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It was already midday and the Hemmings and co haven't been able to reach half of the whole trail. Stevie and Silver were climbing a steep hill, wearing hiking boots and matching caps, both were happy they got to do this with their dad and his friends, despite the fact that thanks to Hayley it would take them the whole day to even reach the mountain. She wasn't a nature girl like she told Eleanor a while ago, but she thought she was in good shape or even capable to hike without having to stop every five minutes.

Stevie was the leader of the group of six and she enjoyed the camping trips she and her family took every year before class starts. Luke was a few feet behind her, watching his daughter walking confidently through the rough and rugged terrain. Balancing herself, she easily walked over a fallen timber and avoided the big rocks which were situated on the right side of it. Squealing in delight, she looked around and motioned her father to hurry up.

They were followed by Ashton and Michael, who also enjoyed the annual camping trip. Both easily balanced and walked over the same timber Luke and Stevie had passed. Stopping at the end of the timber, Ashton looked over to Silver, who was behind them, and he extended his hand to help his niece to walk easily over the same timber. She did it fast and easily, just like her sister.

Unfortunately, Hayley was the last one and while puffing and perspiring, dabbing sunscreen on her fake nose she tried to keep her balance but with a false step, she felt on her ass. The girls stifled a giggle as Luke rushed over to help her. Ashton and Michael let out a loud laugh enjoying the moment.

Silver stood behind her next to Ashton and both eyed the brunette warily. It was the hundredth time Hayley stopped ever since they started walking and they were becoming more and more annoyed at the evil skinny brunette who felt exhausted every ten seconds.

"I'm gonna kill my trainer... He says I'm in such great shape..." she seethed in between pants. Ashton let out a loud laugh.

"Then you have to find another trainer, cause honey, he's obviously lying," he said making the girl roll her eyes and send him a dirty look.

"I can't believe people actually do this for fun." Hayley continued complaining as she rubbed her legs that were burning in pain.

"Girls, hold on, we're stopping," Luke announced and Stevie halted and tried to straighten the angry expression that was coming to her face. Ashton took the time to sit on one of the rocks as well and retied his shoes. Silver ignored everyone as she was too busy picking up rocks on her way down to Hayley, and Michael was the same as Stevie, trying to contain his anger and annoyance at the girl in tight black leggings.

"Again?  Dad, at this rate, it'll take three days just to get up the mountain," she complained in an insisting tone and Luke gave her a quelling look.

"Remind me again why did we bring her?" Michael asked and Luke sighed at him and his immature attitude.

"Because I'm his future wife... whether you like it or not." Hayley snapped at him also looking at both of the girls while Ashton just scoffed at her.

"C'mon, let's just enjoy this... please," Luke said tired of everyone complaining. "Besides, Hayley isn't used to the altitude... Just chill, okay?" he said in a calm voice and Stevie rolled her eyes as Luke went a few feet away to check the trial. Stevie scowled as she turned back to Hayley and her eye caught her sister who sat directly behind the brunette woman. Silver gave her a small smirk as she opened the Prada backpack and started filling every pocket of it with the rocks she had gathered. Stevie's expression instantly lightened up, patting on Michael's arm to show him what her sister was doing and he giggled proudly at Silver.

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