemis and Apollo, Goddess of the Moon and God of the Son respectfully. 

Ohh I almost forgot. Name's Percy Jackson, Lover of blue food, Student at Yancy Academy, Personal punching bag of Nancy Bobofit, Best friend of Grover Underwood, 12 years old, black unruly hair, and Sea green eyes.

As Mr. Brunner was lecturing us on the Twin Archers I was drawing each God's symbol of power. Lightning bolt for Zeus, Trident for Poseidon, Helmet for Hades, and so on and so forth. I was brought out of my trance-like state from Mr. Brunner "How would this information help us in the real world? Mr. Jackson, what do you think?" He asked.

"I guess it helps us get a better grade" I replied immediately. I heard several chuckles and giggles being thrown about. "Not exactly what I meant Jackson. What I was meaning to get across was how Greek History has influenced us enough throughout the modern era." I was about to ask how mythology could change stuff like agriculture and our modern language and if that wasn't the Greeks themselves. Though as I was about to speak up the bell rang.

I packed my bag and left the class. I entered my dorm and closed the door behind me. I knew Grover, who was my dorm roommate, wouldn't be back for several hours because of Chimichanga Night at the cafeteria. I set my bag down next to my bed and took out the Greek Mythology textbook. It was really the only class I tried hard at because of Mr. Brunner and him always believing the best of you. Though the moment I opened the book the words started to fly off the page. Zeus changed into Ezus, Dionysus started to appear at more than one place and Nathea, wait, no Athena was constantly swapping letters. 

I set the book down and rubbed my eyes. I was already getting a headache on the first page. I yawned and laid back into my pillow. Barely even registering my eyes closing and drifting off into a deep sleep.

~In the Center of the Universe sat 3 old women weaving a sock~

"He must be given the ability to destroy Kronos." The one in the middle who was shaping the sock spoke out

"But he must be taught to rely on it." The one to the right of the middle one said, holding a pair of scissors.

"We cannot give him a weapon, It must be a skill, He is destined to save Olympus but he can't with the path he is currently taking." the one to the left weaving the sock almost whispered. 

"He is too unpredictable, he could die at any point, we can only give him the gift to improve his probability of following the correct path." the middle one said.

"Though it must be one he can easily adapt to and lean on." The one weaving the sock said.

Then the three Older Women who are known to most as the Fates of Greek Mythology smirked as they all shared the same idea.

~Percy's PoV~


I heard a subtle high-pitched sound ringing through my head. When I opened my eyes to investigate I saw a small blue box floating a foot from my face. In my stupor of grogginess, I looked to the nearby dresser. The blue box followed my head and appeared in front of me, it read

You have slept in a comfortable bed! Mana and Health have been restored, all ailments and injuries have been healed!

I gazed with curiosity at the box. As I reached out to touch the box it rippled like water when you stick your hand in it. As I pulled back in surprise the box faded away. 

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