An Alternate Reality?

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~Percy's Pov~

I woke up and yawned. The birds chirped in the background as I relaxed. Following my normal routine, I climbed out of bed, took a shower, got dressed, and headed to the dining pavilion. Everyone was having a good time talking. I just sat there swirling my Orange Juice. After Breakfast I went back to my cabin and grabbed everything I needed to go into the 'Dark Forest'. 

However, when I got there and waited I noticed that nothing was spawning. I looked down at my necklace and tapped it a couple of times, still, nothing spawned. I stood up and began to walk around. Noticing the fallen trees from my previous fight, I had previously thought this world would reset every time I came here, but it seemed that my actions made the world stay that way. 

I continued on, my armor clinking along as I did so. I felt several pairs of eyes on me however when I looked back I didn't see anybody. I walked until I started to hear voices ahead of me. I quickly was able to climb a tree and look down at the people talking. It seemed to be a 7-foot tall man, with slicked-back dark hair, dark eyes, a brown silk suit, and a brutal face. 

The man was leading what looked to be an army. There were many monsters, including Cyclopses, Hydras, the Minotaur, and many more. The man was talking to a man who had tons of scars on his face. Behind them, they were dragging humans chained up, no doubt taken as slaves. I had to resist the urge to go down and free the people. I had to remind myself that this wasn't real, but then again how did I know it wasn't? 

I waited in the tree until they were almost right under me. Suddenly the lead man raised his hand and the army stopped marching. I saw him smirk. I was worried that he had detected me. However, he just kneeled, seeming to examine some kind of tracks. 

Suddenly tens of arrows flew out from the trees next to me into the army. Several traps set off and I could see several explosions. The color silver glittered off the arrows and the trees. Then I heard a very loud "Charge!" as I looked over I saw a man leading the charge with around 150 men and women behind him, all holding their respectful weapons. 

The lead man charged with his army and they collided. I wanted to jump down and help but I wanted to know the whole story, this was, after all, a completely different world. I saw the large man begin to fight with the much smaller man who led the ambush. The ambush seemed to work though as the monster army was pushed back. But the large man was still in the battle against the other man. 

Deciding to end this I jumped down from the tree and called forth the power of nearby water. The nearby small stream was enough to gather a good hundred gallons of water and slam them into the big guy. All of the combat stopped as they looked at me. The large man looked up his position from being smashed into a tree and looked at me. 

As he looked at me his eyes narrowed. "Impossible," I could read his lips saying the words. He got up and readied his spear, however, it seemed the man with the scars came back and they both retreated. The ambush team cheered as they won the battle. However, the cheering soon ceased as the ambush leader raised his hand and they all looked at me. 

"We have been given a Child of the GODS!" He cheered as he raised his sword and everyone cheered. Lots of people came over to me to congratulate me, while I was completely confused. "Come, uh, whoever you are, and may we celebrate this victory!" The lead man said as he led all of us back. 

I didn't know where we were going Until we stopped at a giant metal hatch in the ground. The lead man pushed a secret button and suddenly the hatch opened up and we began our descent into the ground. I didn't have a single clue of what was going on, when we walked down a couple of hundred stairs we entered into a giant room filled with light. There were people who left the group and began to celebrate with others.

The room was lit with lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling and the walls, floors, and ceilings all were made of what seemed to be thick steel. The roofs were held up by metal pillars. It had a certain Steam-Punk vibe to it. I finally got a good look at the lead man as he led us down the corridor into a giant room, and I mean GIANT, it had to be at least several football stadiums large. 

It was in a circle shape and it held other layers, but the middle of the layers was cut out and had railings. There were plenty of people who were around the layers looking down at me. I almost started to sweat from nervousness. 

"Um, Excuse my rudeness but where are we?" I asked to the man, "You, my good friend, are in New Olympus," He said as he spread his arms out wide. I got a good look at the man, he had blonde hair and blue eyes. "What is going on here?" I heard a woman's voice say as she entered through a door on the other side of the clearing. 

"Ma'am, we've found a child of the Gods." He extended his arms out as if to present me on the pedestal. "Who is your Godly-Parent child," She had auburn hair tied in a pony-tail and had sea-green eyes. "Poseidon," I said since I had no point in lying. She seemed taken aback by that response, "Impossible, Poseidon has faded long ago," She said, "But ma'am we've all seen him using water," The blonde countered. 

The lady narrowed her eyes at me when he said that. "Show me." "Well, I need some kind of liquid nearby to do it," Someone then came in and brought in a bottle of water and set it at my feet. I guided the water out of the bottle and made it form into a trident. "Ma'am, If I may ask you who are you?" I asked she seemed to be a lady of high importance. 

"I am Alexia Jackson, Daughter of Artemis and Perseus Jackson," My eyes widened as I heard what she said. "U-um w-where is your father now?" I asked, she then looked down and sighed, "Sadly he has passed, you know he was a son of Poseidon too," She said, I could see tears drop from her eyes, it seemed like this was a touchy subject for her. 

"Do you have any kind of bathroom?" I asked, attempting to excuse myself. She then pointed down over to the other side of the room, which I had to awkwardly walk across with tons of eyes on me. As I entered I punched the mirror. The glass shattered and distorted my image, tears welled in my eyes. I yelled out and threw the nearby shelf into another wall. 

I quickly took off my amulet and appeared in my cabin. I couldn't do anything except sit there, tears in my eyes. I just went into what could be the future of Earth, I decided that I would do everything in my power to stop that from happening. So with that I put the amulet back on and appeared in the usual spot in the middle of the forest. Which seemed to restart the amulet because monsters started to appear. 

But these weren't the normal monsters. There was a Hydra and several hellhounds around me. The Hydra's acid saliva dripped from its mouth onto the ground. 


The 4th Wave of Monsters has spawned!

Rage filled my body as the creatures came closer, these were the monsters that were standing in my way, along with many more. But I wasn't gonna let them stop me, and with that, I charged...

HEY! Sorry guys, I get this chapter might not make a lot of sense but I swear I will try to make everything make sense in the near future. If people aren't a fan of this chapter I'll take it down and completely rewrite it. 

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