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He drove through the large driveway and stopped in front of the white beach vibes house

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He drove through the large driveway and stopped in front of the white beach vibes house. Silver let herself out and looked at her new surroundings, she was taking it all in, from the gorgeous view of the beach and the sea to the house where Petunia, the bulldog was barking excitedly from the door where a certain man was anxiously waiting for them, he suddenly hugged her and she recognized him as Calum Hood, one of her father's best friends' and her almost uncle with whom she was also going to live.

"Hello kid!" he hugged her tightly. "You grew too much, please don't leave again, I can't live without my surf partner." He gushed, then in an undertone said, "Don't let that breadstick talk you out of going back to camp, its too much time" He said referring to Luke which made them laugh...  "now, c'mon, let's eat, I ordered some pizza, you're favorite... what? why are you so quiet, what's wrong?" he asked in a rapid-fire and Silver was still too overwhelmed to answer.

"Stop rambling mate, your scaring her," Michael interjected with a laugh, pushing Calum away from Silver and engulfing her in a hug of his own. "She barely had the time to speak in your ramblings."

Calum rolled his eyes and pushed him off Silver, smiling at her niece and hugging her again. She supposed Calum was her sister's favorite so that why he was so happy to see her.

"I'm fine" she laughed. " I'm just so happy to be home," she managed to say as her other uncle came out of the house, she didn't know they all were here.

"Omg, you're so big! what did they give you at camp, protein soup?" Ashton said holding her hands while she let out a loud laugh. "We missed you so much, Evie... That's a lot of time without the house's boss."

"Aw, c'mon it wasn't that long, you big babies, I missed you too." Silver said looking at the three dorks in front of her.

"Hey mate, I heard you ordered some pizza?" Luke asked, carrying Silver's bag.

Calum nodded his head towards the house, "Yeah, it's in the kitchen, Michael couldn't wait longer so he ate his pieces." he said making Silver laugh.

"So...  somethings changed about you Eve," Michael remarked, putting an arm around her niece and leading her to the foyer of the house, "Mmm, I can't put my finger on it but something has definitely changed." Silver just smiled as she peered up at Michael and hoped her cover wasn't blown.

"Really?" she asked, feigning surprise as she walked towards the yard looking at her surroundings of the huge house. "Well it's just the same old me," she said an then turned around.  Michael just smiled but was still studying his niece when Petunia barked and went over to her."

"Hi, piggy!" Silver exclaimed excitedly remembering the nickname her sister had for Petunia, with one sniff, the dog started barking angrily knowing she wasn't the real Stevie.  Silver looked worried and apparently, Michael was too since he slowly went over to the dog with a frown.

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