A Random Encounter

12.5K 262 101


Artemis: 5

Hestia: 11

Bianca: 3

Thalia: 6

Annabeth: 4

Zoe: 8

Piper: 1

Aphrodite: 1

~Percy's PoV~

As I walked back out towards the fountain Mr. Brunner had approached me. 

"Ah, Please Mr. Jackson bring your writing own utensils next time." He then held out his hand towards me. I then placed Riptide in his hands. I headed in Grover's direction as he was waving at me from the fountain still sitting there. When I got there it seemed like he had been very nervous, he had a good reason to be though.

I was just almost murdered by a bat demon from the Underworld. Everything else after that was a blur as Grover and I sat next to each other on the bus. I just sat there for a couple of seconds. I asked several people where Mrs. Dodds was to play dumb, though I was just met with a bunch of who's and what's. It seemed like they had all lost their memories. 

"Grover, where's Mrs. Dodds?" I asked to see if he knew what was going on fully, Grover was always a terrible liar so if he kept his memories I'd know right away. "I d-don't know what you're talking about Percy." He was a dead giveaway that something was taking everyone's, except his, memories. 


New Skill Unlocked: Lie Detection Level: 1

The ability to know if somebody lied to you or not. 

Chance to notice if somebody is lying: 2%

I nearly yelled in outrage at the low chance. But I had to either take it or leave it. 


As we got back to campus we all had to head back to our dorms and pack our stuff. Because today was the last day until Summer. So everyone was cheering and yelling as they got back to their dorms. I just walked silently, I sat down on my bed as I got in. With determination set in my mind, I pulled the Rubik's Cube from my inventory and started to practice with it. I sat there twisting and turning it. I didn't notice I had matched everything up by pure luck.


Due to solving a difficult puzzle or test you have gained +2 to Int. and Wis.

Due to having completed this puzzle you can no longer gain Int. or Wis. from a '3x3 Rubik's Cube'

I was glad and upset at that, glad because I got a stat boost and upset because I had to find another way to increase my Wis. and Int.. I looked over at the time, it was 4:27. I had a good amount of time to go shopping. I got my new hoodie on and walked towards the gate. The guard was supposed to stop any kids from leaving campus without permission. But he mostly just sat around and slept. No complaints from me though since it was an easy ticket outside. 

I was walking around the streets and gazed up and the skyscrapers. It was a sight that I had long ago gotten used to. I walked the streets, not knowing what I was looking for. I entered a nearby mall and started to look at all the stores. None would normally catch my eye, but with my 'Gamer' ability everything could improve stats or make new skills. 

I walked into a small store called 'Magician's Puzzles' I browsed through all the shelves and aisles. The store had all kinds of trinkets and puzzles, I took a big interest in the puzzles. Some were card puzzles, rod puzzles, and mismatched fabrics. I looked at the metal rods. They were small bent stainless steel rods that were looped in such a way with another one bent the same way that they seemed almost impossible to separate. I grabbed one and tried to do it right then and there.

Percy Jackson, The GamemasterWhere stories live. Discover now