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"No. I don't understand." Hayley said looking at her fiance acting really weird, she didn't understand why he wanted to be away from her, especially after what they've just did.

"I just need to go downstairs for a few minutes to c-c-clear my head... then I'll meet you for lunch" Luke nervously ran his fingers through his hair and buttoned his shirt as he tried to get out the door.

"Clear your head?" She asked as she walked to were he was standing as well. "What do you have to clear your head about? Is something wrong?"

"I hope not. I mean... no. What could be wrong? We're getting married in ten days, everything's perfect." Luke stuttered as he only thought about his ex and how he wanted to found her... just so he knows he's not imagining these things.

He turned to the door once again and quickly opened the door.

"I gotta go," Luke said and then quickly kissed her on the cheek.

"We're still going ring shopping after lunch, right?" Hayley stood on the door and Luke just sighed at her. He just wanted to see Eleanor.

"Ring shopping!?" He had no idea what she was talking about, so he stared at her with confusion on his face.


"Of course! For the funeral. I mean, for the wedding." Her eyes widened at what Luke said and he immediately corrected himself. He was such a nervous mess.

"The funeral?!"

"I'm kidding." he nervously laughed. "Don't listen to me. I'll see you there. I mean, here. Downstairs." He finally said and closed the door, where Hayley stood with a glare on her face and confused at why he was acting that way.

Luke rushed out into the corridor that Eleanor was striding on a while ago. Silver saw him since she was heading in the opposite direction and she raised her hand.

"Hey, Dad, what's up?" she asked brightly and Luke approached her hurriedly.

"Just running down to the lobby. Hey, Evie, do me a favor, keep Hayley some company, will ya?"Luke said and hurried off as his daughter walked away. Suddenly he turned back.

"Do I look alright? Like presentable and everything? Not too old?" he called out nervously.

"You look fab, Dad. Young and fabulous." Silver said and smiled, wondering why on earth her dad was acting that way but then the realization hit her and a huge grin covered her face.

A few moments later, Luke was in the lobby again, nervously looking for his ex, and this time he bumped into the real Stevie.

"Dad!" Stevie cried excitedly.

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