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Night finally fell, the twins had to stay at the "Isolation cabin" for the rest of the camp and as they lay on separate cots on opposite corners of the small room, the cabin had a wide-open space and no division; the only one is for the bathroom.

As Stevie held her stuffed koala, which reminded her home, trying to sleep but at the other side of the cabin a very wide awake Silver was writing in her iPad before turning in for the night.

Stevie tossed and turned around but the light was keeping her awake and she sat up angrily and flicked the switch, but as Silver wasn't done with her writing she turned the light one again, annoying Stevie once again.

The days were slowly passing, and the girls were trying to keep up with one another deciding to just get around peacefully with each other and ignoring one another. One day, while it was raining outside, Stevie was putting up the polaroids she brought with her, there were pictures of her family, her dad and her very cool uncles she missed a lot and Silver was quietly reading her favorite book that her mother gave her as a goodbye gift. The two girls were peacefully ignoring each other when a sudden gust of wind blew in and sent Stevie's polaroids flying to the floor. she rushed over to the window trying to pull it shut but it was stuck making it so hard for her to close it. Silver looked up and as the kind girl she is, she rushed towards her and helped.

"Oh gosh, is stuck" she muttered but they finally got the window to close.

"Thanks," Stevie said giving her a reassuring smile.

"No problem" Silver replied.

Stevie knelt down and picked up her fallen polaroids, quickly grabbing the ones of her father, her most important person on earth. "Are they ruined?" Silver asked trying to start a conversation with the girl.

"Only the beautiful Troye Sivan." Stevie sighed holding the polaroid she took with him when her dad took her to the ARIAS and introduced him to her, knowing he was his daughter celebrity crush.

"Who?" Silver asked

"You mean you've never heard of Troye Sivan? How far away is London anyway, I thought Australia was much farther." This information had Stevie shocked,  who has never heard of him?

"Well, from here it's 3000 miles, but sometimes it seems much farther." Silver said. "How far away is your home?"

"Um, well I know its really far away, I mean I think from here it's like 9,000 miles," Stevie said and Silver's eyes grow in amusement.

"Actually, here's a polaroid I took of my house." She said smiling brightly and grabbed the polaroid and handed it to Silver, who examined the beautiful beach house with interest.

"Wow, it's huge and very beautiful." she gushed.

"Yeah, my dad and his best friends, kinda like my uncles bought it when I was little, our backyard looks over the entire beach..." She explained and Silver noticed a man with his hair tied in a bun in a black T-shirt with his back to the picture and this got her curious.

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