Meeting a Literal Goddess

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Hey, guys, I'm back finally and I can continue the story again. I know you guys might have thought I was dead but  I tried to update as soon as possible. I can't apologize enough for not being able to update. 

Also, I will gladly take suggestions and ideas. 

Harem Votes:

Artemis: 1
Hestia: 1
Bianca: 1
Thalia: 2
Annabeth: 1
Zoe: 2

~Percy's PoV~

Seeing that name and title had nearly caused me to faint right then and there. This was Aphrodite, An Olympian Goddess.
Either my gamer ability just messed up or it is the weirdest day of my life.

Though before I could collapse in the center of the store Gamer's Mind activated causing me to calm down.
I stood my distance from her and continued to look for a new hoodie as calmly as I could. Though when you literally just saw a being who could kill you with a thought a few feet away it can be a little unnerving.

As I pulled a hoodie of the rack and checked the price tag I heard heels hitting a hard floor come near me. Normally that could be considered a normal sound and everyday accordance.

Though to me that sound made my heart sink. I turned towards the sound and immediately regretted it.

The Goddess was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had flowing brown hair down to her shoulders, bright blue eyes that sparkled in even the faintest light, and her actual face was gorgeous, her slightly upturned nose gave her a more ruling look, she had skin that looked smooth to the touch.

All in all, I practically fainted. Though as I turned around her eyes caught my gaze and turned quizzical. It showed so much confusion in them I would have guessed I looked like a Rubik's Cube to her. Though, her speaking was something I didn't expect to happen.

"Where have I seen you before?" She asked while studying me. "I-I don't believe we've met ma'am" I stuttered out. "No, I think I have seen you before, somewhere." She tapped her manicured fingernail on her chin in a thinking pose. She suddenly snapped her fingers and her face lit up. "I know, I have a nephew (She's a daughter of Uranus remember) who looks exactly like you." She said almost amazed, Though her face darkened immediately when she looked back at me. 

I gulped and asked, "Is something wrong?" "Y-No, Nothing that concerns you yet." She then walked behind the nearby clothes rack and vanished when I looked back with an amazing smelling perfume the scent of strawberries. That last sentence sent chills down my spine, 'Yet', What sense did that make? Though that was concerning, she was a goddess, I looked like a relative of her, and something really bad was gonna happen to me with the grave look on her face. 

I grabbed the hoodie and bought it with $75, leaving me with $175 leftover.  I headed back to my dorm and threw the bag on the bottom bunk, I leaned back in a nearby chair and sighed. As I looked out my window I ran a hand through my unruly black hair. Something bad was gonna happen, I felt the feeling in my gut.


New Skill Unlocked: Foreboding Feeling Lvl: 1

A feeling in your gut that helps you predict something bad that's about to happen.

Chance to Predict: 5% 

I almost chuckled at the irony, though with that bad feeling I felt sick to my stomach. I suddenly heard thunder, The clouds outside the window grew darker, The rain hammered against the windows. I saw trees outside sway and almost collapse. I thought about all the recent things happening in my life and suddenly everything clicked. I've seen strange men with only 1 eye in the center of their forehead, snake women, my best friend being a satyr, the labyrinth, and the goddess, All of that meant Greek Mythology had to be real, and if it was real and it was all mostly around me. Then I had something big to do with it.

I thought of the lessons on Greek Mythology and remembered who the ruler of the Sky was. There was only one person who could cause storms like this, Zeus, King of Olympus. It seemed like a jump though it made some sense. Though I needed to do some research. 


I slammed several books down on the desk with the lamp on. Grover had long since fallen asleep. I opened the first book and searched in the summary for a chapter called 'Demi-Gods'

As I slipped the book to the page I groaned, there were hundreds of words just on the first couple of pages. Tonight was Sunday Night. That meant I had only a small amount of time to research. 

I read the first couple of pages and then...


Skill Level Up:

Reading Lvl: 5

How well you can read and how much you understand.

Current Understanding: 35%

I internally groaned and swatted away the pop-up. I read the night away until I fell asleep on the books. Though my dream was less than pleasant.

I saw a fully white horse and a golden eagle fighting each other, on a beach with a hurricane going on. I tried to yell out for them to stop. Though my words seemed to be caught in my throat. I tried to run towards them though I found myself slowly sinking into the sand on the beach. I heard evil laughter, the laughter echoed as the ground seemed to split open and I saw a chasm with a glowing red light. 

I woke up with a layer of cold sweat on me. I was gasping, the nightmare seemed so realistic. I looked back at the book. There was a small and thin layer of drool on a certain area of text, it seemed to specifically of an area to be a coincidence. The words after a couple of tries on my part read,

"Theseus was a Legendary son of the Olympian Sea God Poseidon. He was known for defeating the minotaur and being unmatched in sword skills."

The drool then seemed to completely fade away. The words seemed so specific that I had to believe it. I was most likely a son of Poseidon, the God of the Sea. 


Secret Quest has been Completed!

Who Are You? 

Discover who your father is.


Skill: Water Manipulation

Skill: Speaking to Horses and Marine Life

Skill: Earth Quakes

Skill: Water Breathing

Skill: Water Healing

Open Skill Menu to fully analyze Skills.

I collapsed as I went through the pop-up...

Sorry again for not being able to update, to make it up to you guys I'm gonna try and throw extra chapters.

Vote for that harem!

Percy Jackson, The GamemasterWhere stories live. Discover now