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Stevie Hemmings was ten thousand feet in the air, the British Airways flew and was now very close to landing. Stevie, dressed as her twin was seated nervously in first-class looking out the window taking the sights that were London, England. Never in her eleven years old, she imagined this moment, so she felt like she was going to throw up.

"This is it" she sat back from looking out the window, letting out a long nervous sigh. "Oh, god, I hope she likes me. Please like me." She whispered to herself, clasping her fingers together in a kind of prayer, shutting her gorgeous blue eyes.

Once the plane landed the cabin doors opened and people started pouring out. Stevie immediately grabbed her small bag and exited along with the other passengers and once she arrived at the terminal she had to clambered over one of the benches to get a better view of the airport terminal. She looked around and was trying to look for any familiar face (according to the pictures her sister had shown her) when she heard a woman calling out her name, her accent very strong and British.


she turned around and saw a very beautiful and tall woman, her hair dark and long and her skin a light brown, wearing a pale blue knitted jumper along with a pair of jeans and heeled black boots, holding a small bouquet of flowers in her hand.

Stevie immediately remembered who she was and with her perfectly practiced English accent she called out her aunt's name

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Stevie immediately remembered who she was and with her perfectly practiced English accent she called out her aunt's name.


Poppy was amazed at the sight of her niece and she immediately hugged her tightly and handed her the bouquet. Stevie hugged her back just as tight finally knowing her amazing aunt, she was just as beautiful as the pictures.

"Oh, my beautiful girl, I missed you." Poppy said after taking a better look at her niece.

"I missed you too" she answered, looking at her and smiling at Poppy in excitement.

"You have grown too much Silv, did you do something to your hair?" she asked.

"Oh, I think it's just wavy for the hot weather back in the states, you like it? Stevie felt apprehensive, her aunt's face didn't really seem to register that she was pleased with the kinda straight kinda wavy hair, she really tried to straighten her hair but it was becoming curly again.

"I love it! you look a lot like your mother" Poppy gushed, and Stevie smiled at her comment about her mother, she couldn't wait to finally meet her. "It's the new you, now come on, give me five kid!" she said putting her hand out.  They did their secret handshake just as perfect as she practiced with her sister and ready to go home.

"Your mum is waiting for you, she missed you so so much," Poppy said taking Silver's bag in her hand and walking towards the exit of the airport.

The black range rover they rode took Stevie throughout all of the nice sights of London and she couldn't help but roll down her window and stick her head out, just like a tourist... How come her dad never brought her to this beautiful city? oh well,  the answer is pretty obvious.

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