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Sydney, Australia

Silver James landed in Sydney by noon, her thoughts went to her sister and how she was doing with her mum at that very moment

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Silver James landed in Sydney by noon, her thoughts went to her sister and how she was doing with her mum at that very moment. She was nervous, in a few minutes she was going to meet her dad for the very first time, she didn't know what to think but she was excited to live this new part of her life. 

At that very moment, Luke Hemmings stood amongst other people waiting anxiously at the Kingsford Smith Airport, he was still as handsome and young as he was eleven years ago. He watched the passengers exit the gate and brightened up at the sight of his beautiful daughter. 

"Hey Stevie!" he called out her name with a big smile. "Welcome home sweetie!"

"Oh gosh, it's him" Silver breathed to herself when she saw him and touched her Pandora locket nervously before putting on a huge smile of pure excitement. She ran up to him and stopped just in front of him. He was exactly like in the pictures she saw of himself on the internet, he was just as handsome as everyone said, his eyes were just like her and he was so tall that she had to look up to see his face. 

Luke held out his hands with a big puppy smile plastered on his handsome face, "Get into these arms princess," he said holding out his arms

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Luke held out his hands with a big puppy smile plastered on his handsome face, "Get into these arms princess," he said holding out his arms.  

"Dad..." Silver smiled as she dropped her bag and finally wrapped her arms around her father. "Finally!... oh dad, I've missed you so much," she said as he picked her up and swung her around, planting a loving kiss on her cheek as he did so. 

"I hope you had such a great time at camp because you are not going to leave my side again, I missed you too much," Luke said in a kind of joking-serious voice as he cupped his daughter's cheek then kissed it. 

Silver smiled at him, hugging him tightly once again. She couldn't believe she was finally hugging her father. He kissed her hair and they started walking. 

"I see you've changed Eve, what happened to you kid? He said then measured the top of her head to his torso with the flat. of his hand, she was indeed tall for an eleven-year-old. "Have you gotten taller?" he asked and she just smiled at him. 

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