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11 years later

June 1st, 2019

Maine, United States

Arriving at Camp Walden was always so exciting for every girl, some of them have already been there a couple of times, and some others were experiencing it for the first time.

This was the case of Stevie Hemmings,  when she and her father began looking for summer camps she knew she wanted to go somewhere where she could do a lot of activities, meet new girls and just have the best summer ever, and Camp Walden was the best option of them all.

Traveling all the way from Sydney, Australia, Stevie finally arrived at the beautiful place, full of girls of all ages greeting their friends, looking for their luggage and waiting to find out where and with whom they are going to sleep.

Stevie was waiting for her luggage right beside a big pile of bags until she saw her bright blue bag was thrown in the pile and for her dismay, another 6 heavy bags were thrown right above hers making it impossible for her to take the bag out

"You're new here, huh?" a girl with a southern accent said while smiling at her.

"Yeah, you could say so" She laughed. "my bag is the bright blue one."

"Here, let me help you" the girl took the strap of her bag but even with her help they couldn't take it out.

Another girl with such strong arms found her bag under a lot of other heavy ones and without any effort she pulled it out.  Stevie and the other girl were amazed at how strong the girl was so both of them called her and asked for help.

"Cool! you're from Australia!" Paige, the girl who helped her said after reading the name tag in Stevie's bag.
"Yeah, where are you guys from?" Stevie asked with a smile on her face. She was happy that she was making friends
"I'm from Dallas" the one with the southern accent answered. "I'm Sara, by the way"
"Stevie, so nice to meet you" she stretched her hand with theirs and smiled at the gesture.
"Hemmings, Stevie! you're on Arapaho" Mildred, one of the camp's counselors shouted through the megaphone.
"Cool, we're in it too! let's go" the girls made their way to the cabin while talking and laughing between them.

Silver James was beyond excited for this new experience away from home, she had traveled all the way from London to Camp Walden, where she was going to spend the next eight weeks without her mum.
It was the first time for her taking such a big risk, staying so far away from her family and meeting new places by herself, but she was happy she decided to go to a summer camp, she wanted to meet new people and new places so she thought this was the best choice she had done.

Arriving in a black range rover with the company of Poppy, her mother's best friend, she was practically jumping with excitement, the place was just like the pictures she saw and that reassured her that this was the best decision she could've made.

"So here we are, camp Walden for girls" Poppy looked around the place, it was beautiful and picturesque. "Are you sure you want to stay? It's so far away from home darling" she was worried, of course, it was the first time being away from Silver.

"I'm positive, don't worry Pops, ill be fine" Silver smiled, always with a happy face.

"Ok then, If you change your mind I'm one phone call away" Poppy was always so sentimental, she always cried in every special event and watching Silver growing up so fast made her feel a little nostalgic. "I'll miss you pumpkin," she said with teary eyes

"I'll miss you too Poppy, I promise I will call and text every night" they hugged and it was time for Poppy to leave, it was certainly a very long trip to London. 

They did their special handshake/ little dance and finally Poppy was ready to leave and ready to face a long summer without the eleven-year-old girl around. 

"Bye Silv, have a great time." Poppy hugged her for the last time in eight weeks. 

"I will" Silver smiled. 



Heeey, so here is the first chapter, its kinda boring but its the introduction of the girls. I'll be uploading the second chapter today as well so I hope you like it.

remember some things will be just like in the movie, some things won't  


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